SOM Salut Mental 360, digital platform to guide, accompany and raise awareness of mental health issues

Publications Bank of innovations

SOM Salut Mental 360, digital platform to guide, accompany and raise awareness of mental health issues

Sant Joan de Déu

Image from Pexels.

A digital platform based on co-creation between users, family members, healthcare professionals, the social sector and the educational environment, and the general public, which aims to inform, accompany, empower and raise awareness of mental health.

The portal incorporates up-to-date content in the field of mental health and will progressively expand the diversity of formats. The aim is to create an intelligent platform that offers content adapted to the preferences of the individual and generates an optimal user experience. In addition, users are the main prescribers of the platform, making it a reliable and secure source of information for anyone who needs accurate information on the field of mental health.

SOM Salut Mental 360 currently offers digital meetings, expert consultation sessions, witnesses from health professionals, users, family members, educators and associations, as well as informative and monographic articles, among others. All the information on the platform is reviewed by a multidisciplinary scientific committee to guarantee the veracity of the information.

The project also offers thematic portals where you can find all the information on a topic or pathology. The first three are focused on eating disorders (ED), autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and depressive disorders.

SOM Salud Mental 360

Banc d’innovacions