Gillie.AI, artificial intelligence that monitors patients at home

Publications Bank of innovations

Gillie.AI, artificial intelligence that monitors patients at home


Image taken from Gillie.AI’s website

Cloud service that, thanks to Gillie.AI technology, analyzes the medical and welfare data of people with long-term care needs, to turn them into practical information and personalize their attention.

Artificial intelligence allows those who take care of patients at home to constantly monitor their physical and mental wellbeing through a platform that monitors the condition of patients remotely.

Gillie.AI’s software analyzes the reports that workers produce when visiting patients and draws conclusions: if there has been an improvement, if the patient’s situation has worsened in a particular aspect… By doing this, risk patterns can be easily identified and urgent needs can be anticipated.

In addition, professionals can organise patients’ visits according to how critical their state is and receive direct notifications to their smartphones in case of emergency.

GILLIE Healthcare

Banc d’innovacions