Luzía, an intelligent watch for the prevention and protection of risk situations in elderly people

Luzía, an intelligent watch for the prevention and protection of risk situations in elderly people

Watch to detect risk situations and facilitate healthy aging at home for the elderly from 60 years old. It automatically analyzes data on physical activity, vital signs, location, etc. and identifies any type of strange behavior.
Family members have access to the device’s information and receive notifications on their cell phones. In the event that any anomaly is detected (inactivity, a fall, heart problems, leaving the safety zone…) the watch itself contacts the person at the who is using it to ask how he/she is, and if he/she does not respond it automatically calls the family members or contact persons. In addition, Luzía is able to detect if the answering machine has been triggered or if the telephone it is trying to contact is switched off. Therefore, the watch keeps insisting until it succeeds in contacting someone. Luzía is capable of storing up to 1,000 daily records of each user in the cloud.
The goal is to facilitate aging at home, through an advanced solution for protection and prevention of critical situations. It is an affordable and accessible technology, since it does not require the user to have a cell phone, to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
Characteristics of innovation
Partners / Funders
SeniorDomo’s co-founder, Ángel Puertas, explains that we are heading towards an aging society with insufficient resources to provide quality care for all the elderly. The mission is to combine technology and human resources to have a sustainable social and healthcare sector.
The Luzía project was born after two years of research to find solutions for the elderly who need protection but do not have a smartphone or internet connection.
Level of implementation
SeniorDomo has already distributed more than 500 Luzía watches, which have made more than 4,500 calls. The Luzía watches have managed to contact the nearest relative in 24 seconds on average, thus avoiding possible problems due to waiting times or saturated lines in emergency centers.

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