Leaves, an online bereavement support service for older adults.

Publications Bank of innovations

Leaves, an online bereavement support service for older adults.


Online program to support the eldery who are grieving the loss of a spouse. The focus of the program is on exploring new ways of self-care, to encourage positive thinking through finding strengths and ways to feel comfortable, active and joyful.

Leaves consists of 10 modules containing reading material and exercises that help bereaved people reflect on their current situation and how they can adjust to life without a partner. In addition, it also provides indirect support to close family members and informal caregivers. That is, with the support of the bereaved, families and close relatives can reduce worry and stress.

The developed model also has a virtual assistant called SOL (virtual abstract conversational entity). This agent does navigational support and guides users from readings and exercises to final reflections and users’ state of mind.

The program is dedicated to providing people with learning experiences and information on topics such as common grief reactions, prolonged bereavement, and assessment of the bereaved situation. It is a support for life adjustment after the loss, trying to give new meaning and find some hope within the new situation.

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