Predictive tool for vulnerability situations, to improve the planning of social services.

Publications Bank of innovations

Predictive tool for vulnerability situations, to improve the planning of social services.

Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament (ABD), Momentum Analytics

Big Data Serveis Socials

Image taken from the Unsplash website.

A predictive tool of needs and situations of vulnerability and inequality of the population that, based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, makes it possible to describe the socio-demographic and economic characteristics of families in the territory with the aim of helping municipal social services to better understand current real needs, predict future needs, size the portfolio of services and plan resources.

The tool has been applied for the first time in the neighbourhoods of the municipalities of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Premià de Mar and Mollet del Vallés, and has enabled a better understanding of the impact of Covid on the most vulnerable population, with the participation of the social services, basic information management and open government teams of these three municipalities.

Momentum Analytics, together with the Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo ABD, after years of developing the solution and talking to all the actors in the sector – central and regional governments, town councils, provincial councils, county councils, the third sector, foundations, associations, NGOs, energy companies, water companies – have crystallized the project with the implementation in these first three municipalities.

According to the expert Dr. Josep Maria Picas, “we are at the beginning of a project that will be fascinating, based on the information from the data of the social services of the town councils which, together with other community services such as health, will allow our assistance to the population to be unbeatable. We have a great opportunity”.

ADB Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament

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