Help to care, support for people who care for others

Publications Bank of innovations

Help to care, support for people who care for others

NHS, The Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Partnership and DLC 

help to care

Innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others

Help to Care can be downloaded for free and is designed to help caregivers find appropriate information when identifying health problems. The application is intended as a portable quick guide that can be accessed without an internet connection. It follows the standards of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

It includes guides, tips and videos on common illnesses such as diabetes, urinary tract infections and respiratory problems. It also offers a section that allows determining if a person is developing a serious health problem that requires medical assistance.

One of the purposes is to empower those who care for someone’s health, whether professionals or not, so they can make the best decisions in the care they provide. Additionally, it provides resources so that caregivers can detect and act on potential health problems, as their close contact with the individuals they care for allows them to perceive anomalous situations more quickly.

Banc d’innovacions

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