Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people
Arrels Fundació

Foto: Elisava
Housing that is offered as a safe and cozy night shelter for homeless people who can’t adapt to any other space. It tries to cover the most basic needs of the person, it is characterized by its low exigency, and seeks to strengthen the links with the people who use it.
The Zero Flat is conceived as an extension of the street, and for this reason, its regulations are more flexible, simple, and reduced than those that exist in shelters or other types of homes for the homeless. Thus, for example, people can access with dogs, drinks, and their luggage; smoking is allowed in a designated area, and length of stay is unlimited.
Partners / Funders
Among people who are monitored by Arrels Foundation, there were some who had been living in the street for years and were in a situation of high vulnerability. The Pis Zero (Flat Zero) project was born to answer to three situations: on one hand, offer a resource for 20% of homeless people who do not adapt to the Housing First model or to any other resource; offer a resource to those who can no longer stay in the place where they were staying, in order to prevent them from returning to the street; and, finally, have a temporary resource for people who are waiting to access an apartment or other accommodation resources.
Implementation level
Currently there is only a Flat Zero which is located in the Raval district of Barcelona, but given its good results, the Arrels Foundation intends to open more night-time resources of this type in other locations around the city of Barcelona.

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