Self-care and stress management in social service teams

Self-care and stress management in social service teams

Action training program for social service professionals from public institutions and third sector entities.
“There is nothing that can give you peace except yourself.” Ralph Waldo
Stress and burn-out situations are common in the social services sector. The causes can be very diverse: individually the lack of stimuli, expecting to meet expectations that are too high, routine tasks, not having the equipment or knowledge necessary to execute certain tasks; In the case of work teams, the misuse of time, misunderstanding between collaborators, little empathy, lack of organization or poorly channeled differences of opinion. Furthermore, burnout syndrome develops when the worker perceives a great distance between his own ideals and the reality of his work life.
It is important that social services professionals incorporate strategies to face potentially stressful situations, inherent to professional practice, and methods of care and self-care to be able to grow, act and relate in a healthy and quality work environment.
- Improve the skills to manage stressful situations inherent in the tasks of the Social Services teams
- Offer physical, emotional and cognitive self-care strategies in order to achieve a more harmonious attitude towards tensions
This course is aimed at professionals who do social intervention in the basic social intervention teams of the Social Services of City Councils and County Councils or third sector entities, and who are concerned about personal or general stress situations the team of professionals.
Guy Giménez, diploma in Business Management, Human Resources and Consulting and Graduated in “Integral Organizational Leadership”. Professional and researcher in the development of individual skills and collective intelligence, and change management in organizations, leadership and coaching.
Format and duration
The course lasts 16 hours, divided into 8 2-hour workshops, spread over 3 days, and can be done face-to-face or online:
- Concept of stress and burn-out
- Stress factors in social services
- Self-leadership in the face of stress: What reality do we build? Identification of limiting beliefs; Internal emotional fluidity
- Mindfulness practice
- Energy blockages and stress: bioenergetic practice
- Relational management as a balancing factor
- The mission and values as a factor of team cohesion
- Knowing how to set limits
Teaching team
Team of 2 specialists in human resources management in the field of social services with a long history of training and advice to local administrations and third sector entities. Consult the names and CVs of the teachers in the course brochure, by pressing the “More information” button.
Price and registration
- Open editions: €280 per professional (40% discount for iSocial member entities)
Registration procedure: - 1. Fill in and send the form you will find at the end of this page.
- 2.Subsequently, to make the registration for the course effective, you must send an email to with the PDF or image of the proof of payment for the course (€280). Payment must be made by transfer or deposit to the Caixabank account ES20 2100 0963 6102 0029 3169, in the name of the iSocial Foundation, indicating the name of the person registering and the course.
- From the sending of the form, the place will be reserved for one week. If after this period we have not received the payment documentation, the availability of places will not be guaranteed.
- The iSocial Foundation does not guarantee the completion of this training activity if a minimum number of students is not reached. Once registration has been formalized, the amount will not be refunded unless the organization cancels the training activity.
- For commissioned editions, hiring the full course costs €2,295 and allows the participation of teams of up to 25 professionals.
This training is bonusable.
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