Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Publications Bank of innovations

Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Xunta de Galicia

by whereslugo on Unsplash

Program for the social reintegration of ex-prisoners, which offers personalized itineraries tailored to the needs of each participant, with both technical and personal preparation, as well as training and support activities for work integration. The goal is for those who have been released from prison to expand their competencies and improve their personal and professional skills to help them on their path to full inclusion.

The program is part of the Social Inclusion Strategy of Galicia 2014-2020, designed and funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Social Fund. It has been developed so far in a single prison, Teixeiro, and has benefited more than 1,500 inmates.

Xunta de Galicia

Banc d’innovacions