Virtea, virtual reality to reduce stress for people with ASD

Publications Bank of innovations

Virtea, virtual reality to reduce stress for people with ASD


Virtual reality application that allows the recreation of different scenarios that are part of a specific activity to approach the situations in which people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will find themselves.

Virtea is focused on preparing children with ASD for stressful situations through the recreation of scenarios, which are part of the training that children will have to face different events. Everyday situations such as visiting a doctor, getting a haircut or waiting for the bus can generate a lot of nerves and anxiety. For this reason, virtual reality makes the journey from the waiting room to the doctor’s office, or to the hairdresser’s chair: Virtea makes it possible to work under conditions that in the future will be natural in a completely controlled context.

The recreation has been supervised by specialists, working as realistically as possible, and every detail is recreated, including the sunlight from the window. The recreation tries to be as warm as possible through the lighting, both interior and exterior, to lower the stress levels of the user.

The benefits of this tool are threefold: anticipation, stress reduction and improved quality of life. Firstly, anticipation helps to improve the attitude towards new situations that are out of the usual routine. In these moments of fear or discomfort, Virtea helps to reduce stress and this improves the quality of life of people with ASD and their families. The previous work allows to control anxious situations.

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