Self-care and stress management in social service teams

Campus Training offer

Self-care and stress management in social service teams

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Action training program for social service professionals from public institutions and third sector entities.

There is nothing that can give you peace except yourself.” Ralph Waldo

Stress and burn-out situations are common in the social services sector. The causes can be very diverse: individually the lack of stimuli, expecting to meet expectations that are too high, routine tasks, not having the equipment or knowledge necessary to execute certain tasks; In the case of work teams, the misuse of time, misunderstanding between collaborators, little empathy, lack of organization or poorly channeled differences of opinion. Furthermore, burnout syndrome develops when the worker perceives a great distance between his own ideals and the reality of his work life.

It is important that social services professionals incorporate strategies to face potentially stressful situations, inherent to professional practice, and methods of care and self-care to be able to grow, act and relate in a healthy and quality work environment.

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