

We publish a quarterly newsletter, a bimonthly bulletin of internal news for member organisations, press releases and short news items to inform about the Foundation’s activities.

iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

iSocial and UPC have started a study to predict the impact that COVID19 will have on the Social Services of the municipalities

The Catalan Government, ACM, FMC and the Barcelona Regional Government are taking part. The prospective study INESS-COVID19 aims to know the vulnerabilities of the Catalan population in the coming months and provide elements of decision that allow the 104 Basic Areas of Social Services of Catalonia to deal with them.
The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

It has just been published. It is the book “Creative thinking and innovative social action”, by sociologist and social worker Sílvia Navarro, contributor to iSocial. A reference book and essential for those of us who believe in innovation in social action. You can buy it now on the publisher’s website and consult the index and the introduction in our newspaper library.
iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

The Board, gathered online, made a first diagnosis of the situation in the Social Services in Catalonia, of the consequences that the pandemic and its effects will have on the most vulnerable population, and the answers that we want to provide from iSocial .
Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

About 200 people participated on March 10 in the closing conference of the reflection cycle “Big date and Social Services”, organized by the iSocial Foundation. For 6 months, more than 400 people have participated in the series of debates and seminars of this cycle held at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona.
iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

We attended the Meeting at UPF with 14 other project partner organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece, Czech Republic and Spain. Welcome’s goal is to research and develop smart technologies to support the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.
The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

Alfonso L. Montero gave a brilliant opening conference on “Priorities today in innovation and transformation of Social Services in Europe”. The course began on February 5 and will end on December 16.
iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

Classes will begin on February 5. The course is addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of the 937 city councils members of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM). The course will be managed by the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona and the iSocial Foundation. It is a university program of 30 credits and 256 hours of classes.
A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

On November 19, Palau Macaya de Barcelona hosted the 3rd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services” of the iSocial Foundation, in which four experts discussed the opportunities and limits of introducing predictive systems and automation processes in the Social Services sector. The debate was led by the data science professor of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Conesa.
The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

On Tuesday, October 29th, at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona, the 2nd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”, organized by iSocial Foundation, has received 72 participants, mainly from city councils, academics and Third sector entities.
1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

Have participated the 60 professionals of the Social Action Service of the municipality. The course consists of 9 workshops, which until February will deal with how to apply Person-centered Care and the European model of Self-directed Support in primary attention of Social Services. A manual of intervention guidelines will also be developed.
New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

On October 15 the Social Foundation and other 8 organizations, we have taken the kick-off meeting of the project, which will develop and experience a package of digital tools for mobile phones aimed at improving and strengthening the socio-educational accompaniment that the Catalan Government’s attention and protection system offers to about 4,000 adolescents and young people migrated alone.
Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

In a debate organized by the iSocial Foundation on October 10, the invited experts say that the lack of a clear identity, invisibility or, even, a distorted and stigmatized image, are now a burden for the responsible administrations And for professionals working in Social Services.
We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

Welcome is a Horizon 2020 project led by UPF with 5 participating countries. The smartphone assistant will facilitate the knowledge of the host society and the processes of labor insertion, based on information appropriate to the profile of each person, and will provide information on the most frequent demands of the immigrants and refugees.
An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

In this inaugural lecture, Mrs. Richmond answered the question of why with Big Data can we respond better to the needs of the citizens ?. The cycle will continue on October 29, with the debate How can we improve today’s social services through Big Data, and other activities on November 19, January 31 and March 10.
The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Catalan Government, Chakir el Homrani, has presented the base document for the Strategic Plan for social services 2020-2024, which aims to respond to the current challenges, achieve a universal offer, and at the same time articulate and organize – To overcome current fragmentation and to deploy an information, innovation, knowledge and research system.
The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

The Alzheimer’s Platform and the Maresme Foundation, the first partner-collaborating entities

Amb l’objectiu d’ampliar la base social d’iSocial neix la modalitat dels socis-col·laboradors: organitzacions que entren a formar part d’iSocial per participar en els espais interns de generació de projectes (Labs) i per col·laborar en l’impuls de la fundació i el seu sosteniment econòmic. La Federació d’Alzheimer i la Fundació Maresme han estat les primeres organitzacions a donar aquest pas.