Priorities today in innovation and transformation of social services in Europe

Campus Conferences and public events

Priorities today in innovation and transformation of social services in Europe

Photo: Diari ARA

Lecture by Alfonso Lara Montero, CEO of European Social Network (ESN)

Integrated care, digitization of services, evidence-based practice, predictive analytics, co-production and participation of users, recruitment and training of professionals, provision, or hiring and collaboration public-private, are today some of the main strategic areas of innovation in the Social Services sector throughout Europe. Despite the diversity of models, situations, resources or historical trajectories, most territories and countries today face similar challenges to consolidate and improve the Welfare System and adapt Social Services to the new societies of the 21st century.

Lecture held on the occasion of the inauguration of the Postgraduate Course of public management in Local Social Services, of ACM-UB-iSocial, 2020-2021 edition.


ACM Associació Catalana de Municipis
Universitat de Barcelona
Fundació iSocial

Conferències i debats

Acte de presentació de l'informe «Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials»

Presentation in Bilbao of the report “Technological innovation and social services”

Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria – BBF of Universidad Mondragón. (Held on 20/03(203).
Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials

Presentation in Barcelona of the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

NTT Data Auditorium: Avinguda Nova Icària, 221. Barcelona (Held on 22/11/2022)
Conference “Social Services at a crossroads: strengths and challenges in the post-Covid stage”

Conference “Social Services at a crossroads: strengths and challenges in the post-Covid stage”

Emi Vicente, President of the General Council of Social Work (held on 29/09/2021)
The challenge of creating value and positivity in organizations in turbulent times

The challenge of creating value and positivity in organizations in turbulent times

Xavier Marcet, International innovation consultant (held on 15/12/2020)
Will social services withstand the emerging challenges due to Covid19?

Will social services withstand the emerging challenges due to Covid19?

Carles Alsinet, director of Social Innovation Catedra in UdL (held on 16/09/2020)
The future is already here: technology and big data in Social Services

The future is already here: technology and big data in Social Services

Toni Codina, CEO & co-founder of iSocial Foundation (held on 17/06/2020)