Self Sufficiency Matrix, matrix for evaluation independent-living capability

Publications Bank of innovations

Self Sufficiency Matrix, matrix for evaluation independent-living capability

Amsterdam Town Hall

Computer application that allows measuring a person’s ability to be self-sufficient, that is, to carry out daily activities independently

Until now, the assessment of an individual’s self-sufficiency was subjective, as it depended on the evaluator’s opinion. The Self Sufficiency Matrix (SSM) is based on eleven parameters that affect the effectiveness, productivity, and quality of life of the person. Income, housing, social network, and mental health are some examples. The tool allows the evaluator to obtain a relatively simple and comprehensive view of a complex concept.

The SSM captures “a snapshot” of a person’s specific moment. For this reason, generally, information older than 30 days is discarded. Additionally, the person’s background or future predictions about their state are not included. The program is divided into five levels of self-sufficiency, from less to more.

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