Noves Oportunitats, educational center for training and job placement for youth

Publications Bank of innovations

Noves Oportunitats, educational center for training and job placement for youth

Fundació El Llindar

Model of accompaniment and guidance that combines quality and qualified training and work to combat educational dropout

The Educational Center Noves Oportunitats advocates for extended, comprehensive, and personalized training pathways. Thus, it guides and accompanies young people towards adulthood by promoting their return to the educational system and access to professional qualification. The program offers tailored itineraries for each individual. Youth can choose from various training offerings, ranging from a flexible adapted ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education) to a certified Level 2 Vocational Training.

The program consists of three phases. The first corresponds to Initial Qualified and Specialized Vocational Training (Levels 1 and 2). Secondly, young people have access to training grants for internships in different workplaces. Finally, the Noves Oportunitats Educational Center offers the Youth Services area. This last phase is designed to extend professional training while guaranteeing real work experience through companies with social economy models.

Beyond promoting education and work experience, the center guides and accompanies young people through personal meeting spaces where, jointly, their professional future is constructed. Students acquire transversal competencies such as learning ability, teamwork, and responsibility.

Banc d’innovacions

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