Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

Publications Bank of innovations

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

Adinberri Foundation, Eusko Jaurlaritza (Basque Government)


Predictive telecare that allows for preventive and personalized action

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation. The initiative aims to address social issues such as loneliness, home safety, abuse, cognitive decline, and lack of socio-family support.

The predictive model operates through technological solutions such as speech processing, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things), and technologies that facilitate interoperability and standardization, such as open platforms.

The system will be integrated into the Public Telecare Service of Euskadi (betiON), a service that allows users to communicate with specialized professionals in emergency or risk situations. BetiON can be used by people over 75 years old who live alone, people over 65 years old in situations or at risk of dependency, people with various types of disabilities or mental illnesses, and people in situations of social isolation.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

Publications Bank of innovations

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users



A tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

I·ROC is based on a self-assessment questionnaire that follows the HOPE model, an approach that analyzes four areas of personal well-being (home, opportunity, people, and empowerment). Each area includes three indicators that the user must score from 1 to 6. This provides a holistic view of personal well-being.

The tool is available in both paper and digital formats and provides a solid framework for initiating conversations between professionals and users. It also offers a variety of innovative and easy-to-use tools that promote self-management with tips and techniques.

Mental health professionals can obtain individual reports of their patients at any time through the online platform (I·ROC Digital), available for multiple devices. Similarly, entities can consult global data on the user base to evaluate the impact of their projects and programs. Patients also have access to their results and the various support materials offered by the platform.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

Publications Bank of innovations

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide



Research project to prevent suicide through artificial intelligence applied to social networks

According to the latest data from the INE, 4,227 people died by suicide in Spain in 2022. It is the highest number ever recorded in the country. One of the most concerning issues is the increase in suicide among adolescents, as cases have significantly risen from 53 to 75 compared to 2021. According to the WHO, each suicide has a severe emotional impact, at least on six people in the victim’s environment.

STOP is a research project that studies mental health problems on social networks through Artificial Intelligence. The goal is to find patterns related to the high risk of suicide and other disorders that can lead to this issue, such as depression or eating disorders. When a user matching a risk profile is detected, a targeted prevention campaign is launched, including information like the Helpline, available 24 hours a day, and other suicide prevention hotlines.

Some indicators taken into account include the times at which the person publishes content, interactions received from other users, their interests, and the type of posts. The team, consisting of psychologists, engineers, and psychiatrists, has developed algorithms that detect suicidal behavior patterns with 85% accuracy through texts, images, and social activities on Twitter.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Mentegram, therapeutic monitoring of patients in mental health treatment

Publications Bank of innovations

Mentegram, therapeutic monitoring of patients in mental health treatment



Tool that allows evaluating and monitoring the daily behavior of individuals in therapeutic treatment

Mentegram is a platform that allows for daily monitoring of the state of patients in mental health consultations. The instruments and detection criteria can be customized according to the individual or, if preferred, pre-configured ones can be used. This way, therapists can adapt the treatment in each case more reliably.

This monitoring also allows for session optimization and time-saving, as professionals obtain a quick overview of how patients have been in the days leading up to the visit. The tool also enables the detection of risk situations to act preventively.

Additionally, the application offers the possibility of sharing educational materials, instructions, questionnaires, and reminders with users through their mobile devices. Furthermore, the platform collects information on patient evaluations, staff workload, and clinical effectiveness.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

AutisMIND, an application to stimulate the social cognition of children with ASD

Publications Bank of innovations

AutisMIND, an application to stimulate the social cognition of children with ASD



The tool enhances the ability to empathize with others in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

There are more and more experiences and studies endorsing that technology is a particularly useful resource to support therapeutic and learning processes in children with ASD. Whether through robotics or specialized computer programs, research is showing the benefits of this approach.

AutisMIND is a mobile application that supports families and professionals in working on the development of social thinking and theory of mind in children with ASD, that is, the ability of individuals to be aware of the feelings, desires, and beliefs of others when acting.

The AutisMIND application addresses ten different aspects of socio-cognitive development with six levels of difficulty and a total of over a thousand interactive and playful exercises. Some of the topics it covers include interpreting emotions in context, anticipating actions, physical sensations, and symbolism.

The platform presents learning in a simple and dynamic way. On one hand, it uses sharp images with simple outlines that avoid overstimulating the child. On the other hand, it includes visual reinforcements that enhance the interest, attention, and motivation of the user. The functions are adaptable to the needs of each person, and statistics allow evaluating progress and achieved milestones.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

BRUS, accompaniment to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction

Publications Bank of innovations

BRUS, accompaniment to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction

Center for Digital Paedagogik (CfDP)


Program that seeks to break the taboo of addictions in families

BRUS is an initiative aimed at young people up to 24 years old who live in families affected by alcohol and drug addiction. The primary objective is to break the taboo surrounding these issues through in-person meetings and an anonymous chat service. Additionally, the program encourages young individuals to focus on their own needs rather than taking responsibility for situations they cannot control.

The online chat provides access to individuals who may initially be hesitant about seeking face-to-face treatment or are unable to physically attend a center. This virtual format allows vulnerable individuals to express their experiences, regardless of their location. Furthermore, the online platform enables safer and more confident self-expression, allowing them to articulate their feelings more effectively.

Users can choose whether they want to maintain continuity with the same therapist across multiple sessions or start anew each time and switch therapists. BRUS also facilitates communication for young people who have completed the therapeutic process but wish to stay connected with the center.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Catalan Government, Save The Children

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

A pioneering integrated unit in Catalonia and Spain, made up of a specialised multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to avoid the re-victimisation of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse and to provide all the necessary care in a single space.

Barnahus (children’s house in icelandic) is a project to help children and young people –from 0 to 18 years of age– who have suffered sexual abuse and to prevent aggression against minors. It puts the victim of sexual abuse at the centre, working in a single space with all the care services they need and minimising the traumatic experience of reliving the aggression. This avoids victims having to go through courts, police stations, hospitals and children’s services. It is promoted by Save the Children and is supported by five Catalan government departments, mainly the Social Rights department, but in coordination with the Health, Education, Justice and Interior departments.

Barnahus has a welcoming and friendly appearance to provide security, comfort and confidence to children and their families. There are separate rooms to preserve privacy, a kitchen-dining room, offices and a medical examination room. The psychosocial team –consisting of psychologists and social workers with a coordinator– works full time, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and also offers translation services.

Catalonia already has centers in Tarragona, Manresa, and Lleida. In 2024, Intress, a partner entity of the iSocial Foundation, has promoted the opening of a Barnahus facility in Terrassa and in La Seu d’Urgell. On February 27th, the Idea Foundation, also a member of iSocial, will inaugurate a center in Granollers.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

By My Side, an app that offers support to drug-dependent women

Publications Bank of innovations

By My Side, an app that offers support to drug-dependent women

Simon Community Scotland, AND Digital

Application that offers support, advice and resources to women who consume drugs to facilitate access to information and proper decision making to improve their health and well-being.

drug addiction treatment

In order to address the misinformation and harms of drug use among women, which often leads to death, and in conjunction with technology consultancy AND Digital, who have volunteered their digital knowledge and expertise, Simon Community Scotland (SCS) has created By My Side. This app provides evidence-based harm reduction advice that is easily accessible to people who use the charity’s services.

It is designed by women for women. While primarily focused on advice on preventing drug-related harm, the app also has wider resources, such as guidance and guidelines on issues and mental health management and support for people affected by domestic or sexual violence. Thus, the app allows the most relevant advice and resources to be accessible and available to women without ever having to approach a service if they do not want it. The By My Side app enables them to access high quality information and make informed decisions about their health, wellbeing and safety.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

SällBo, intergenerational and multicultural housing to combat loneliness

Publications Bank of innovations

SällBo, intergenerational and multicultural housing to combat loneliness


SallBo Canasta 2 1

Multicultural and multigenerational residential space to combat loneliness and promote social cohesion between generations and cultures. The social housing and integration project provides incentives and areas for residents to interact socially and in company.

The SällBo building, designed by the municipal housing company Helsinborgshem, is intended for people over 70 and under 25. It aims to create a new way of living where the generations can meet within the social life of the center. Beyond that, it is also designed to bring cultures together and promote social cohesion: some of the young people living there are refugees who arrived in the country as unaccompanied minors. The primary objective of the project is none other than to break the involuntary loneliness in which these groups find themselves, especially the elderly and young people who are beginning their process of integration into the host society.

In order to access housing in this building, which is made up of 51 flats for rent, the cost of which is around €400, it is compulsory –and signed by contract– to socialise with other residents for at least two hours each week. Tenants are selected individually through interviews, always prioritising the diversity of profiles and origins.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Moods, promoting good screen use among teenagers and young people

Publications Bank of innovations

Moods, promoting good screen use among teenagers and young people

Nous Cims Foundation and Adsis Foundation

Community intervention project with a comprehensive approach to prevent risks in the use of new technologies among adolescents and young people and promote their proper use.

The Moods Project was born from the realisation that, in a modernity governed by social networks and mobile phones that change the way we live and relate to each other, new technologies pose new challenges and risks –such as addiction, pathological gambling, grooming, cyberbullying or social isolation– to be prevented. Specifically, it is aimed at adolescents and young people, as the name of the project indicates: mood is the English word that refers to the state of mind and is a colloquial expression widely used among young people.

The project is developed through a set of workshops and interventions that are carried out in secondary schools with the aim of promoting the good use of screens among students. It is well known that the use they make of social networks and new technologies is diverse and can have consequences on mental health. Through the workshops, participants reflect on and become aware of their use of screens. Thus, the project provides them with tools that allow them to identify risky and addictive behaviours. In addition, the workshops encourage critical thinking –allowing them to reflect on video games and online gambling, for example– and debate on the values that are transmitted through networks and on the need and importance of combining virtual leisure with live leisure. The project includes an impact evaluation plan that allows measuring and assessing the changes produced among participants through questionnaires.

The project has been implemented in the neighbourhood of Horta Guinardó, in Barcelona, and in Quatre Carreres, in Valencia, where a team of professionals has given workshops to young people aged between 12 and 16 in secondary schools in the neighbourhoods. Apart from workshops in secondary schools, the project also includes prevention workshops in leisure and free time organisations and training for families and teaching teams from the schools.

Banc d’innovacions

Energy Control

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Energy Control is a drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation.
From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia