Misty II, a robot for improving the quality of life of the elderly living alone

Publications Bank of innovations

Misty II, a robot for improving the quality of life of the elderly living alone

Saltó Group, Barcelona City Council

Foto: Barcelona City Council

A robot that moves and interacts with the elderly and offers them support, assistance, and surveillance  by asking them questions about their daily habits (medication, cleaning, eating, etc.) or how do they feel. It can also track or search for users, and it may enable videoconferences with medical services or other services as needed.

The city of Barcelona is carrying out a pilot test with this robot of the Lleida-based company Saltó Group, in some twenty homes for the elderly, in order to study how far the robot can improve the quality of life and the well-being of people  with some kind of dependency, as well as of the caregivers through the assistance of this social robot. It will study, among other things, whether the robot helps to reduce the isolation of the elderly, whether it is used to monitor their health, or if it is useful to improve  patient-adherence to medication medication or attendance to medical visits.

The project also seeks fairness in the care of the elderly so that not only those with a family network or those with higher purchasing power are receiving the right care.

Group Salto
Ajuntament de Barcelona

Banc d’innovacions

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