The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

Publications News

The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.


“Pensamiento creativo y acción social innovadora”, by Sílvia Navarro, is the book that has just come out and that we recommend for this Saint George Day. You can buy it now on the CCS publisher’s website with a 5% discount and they will also send it free of charge at home or at work. To get a first tasting, you can download the index and the introduction in our iSocial library.

The sociologist and social worker Sílvia Navarro, collaborator of the iSocial Foundation, analyzes in this ambitious 541-page book the need for the social action sector to rethink and innovate today, and at the same time offers us clues and tools practices how to do it. And also accompanied by magnificent illustrations by the cartoonist Laia Giné.

The book has been written based on the reflection and materials used by Silvia Navarro for years in her workshops and seminars on creativity and innovation in the field of social action. Navarro proposes to recover a critical, involved, creative, innovative, transformative social action, because many signals indicate that there are many challenges that no longer support waiting, that there is no alternative, because the alternatives are waiting to be created by us. According to her, “there are other avenues for social action, another way of understanding and doing it, of living it to fill it with life. We have not run out of paths, but we have to change them, we have to create them because the usual ones no longer lead us. “

Sílvia Navarro’s book is and will be a reference book for those who believe in the importance and need of innovation in the field of social action; an invitation to travel, to imagine, to dare, to try and to experiment, to let “things happen” in the social action sector.


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