Fuel Poverty Group, defending the right to energy

Publications Bank of innovations

Fuel Poverty Group, defending the right to energy

ABD, EcoServeis

Imatges Posts Web 21 min 2

Network of individuals and entities from different fields to combat energy poverty

Fuel Poverty Group promotes tools to reduce the amount of the gas and electricity bill by understanding the concepts that appear on the bill, as well as practical advice in daily life to make rational and efficient use of energy.

On the other hand, they also organize preventive and empowerment actions such as workshops, personalized information points, assistance in procedures, and interventions to defend energy rights.

A person is in a situation of energy poverty when they have difficulty paying for electricity, water, or gas supplies, or when they are unable to afford the economic cost of maintaining adequate temperature and humidity conditions in their home. According to the organization, this poverty has effects and consequences on the health, economy, and well-being of people who are in situations of greater social vulnerability.

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