Memory Center Platform, an interactive platform that brings the experiences of migrants closer together

Publications Bank of innovations

Memory Center Platform, an interactive platform that brings the experiences of migrants closer together

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, SO-CLOSE Consortium

Multimodal and multilingual digital platform that collects heritages, testimonies, experiences and narratives around the phenomena of displacement and forced migration in order to help build complex identities and foster social cohesion between refugees and European host societies.

It harnesses the benefits of innovative digital and artistic tools to facilitate cultural exchange, storing and managing a wide range of content (documents, videos, images, texts). It is available in 6 languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Greek and Polish) and is accessible to institutions, academics, artists and the general public.

This software platform represents the final archive of all the content produced throughout the life of the So-Close project, so of cultural heritage on refugees and migrants. In fact, it is the culmination of the project: it stores and makes it possible to search, view, share, download and aggregate the materials created. Thus, the MCP contains digital maps, virtual exhibitions that allow the sharing of tangible and intangible elements of the countries of origin and host countries, and interactive and immersive video documentaries. In this sense, the MCP interacts with the three digital tools created during the project –Storymap, Webdoc and Exhibition– with the aim of sharing and pooling cultural heritage. Apart from preserving and gathering all these generated contents, it also connects them with similar initiatives thanks to the social network tracker and allows the user to be a co-creator of new cultural materials.

In addition, this platform provides a number of basic accessibility functions –such as font size modification or font adaptation for people with dyslexia, among others– for people with functional diversity. These functions can be easily activated by users.

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