Mapathon UPC, a web platform that gathers geolocated points on a map

Publications Bank of innovations

Mapathon UPC, a web platform that gathers geolocated points on a map


Mapathon UPC

An open web platform that allows for the collection of geolocated points on a map collaboratively

Mapathon UPC is a tool aimed at groups and collectives wishing to highlight and raise awareness of the impact of certain social issues or needs in specific locations through a map where they are geolocated. The information collection process is collaborative, involving social entities, public administration, and the UPC community, among others. Participants only need mobile phones or tablets with Android system, GPS, and Internet access to participate in the mapping.

Mapathon addresses various issues, from identifying architectural barriers hindering accessibility to points of risk for gender-based violence and areas of waste accumulation, among others. It also allows for a more positive focus by helping to identify resting places or safe spaces.

The duration of the data collection process typically ranges from one to two hours, although it can exceptionally last a week. Once the map is completed, it cannot be updated, serving as an «snapshot» of reality at a given time. Additionally, the platform generates a report that organizes the data and aids decision-making.

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