eKauri, advanced telecare for elderly people, with disabilities, or in dependency situations

Publications Bank of innovations

eKauri, advanced telecare for elderly people, with disabilities, or in dependency situations

Association for Independent Living, Eurecat


Third-generation teleassistance that improves the quality of life for elderly people, individuals with disabilities, or those in dependent situations.

eKauri is an innovative tool for individuals who live alone or spend many hours alone at home and find themselves in some form of dependency situation. This device provides support to caregivers and family members with the aim of making the home a safer space, without compromising the privacy and independence of the person.

The system learns from the user and their environment by studying their routines and habits, in order to predict the user’s condition and anticipate future problems. eKauri adapts to each home in a personalized way through presence, lighting, and temperature sensors that monitor the attitude, behavior, and habits of the person.

Caregivers and family members receive alerts, summaries, and statistics about the data processed by the tool. Some of the functionalities include recording accessed rooms, exits from home, and sleep monitoring.

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