SmartNav4, mouse for using the computer with complete autonomy

Publications Bank of innovations

SmartNav4, mouse for using the computer with complete autonomy


SmartNav 4

Mouse that allows autonomous navigation for people with ALS

SmartNav4 is the fourth generation of a mouse that facilitates computer use for people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and other conditions that reduce mobility.

With the integrated Dwell Clicking software and a free on-screen keyboard created by Lake Software, SmartNav4 works using a small sticker made of reflective material that can be placed anywhere on the face and a sensor located above the screen. By moving the head, the computer pointer can be controlled without the need to use hands. To click, simply stop on a specific target for a configurable amount of time.

This way, the movement required to operate the mouse is minimal compared to other accessories that place a heavy load on different parts of the body, such as the wrist. People with ALS can thus write emails, respond to WhatsApp messages, and perform any action on the computer completely autonomously.

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