Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón, Cooperativa Kairós

Metavers Plena Inclusión Aragón

Avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós have developed a “metaverse” that allows practicing and learning daily skills through an avatar, aiming for people with intellectual disabilities to improve their autonomy and social participation.

The metaverse includes eight dimensions, in the form of virtual doors, symbolizing the central areas of a quality life: emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, material well-being, personal development, physical well-being, self-determination, social inclusion, and rights. Some of the virtual activities that can be performed through the avatar include exercising, meeting friends, or participating in community activities. The application presents challenges in different areas and offers virtual rewards, such as avatar customization, thereby using gamification to encourage a healthy and fulfilling life.

The tool not only benefits people with disabilities in making decisions, but also allows professionals working with them to better understand their feelings and personal needs, expressed through the avatars. The creation of the metaverse is part of the project “Mi Casa: una vida en comunidad”, a model of deinstitutionalized long-term care for people with intellectual disabilities.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities



Project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Manawanui is an initiative that promotes Self-Directed Support, a system of assistance that encourages people with disabilities to choose, through a personal budget, how, when, and with whom they manage the care services they receive.

Through these personalized budgets, “agents” (mostly volunteers) guide and accompany users in decision-making and self-management of these services. The main goal is to place the person at the center and promote their autonomy.

Users develop a personal life plan and are responsible for managing home care services, hiring necessary personnel, and setting their own goals. In this way, people with disabilities gain independence and freedom of choice in their daily lives.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

Publications Bank of innovations

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces



A code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments

Individuals with visual impairments face difficulties in performing everyday tasks, such as locating restrooms, recognizing which bus is in front of them, or reading a street sign. To address this issue, NaviLens has been created, a system of labels with codes, similar to barcodes or QR codes, that provides useful information to facilitate the mobility of people with visual impairments in public spaces.

To read the information contained in the signs, all that is needed is to download an application and move the mobile device around the area where the code is located. Without the need to approach closely, NaviLens labels can be read from a distance, while in motion, and with the camera unfocused. These are some of the main differences compared to QR codes, which are of little use to people with visual impairments as they require proximity to be interpreted with a mobile device. This implies that users must know beforehand where they are located.

Once the code is detected, a “click” is heard, and the application vocalizes the information. For example, the stop number where the user is located, the transportation schedule, the position relative to the space, etc. It can also be used in cultural events such as museums or exhibitions, with informative labels about the route or artistic works.

Additionally, some product brands are using NaviLens on the labels of their items to provide information about the components or usage. The application also allows for the identification of personal use objects, as the codes can be printed and stuck onto any surface.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

AutisMIND, an application to stimulate the social cognition of children with ASD

Publications Bank of innovations

AutisMIND, an application to stimulate the social cognition of children with ASD



The tool enhances the ability to empathize with others in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

There are more and more experiences and studies endorsing that technology is a particularly useful resource to support therapeutic and learning processes in children with ASD. Whether through robotics or specialized computer programs, research is showing the benefits of this approach.

AutisMIND is a mobile application that supports families and professionals in working on the development of social thinking and theory of mind in children with ASD, that is, the ability of individuals to be aware of the feelings, desires, and beliefs of others when acting.

The AutisMIND application addresses ten different aspects of socio-cognitive development with six levels of difficulty and a total of over a thousand interactive and playful exercises. Some of the topics it covers include interpreting emotions in context, anticipating actions, physical sensations, and symbolism.

The platform presents learning in a simple and dynamic way. On one hand, it uses sharp images with simple outlines that avoid overstimulating the child. On the other hand, it includes visual reinforcements that enhance the interest, attention, and motivation of the user. The functions are adaptable to the needs of each person, and statistics allow evaluating progress and achieved milestones.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

Publications Bank of innovations

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability


App Morada

Application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence

App Morada is a free platform, functioning as both an app and a website, aimed at providing support to women with disability who have experienced situations of violence.

It offers information to understand gender-based violence and tools to address this issue. Additionally, it provides contacts for institutions and civil society organizations working in this field, as well as direct access to emergency numbers. All content is accessible in braille, in easy-to-read format, and in Mexican Sign Language (LSM).

Furthermore, it allows the recognition of situations of violence through a test and offers assistance and contacts to receive support. The content is developed in collaboration with the National Association of Interpreters and women experts in gender and disability.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Publications Bank of innovations

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower, THEM

Nagaya Tower

Community building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness

The Nagaya Tower has six floors and is designed in a V-shape to encourage residents to see each other when entering and leaving their homes. Additionally, the exterior balconies have no partitions. This way, homes are connected. On each floor, there are communal dining rooms and other spaces for interaction, such as areas for recreational activities or elevated gardens. All of this facilitates neighborly communication in daily life, although preserving each person’s personal space is also sought.

In this community estate, the majority of residents are over 70 years old, but there are also other generations. Younger residents receive rent discounts if they get involved in common tasks like changing light bulbs, moving furniture, or taking out the trash. Elderly residents place a magnet on the door of their home when leaving the residence so others are aware. Additionally, people requiring vital support can receive services in the same building. Furthermore, there is a room where adoptive families raise children who cannot live with their guardians.

This initiative aims to alleviate the feeling of unwanted loneliness, a phenomenon especially prevalent among the elderly and with a particular prevalence in significantly aging societies like Japan.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities



Innovative initiative based on a certification mark that provides reliable accessibility information of the built environment for people with disabilities

Access4you has a database and a mobile application, available for free, which indicate the degree of adaptation of spaces to the needs of people with disabilities and accessibility needs. It is based on a self-developed system of criteria based on a set of 1000 variables according to the usability aspects of 9 stakeholder groups: people with cognitive and visual disabilities; individuals with blindness, deafness, and hearing difficulties; people in wheelchairs, with baby strollers, and with assistance dogs; and the elderly.

Access4you classifies spaces using a qualification system divided into four categories according to the level of inclusivity of the location: Certified location, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Moreover, the database offers filterable and detailed data including measurements, as well as images of each location to help people with disabilities to plan their stay at an unknown location.

The certification, apart from benefiting these groups, also supports owners and businesses to obtain information about the accessibility of their buildings. In this way, organizations can commission an independent study to accredit the adaptation of their establishments, as well as acquire detailed proposal on how to improve it. Certified locations receive a designated datasheet in the Access4you database, which is available to everyone for free on the website and the application.

Thus, the initiative proposed by Access4you aims to promote the social integration of people with disabilities, improve the accessibility of the built environment, and serve as a center for the dissemination of knowledge and advice on the obstacles that these people encounter in their daily lives.

Access4you International is present in the CEE, SEE and India with the help of an expanding accredited partner network including Colliers, Bureau Veritas, TÜV, and CBRE. Both companies and individuals can join Access4you’s accreditation programme to acquire the skills and knowledge to join its mission and involve more locations to provide accessibility information.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Publications Bank of innovations

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

ACAPPS, Broomx and UAB 

Dues usuàries del servei Audivers 360º en una sala de realitat immersiva.

A pioneering project in speech therapy with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss

Audivers 360º seeks to apply new technologies to transform conventional speech therapy sessions into experiences that allow individuals to immerse themselves in the real sounds of an environment, making the session more natural, enriching and efficient.

In collaboration with Broomx, the technological company that owns the tool, they have created immersive scenarios adapted to the needs of people with hearing impairment. With these immersive scenarios, all the objectives set in a conventional speech therapy session are addressed, comprehensively reinforcing aspects of hearing, language and communication. They address aspects such as sound detection and discrimination, recognition, verbal expression and comprehension, as well as other aspects of language pragmatics.

Simultaneously, while these activities are carried out, they are working on other aspects such as executive functions, auditory memory, motivation towards speech therapy and emotional well-being, among others. This innovative methodology has a direct and significant impact on the social inclusion process of adults and children with hearing loss, addressing and incorporating all auditory, communicative and emotional needs to successfully carry out and optimize speech therapy sessions.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

LifeCompanion, a customisable assistant for people who have difficulty communicating orally

Publications Bank of innovations

LifeCompanion, a customisable assistant for people who have difficulty communicating orally

Centre Mutualiste de Kerpape

Assistive Technology 1

Personalised digital assistant that provides communication assistance and access to information technologies. It is free and open source and facilitates oral communication for people with difficulties.

LifeCompanion is a highly customisable and flexible assistant, so it can be used in different contexts, but it is mainly intended to facilitate computer access and communication. In fact, one of the outstanding features of LifeCompanion is its integrated speech synthesis, which allows users to communicate using speech. LifeCompanion thus aims to promote the social participation and autonomy of its users in areas such as communication, access to information technologies, education and employment. It also contributes to establishing social links, especially with caregivers and professionals close to them.

LifeCompanion works in such a way that it adjusts to the individual’s motor, visual, auditory or cognitive abilities and development. For example, it enables pictographic and phonetic communication, as it includes a vocabulary tree with pictograms and pictures and a customised phoneme communication keyboard. Digital keyboards can also be customised and typing can be accelerated with advanced word prediction. Among other functions, LifeCompanion also facilitates motor accessibility, anticipating movement and with advanced configurations in this area. In this regard, it is important to note that it has been co-designed by and in close collaboration with end users.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

Mixed Living, residents who live with and collaborate with highly vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Mixed Living, residents who live with and collaborate with highly vulnerable people


Mixed social housing blocks of flats where homeless and economically vulnerable people live together, which is beneficial for both groups. It facilitates access to housing more quickly for many people while the community activities carried out in the buildings promote social reintegration and break down the social isolation and stigmatisation of homeless people.

Mixed Living is a form of housing in which 70% of the people who live there are on low incomes and in need of social housing and the remaining 30% are people who are vulnerable, usually homeless people who are beneficiaries of the Housing First programme. Both parties must comply with the previously established conditions of commitment and rules, mainly regarding the care of the environment they share. Participating in this social accompaniment programme is advantageous for people in the first group, reducing their waiting time for access to social housing.

It is also clearly favourable for homeless people —and not only, because the programme is also aimed at people with a lack of social network or psychological problems— for whom the contact and cohabitation with other residents facilitates their social reintegration. In this sense, the shared housing enables proximity between the two groups with common meeting spaces that make it easier for them to have coffee, watch a football match or look after the courtyard. The project is supervised by professionals who visit the block of flats at least once a week and are responsible for assessing and managing the functioning of the cohabitation.

Banc d’innovacions

Photo that combat loneliness among older peoplepersones grans

Madrid te Acompaña, a project to combat loneliness among older people

pPoject to combat loneliness among older people
PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors