Park4Dis, making it easier for people with reduced mobility to find a parking space

Park4Dis, making it easier for people with reduced mobility to find a parking space

Digital platform for the management and access to parking spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility.
It is a free webapp that offers users the location of parking spaces for people with reduced mobility. Once the space is located it directs to the place through GoogleMaps. It also informs about the specific rules of each municipality that apply to people with disabilities, and shows the restricted traffic zones of each municipality. The application also allows offline use by downloading maps.
Park4Dis has registered more than 39,000 parking spaces in Spain for people with reduced mobility, located in 230 different municipalities. To obtain information on existing spaces, it relies on the collaboration of local social entities and volunteers who help to map them. The service also works with public institutions, vIt is an approach aimed at changing the paradigm from smart cities to smart human cities.
Park4Dis was born from the difficulty that people with reduced mobility often have in finding the location of reserved parking spaces, in addition to the lack of knowledge of the regulations by many municipalities. That is why its transversality allows to gather all the information in a single App, promoting accessible and interurban mobility.
Characteristics of innovation
Partners / Funders
ACCIO and ONCE Foundation
The initiative began in 2019, thanks to the support and funding of the ONCE Foundation.
Par4Dis is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations and marked to the 2030 Agenda. Specifically, the app contributes to Goal 10, reducing inequalities affecting people with disabilities, Goal 11, promoting inclusive cities and accessible transportation, and Goal 17, forming partnerships and collaborating with local, regional and national public and private entities.
Level of implementation
Park4Dis has won the Entrepreneurial Talent with Disability Award at the Entrepreneur Awards edition, defining its project as “the Google Maps of people with reduced mobility”.
Its great challenge is to extend its use to the more than 5 million potential users in Europe.

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