WACS, automated and massive call service to vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

WACS, automated and massive call service to vulnerable people

Hampshire County Council, PA Consulting

Picture from sabinevanerp on Pixabay

Service that makes automated calls to vulnerable people who are in their home and cannot attend social and health care centres on a regular basis or cannot receive close attention.

When a person who needs to be cared for is detected, the person receives an automated call with a voice from a real person, who asks him about his welfare state and possible needs. If the user needs to receive home care or if someone makes the purchase, for example, the system passes the call to a professional to specify the response to their demand.

This service used artificial intelligence techniques and was implemented in 2020 in the face of the inability of the Hampshire (England) government to monitor carefully and consistently vulnerable people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the need to quickly contact thousands of people who were isolated in their homes, the PA Consulting company developed this massive, automated contact system to cater for and fuel a large volume of calls.

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