OSM, support for essential professionals to deal with crisis situations and strong stress

Publications Bank of innovations

OSM, support for essential professionals to deal with crisis situations and strong stress


Program to help first responders and professionals of essential services (social, health sector, emergency…) manage crisis and stress situations, such as Covid-19.  It features online tools, such as Podcasts recorded by specialists, and also in-person activities, based on the OSM method (Operational Stress Management).

The OSM method works the resilience to adversity, teamwork, stress management, and decision-making in crisis contexts.  It addresses essential service professionals who work not only in situations of physical danger, but also of great psychological pressure, and who suffer from anxiety, depression, stress and, in extreme cases, risk of suicide.  The goal of the OSM programme is that public servants are able to serve citizenship in a more effective and at the same time healthy way.


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