La Mosqueta, web page with multimedia activities for children with disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

La Mosqueta, web page with multimedia activities for children with disabilities

El Maresme Foundation, L’Arboç School

Foto: La Mosqueta

Learning web page for children 0-4 years with motor, sensory, cognitive and emotional disabilities or with serious behavioral, social or cultural disorders. The web page offers a broad catalog of multimedia activities aimed at developing the motor skills, cognitive and communicative skills of children. Children can access four types of learning activities: cause-effect, basic skills, stories and painting.

The differentiating feature of the web page is the form of access to the activities which allows that people with serious motor or relationship problems are able use all of them.

Children access the computer by Scanning, a simplified form of access to the computer or tablet using two unique buttons, one that is used to do the search and the other to perform the action. These buttons can be the two mouse clicks, the space and enter keys on the keyboard, or switches that emulate them.

La Mosqueta

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