Vincles BCN, service to strengthen social ties of the lonesome elderly

Publications Bank of innovations

Vincles BCN, service to strengthen social ties of the lonesome elderly

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Foto: Ajuntament de Barcelona

In Barcelona, more than 300.000 people aged 65 or older live alone, of which 100.000 are over 80. Vincles BCN is a social innovation project that wants to strengthen the social relationships of older people who feel lonely and improve their well-being through new technologies.

The project has the following main objectives:

  1. Reduce the feeling of loneliness of the elderly,
  2. Maintain and strengthen existing social relationships,
  3. Expand the social relationships of people and create new spaces for the relationship,
  4. Use of IT (Information Technologies) as a communication tool to relate to their environment their environment.

The service uses an app installed on a tablet as a communication tool, which will serve to put people in contact and strengthen their relationships, while creating new ones. Online communication is promoted through the app, while face-to-face meetings are organized. The app allows the user to communicate with his/her family and friends, and with the people who form app-specific user groups.

Vincles BCN

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