Soy Cappaz, support for the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Soy Cappaz, support for the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities

Fundació Mapfre i Fundació GMP

Mobile application that promotes the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities in their daily life and work environments. The tool increases the freedom and security of the person with a disability, and the peace of mind of their professional or family members, thanks to better coordination between the user and the support staff, who can follow the activity of the person with a disability with alerts and in real time.

Soy Cappaz has 4 main functionalities: calendar, where I am, my work and I need help. The first one, calendar, allows remembering important appointments and is synchronised with Google Calendar, so that it can be updated by a support person from any device. Secondly, the where I am function is useful for commuting and keeps support people informed of delays or detours. My Jobs has personalised videos on specific tasks (such as how to use the printer at work or how to put the washing machine on) and can be activated by scanning sticker barcodes. Finally, the I need help button allows you to communicate directly with support people in case of an emergency.

It is an easy-to-use tool adapted to the needs of the target group, including tutorials on how to use it. The aim is to reduce the employment gap suffered by people with intellectual disabilities through a practical and simple tool that facilitates their daily and working life.