Bitàcola, mental health prevention service in work environments

Publications Bank of innovations

Bitàcola, mental health prevention service in work environments

Fundació Joia


Coaching service for individuals experiencing psychological distress that adversely affects their personal and professional lives

Bitàcola is a program aimed at safeguarding emotional health and well-being through the prevention and detection of psychological distress caused by work-related or personal stressors. In this regard, the goal is to promote an optimal mental state that enables users to enhance their capabilities across all aspects of life.

Various tools are employed during consultations, including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), mindfulness, and mindfulness-based techniques. Each session lasts for 45 minutes. The professional team comprises experienced coaches and accredited psychologists with multidisciplinary backgrounds in clinical psychology, pedagogy, and coaching methods.

The service equips individuals with tools to achieve their career and personal goals in a short period. It also serves as a preventive measure against job loss due to psychological distress, catering to both employed individuals and those on leave due to mental health issues.

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