

Care4Skills is a European Erasmus+ collaborative project aimed at addressing the training needs in Long-Term Care and establishing a European training strategy with common curricula


The Care4Skills project promotes a new strategic approach to enhance the skills and retraining of professional caregivers in the Long-Term Care sector. Through cross-sectoral collaboration among actors from various European countries, with a special focus on elderly care and disability support, the project aims to improve the quality of services and facilitate the digital transition in this field of social intervention. The initiative is supported by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program and will be developed over a four-year period.

Care4Skills is led by EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities) and brings together 6 European platforms and national actors from 10 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain). The key player in Spain is the iSocial Foundation. The consortium includes both Long-Term Care providers and vocational training providers, as well as higher education institutions and certification bodies. The main goal of the collaboration is to address two priority competence areas for the sector: person-centered skills and digital skills.

Systematizing Long-Term Care Training

In the first year, the project plans to develop a training program to address the sector’s most urgent training needs, training 1500 frontline workers in Long-Term Care. This program will be based on an updated version of the MOOC that awards the European Care Certificate, a European qualification that provides the basic knowledge needed to work in the social and health care sector. Additionally, it will gather information on future training needs and develop a standardized methodology to anticipate and monitor these needs.

Care4Skills will not only improve the skills of professional caregivers but also develop new modular vocational training curricula, which will be piloted in the 10 participating countries. As a result of this research process, the project also plans to create European and national certifications and develop a European strategy for Long-Term Care skills, ensuring the project’s impact continues after its completion.

Evaluation of the Training Program

In this context, iSocial Foundation’s role within the project will be to adapt, implement, and evaluate the training program in Spain. To accomplish this task, iSocial Foundation will analyze the Long-Term Care sector in Spain, identifying the existing and necessary skills and competences, and diagnosing the gaps that exist.

Furthermore, it will study the trends in the Long-Term Care sector, defining both the current scenarios with characteristics familiar to the sector and the emerging and innovative elements, thus being able to project probable future scenarios that could accelerate the sector’s transformation.

Care4Skills aligns with the European Commission’s ambition to evaluate and enhance the skills of professional caregivers, with a special emphasis on digital skills and person-centered care. The project follows the guidelines set by the European Care Strategy (September 2022) and the Pact for Skills (“Large-scale Skills Partnership for Long-Term Care,” April 2023), and aims to address the challenges posed by both the sector’s evolution and the rapid social transformation and aging population.


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Amb el cofinançament de la Unió Europea a través del programa Erasmus+:

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Willy Allègre, coordinator of the European Rehab-Lab network, visits project partners in Catalonia.

Publications News

Willy Allègre, coordinator of the European Rehab-Lab network, visits project partners in Catalonia.

Willy Allègre, coordinator of the European Rehab-Lab network, visits the commodities of the partners in Catalonia

The iSocial Foundation leads the establishment of a Rehab-Lab network in Catalonia. Willy Allègre’s visit is part of the accreditation process to join the European Rehab-Lab network, which will be completed this May

This week, we welcomed Willy Allègre, coordinator of the European Rehab-Lab network, as it soon expands to include Catalonia’s local network.

Willy Allègre is an engineer and technical director at the Mutual Rehabilitation and Functional Rehabilitation Center (CMRRF) in Kerpape, France. He is the creator of the Rehab-Lab network, a project empowering people with disabilities through the creation of functional aids using 3D printing technology.

One of the most notable aspects of Rehab-Lab, distinguishing its aids from those produced by typical Fab-Labs, is the inclusion of its beneficiaries in the creation process, ensuring the aids are tailored to their specific needs. Working alongside occupational therapists and specialized engineers, beneficiaries contribute their perspectives to the ideation and creation of tools that will facilitate their daily tasks.

In Catalonia, the establishment of a Rehab-Lab network expanding the existing European network is a project led by the iSocial Foundation, with participation from the Ampans Foundation, the Guttmann Institute, CIM-UPC, and Grup Avinent. It is funded by the Government of Catalonia through the Next Generation funds.

A Catalunya, la creació d’una xarxa Rehab-Lab que ampliï la xarxa europea ja existent és un projecte liderat per la Fundació iSocial i en el qual participen la Fundació Ampans, l’Institut Guttmann, CIM-UPC i el grup Avinent. Compta amb el finançament de la Generalitat de Catalunya a través dels fonts Next Generation.

Willy Allègre’s visit is part of the accreditation process that project partner entities have been following since last May and will conclude this May, when the Rehab-Lab network will be operational.


Josep Maria Solé pren el relleu de Montse Cervera com a president

Change in Presidency: Josep Maria Solé Takes Over from Montse Cervera

Montse Cervera, President of iSocial since the foundation’s creation, steps down to make way for Josep Maria Solé.
Rehab-Lab meeting in Liège

iSocial and CIM-UPC Participate in the Annual Rehab-Lab Network Meeting in Belgium

A total of 55 entities from the Rehab-Lab network gathered in Liège to share their knowledge and experiences

iSocial participates in the kick-off meeting of the Care4Skills project in Brussels

Last Thursday, May 23rd, we attended the kick-off meeting of the Care4Skills project in Brussels, organized by the EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities), the entity leading the initiative.
Arranquen els tallers participatius de

The participatory workshops of the All By Myself project begin

This May, we inaugurated the first participatory workshops included in the research process of the All By Myself project, coordinated by the iSocial Foundation and supported by the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

23 social entities have been trained to use Flapp! and Nidus

Flapp! and Nidus, the two virtual safes created by the iSocial Foundation in collaboration with Pere Claver Group, are consolidating with the training offered so far to 23 entities.
I Jornada Serveis Socials

The iSocial Foundation participates in the First Social Services Conference

iSocial has presented Nidus, a digital tool to support people experiencing homelessness, promoted jointly with the Pere Claver Group

Victoria Mandefield: “Soliguide allows professionals to save time for social work and support”

Publications Interviews

Victoria Mandefield: “Soliguide allows professionals to save time for social work and support”

Victoria Mandefield, creadora de la Soliguía, en la sede de la Fundación iSocial

We speak with Victoria Mandefield, CEO of Solinum and creator of Soliguide, a digital search engine for resources or social organizations aimed to people in vulnerable situations. Thanks to the Solidigital project, Soliguide arrives in Catalonia and will integrate with Nidus and the French application Reconnect.

How did the idea of Soliguide come about?

The idea originated in France, stemming from my experience as a volunteer, where I often found myself providing inaccurate information. The social sector undergoes frequent changes, with high turnover among social workers, volunteers, and organizations opening and closing. This dynamic environment can make it challenging to navigate. Moreover, there are numerous stakeholders involved, including associations and public services, making the landscape somewhat chaotic. I needed access to updated, precise, and comprehensive information, which led me to create Soliguide. Initially, it was a small and limited project, but over time, it has evolved into something more professional.

And now Soliguide is reaching Catalonia. How do you view this expansion beyond the border?

I believe the main advantage of this expansion into Catalonia, compared to our experience in France, is the significant time savings. Currently, when we expand into new territories in France, the process is rapid; we know exactly what we’re doing, understand the methodologies, follow well-defined steps, and get the job done. Whereas initially, we were somewhat unsure of what we were doing, leading to a bit of chaos. Consequently, it took us a long time to see the social impact of Soliguide, to spread its reach, and to gather quality data. Now, it’s different. And that’s what I aim to bring to Catalonia and Spain: the ability to move faster to achieve a greater social impact. Of course, this will involve adapting to local realities because there will be things we don’t know and will discover, while other aspects will require modification, which will be an interesting exercise.

What challenges do you foresee Soliguide encountering in its deployment in Catalonia?

I think the beauty of it all lies in being surprised by certain things. Institutional relations are probably not the same in France and Spain. Culturally, they are two quite different countries. There won’t be the same realities. The type of migration present in Catalonia and France is different, even though there may be some similarities. And this is the great interest of a cross-border project: there will be bilateral exchanges that will allow us to better assist people.

You have a fundamentally technological background. How do you think technology can contribute to improving people’s living conditions and reducing inequality?

Precisely because I’m an engineer, people often expect me to have a very pro-technology stance, to say that it will solve all the world’s needs, when in fact I don’t believe that at all. Technology can be relevant in various aspects. Especially in terms of efficiency. In 2023, there were 3.7 million searches made in Soliguia. Those are significant numbers. When I compare it to when I was a volunteer, I think back then I would provide information one by one, and I could give an average of ten pieces of information over a few hours. In this case, technology allows us to have a much larger scale impact and make certain things more efficient that are not always rewarding. For social workers, for example, desperately searching for information, asking colleagues, making calls who knows where, searching through old files… these are not activities that have a great added value. And suddenly, if they can save this time, it’s time they gain for social work. This is one of the great impacts of Soliguide: it allows professionals to focus on human relationships, on social support, something that digital tools can never replace.

How do you measure the social impact of Soliguide?

The topic of social impact assessment is very important to me. We have already produced 3 reports in this regard. It’s relevant because obviously there are always anecdotes, and we see people whom Soliguide has helped access care, find assistance, etc. But that’s not enough. There needs to be a rigorous impact assessment that goes beyond anecdotes, meaning it should be quantitative. And then we see that the biggest impacts are the time saved for social workers and volunteers, better coordination among actors in the same territory, providing guidance with better quality data. There’s also a better relationship of trust between actors in the social sector and their beneficiaries. Previously, beneficiaries would ask for information and the people working in the sector would provide whatever they could, which wasn’t always the right information. Now, with Soliguide, they provide updated information, which builds more trust. We also know that Soliguide is very economically efficient for a territory. For every euro invested, there’s a return of €1.93 in savings because all that lost time, all that lost energy costs money.

How is the quality of the data collected in Soliguide reviewed?

This is the key aspect, and it’s not always given the attention it deserves. Often people think, “I’ll create a fantastic mapping, the application will have these features, those functionalities, and everything will go smoothly.” And they overlook the heart of the project: the data. It’s very, very difficult to have quality data. What we do is evaluate the currency of data for a territory to ensure it’s up to date. And we are very precise in this aspect. For example, if an organization closes during the summer, that will be reflected. We don’t just list the hours, but also which days they close, etc., because that’s important for people. And we also ensure that the information is complete. It’s good to know that there’s a food distribution point in a certain place, but if you don’t know exactly which public it’s aimed at, what documentation is required, if it’s saturated or not, or if you don’t have contact information, it’s not so useful.

It’s a work of detail…

We make a concerted effort to comprehensively cover each territory. If we were to include only two or three entities or structures from each territory in Soliguide, it wouldn’t be relevant. It’s important to collect as many as possible, and if possible, all the organizations that exist in a particular territory in order to better guide people.

And achieving this requires the human touch. There’s no substitute for it with technology. While we do run summer and winter update campaigns and strive to automate processes, ensuring the accuracy of information always involves making calls and confirming details. It’s a significant undertaking. Additionally, there’s a misconception that digital tools can operate independently, but that’s not the case; they require human oversight. This is why Soliguide always seeks partners to carry out the work on the ground.

One of the key strengths of the Solidigital project is cross-border collaboration. What advantages do you think this collaboration format brings?

There’s a fundamental reason why this cross-border collaboration is interesting, and it’s because these borders are highly permeable. Administratively, a border exists, but in reality, one can move from one side to the other, and many issues are shared across these boundaries. Cross-border cooperation allows us to collectively address the common problems we face, as well as exchange best practices, avoiding redundant efforts. What I find particularly compelling about this project is the concept of interconnection. In the social sector, we’ve lagged behind in adopting and developing technology and digital tools compared to the private sector. We are way behind compared to the private sector. However, for the last few years, the private sector has been heavily focused on the interconnection of tools. The era of creating monolithic, standalone tools is over. Developers now work to create tools that interconnect with other tools, which in turn connect with others, and so on. This approach has proven to be the most effective. And suddenly, it turns out that we’re not as far behind in the social sector: we simply need to prioritize interconnecting existing tools rather than seeking a singular and magical solution to all problems. This aspect underscores the significance of the Solidigital project: it represents a significant stride forward in the social sector, advancing the democratization of technology and the integration of technological tools.

An example of this interconnection, within the framework of the Solidigital project, is the integration of Soliguide with the Nidus tools in Catalonia and Reconnect in France. What benefits do you think this integration will bring?

I believe that what Soliguide will bring to Nidus and Reconnect is more added value for users. We’ve tested this in France on several occasions, such as with the app Entourage, and I think it will be the same with Nidus and Reconnect: for users, it will be fantastic to have a map from the Soliguide database, as they won’t have to search for the information they need in another application. And in our case, integration has an immense advantage, which is to increase our social impact. For example, we don’t have a communication strategy for the general public; we don’t address all citizens, but thanks to the interconnections we’ve been making, we reach users we never thought we’d reach.

How can the continuity of this project be ensured in the long term?

To ensure its long-term continuity, two key aspects come into play. Firstly, there’s the imperative of doing a good job: if you have a significant social impact, you become necessary. If you can objectively prove that your social impact evaluation indicators are excellent, things continue. This has been our experience across various regions. Secondly, there is the appropriation by institutional actors. Co-construction has many virtues. One of them is the ability to make better decisions, tailored to local realities. However, it also has the benefit of allowing people to take ownership of the project. And if they feel that the project is theirs, they are less likely to abandon it, and politicians and entities are more likely to invest in it, either with money or with human resources.

Do you think the social sector has changed in recent years?

It has changed, undoubtedly; in some ways for the better, in others for the worse, but I think we have participated, in any case, in a certain positive digitalization of the sector. I say “positive digitalization” because there has been another less positive one in the sense that, for example, now beneficiaries of social services are forced to do all the procedures online, without assistance, and that’s complicated. But technology can also be useful, and that’s what we’re working on.

Another contribution that has been made, and of which we have been part, is a certain form of collaboration. At the beginning, for example, when we talked about the involvement of the beneficiaries in social action, we felt a bit alone. It seems very obvious that in a social project, the opinions of those involved should be sought, but the truth is that a few years ago it was not a majority position. People were accompanied in their daily lives, yes, but there was the idea that their real needs were already known, which is not true. And I think that has changed, that it has been understood that the participation of those people involved must be included.

What role should politics play regarding poverty and social exclusion? Do you think technological innovation can help address these issues on the agenda?

What technology can bring, and what we try to bring in any case, is reliable data. We have more and more data and analyze them more. We can tell politicians: “Look, we have data confirming that there are so many food banks in this area, and that many of these banks are saturated; and according to the data, in this other area there are no resources. These are the data, do what you think is appropriate.” I still think there is a lack of reliable data on which to make reasoned decisions. Otherwise, it’s easy to fall into abstract political protest, which I experienced as a volunteer and which is very tiring and doesn’t contribute much. If we can change perspective, we can say: “Okay, here’s a problem, and it’s objective. We’re not saying it, the data are.” And from there we can work together to solve it. And I think that’s the role politicians of the future can have: working on problems from the root, beyond the ambitions of each organization. Identifying the problem and seeing what could be done to solve it before it arises.


CoParticiPA is a cross-border collaboration project aimed at fostering the active participation of service users in social services and the exchange of best practices.


CoParticiPA is a collaborative cross-border project that brings together Spain, France, and Andorra with the goal of promoting the active participation of individuals in the network of social services and socio-educational and community intervention entities. Spanning three years (2024-2026), this project, led by the Research and Innovation in Social Work Group (GRITS) in the School of Social Work at the University of Barcelona in collaboration with an extensive network of partners, aims to strengthen community ties and empower service users through their active involvement in decision-making and resource management.

What is CoParticiPA?

CoParticiPA stems from the need to promote people’s participation in the network of social services and socio-educational and community entities. With the support of the POCTEFA 2021-2027 program, this project focuses on the creation, piloting, and evaluation of a Cross-Border People’s Participation Program (PTP-P from its Catalan and French initials). Through this program, the aim is to strengthen community bonds and involve them in the management and decision-making of social services in their territories.

The project’s action will revolve around eight working groups, corresponding to eight social intervention areas: social services, childhood and adolescence, aging, migration, disability, health and mental health, social exclusion and community action, and university and continuing education.

The iSocial Foundation will lead the development of the digital solution that will facilitate the participation of service users in the planned intervention processes.

Grups de treball CoParticiPA
CoParticipa working groups

Partners and Financing

CoParticiPA has an extensive network of partners, including academic institutions, public administrations, and entities specialized in social intervention. The project is co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg POCTEFA 2021-2027 program, with the aim of reinforcing socioeconomic and social integration in the region.


Universitat de Barcelona


Fundació iSocial
Fundació Idea Full A4 v1
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Logo Universitat d'Andorra

With the co-financing of the European Union through the INTERREG POCTEFA program:


2nd InnoTrip to Scotland

Knowledge InnoTrips

2nd InnoTrip to Scotland

From May 20th to 23rd, 2024, the 2nd InnoTrip organized by the iSocial Foundation took place in Scotland, with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Open Government of the Government of Catalonia. For three days, around thirty representatives from iSocial member entities visited 10 innovative Scottish initiatives in the field of social action

The InnoTrip is a service provided by the iSocial Foundation aimed at its member entities, consisting of an international study visit to promote innovation through the on-site discovery of cutting-edge experiences in the field of social action. In it’s 2024 edition, the Innotrip took place from May 20th to 23rd in Scotland.

The program of activities for this edition includee the discovery of innovative organizations and projects through visits of various formats to non-profit entities, social enterprises, and Scottish government agencies. Among other benefits of participating in the InnoTrip, the participants had the chance to discover new ways to address common social issues, to create potential international synergies, and to strengthen relationships with other iSocial member entities.

The Scottish system of social services and care is internationally recognized for promoting the implementation of different models and innovative initiatives. Examples include the integration of health and social care, the self-directed support model, community building, and preventive approaches.

In addition, iSocial member organizations did identify and showed interest in discovering specific organizations and initiatives in the Scottish social ecosystem, with a special focus on areas such as social housing, community development, support for independent living, and socio-labor inclusion.

Visit program

  • Quarriers: Self-directed support model and use of digital tools for independent living support.
  • Simon Community: Access Hub (multi-institutional counseling and support center for homeless and/or socially excluded people), digital tools, and Housing First model.
  • Aberlour: Integrated healthcare and social care services and intensive family support model.
  • Social Bite: Social enterprise model and social awareness resources.
  • Kibble: Comprehensive care approach (housing, training, and employment) and social enterprise model.
  • Homes For Good: Quality housing through affordable rentals. Property acquisition and tenant support.

Amb el suport de

Generalitat de Catalunya. Secretaria d'Acció Exterior del Govern

Tools and services to address cyberbullying and other youth vulnerabilities in the digital environment

Campus InnoBreaks

Tools and services to address cyberbullying and other youth vulnerabilities in the digital environment

Eines i serveis per detectar el ciberassetjament

Digital Streetwork (Germany) and B-resol (Catalonia). Held on April 9th, 2024.

Digital environments open spaces of connection and valuable exchange opportunities, but at the same time, they harbor new forms of vulnerability, especially for young people. The most visible forms of these vulnerabilities are cyberbullying and digital violence, which according to UNESCO data, affect nearly 20% of the young population. However, other issues are gaining more prominence, such as screen addiction, digital predation, or privacy breaches. This reality not only affects the emotional and psychological well-being of young people but can also have lasting repercussions on their personal and academic development.

In this context, the need for new forms of intervention and support becomes evident. The widespread adoption of new communication technologies has profoundly altered interaction and socialization patterns, imposing the urgency to adapt professional practices to these new contexts. In this sense, social work, and more specifically virtual social work, plays a key role in creating safe spaces where young people can report aggression and undesirable situations and receive professional support to address them properly.

In this Innobreak, two initiatives will be presented that respond to vulnerabilities emerging in digital environments from two complementary perspectives, adopting in one case the role of detection service and approach to young people in need of support, and in the other defining an alert channel for teenagers:

  • Digital Streetwork (Germany) brings the street work approach with young people to the Internet. Project workers navigate social networks, participate in online communities, and actively approach young people who indicate or show support needs.
  • B-resol is a digital omnichannel alert system that educational, leisure, sports, social entities, and protection centers make available to children and adolescents to prevent and detect bullying situations and any other type of violence or discomfort.


  • Jonas Luz, Digital Streetwork (Germany)
  • Cihara Vílchez, B-resol (Catalonia)


Imatge d'una mà sostenint un mòbil on s'hi veu la Soliguia, una de les eines tecnològiques involucrades en el projecte Solidigital

Solidigital is a cross-border collaboration project centered around three technological tools to support people in vulnerable situations: Soliguia, Nidus, and Reconnect


Solidigital is a cross-border project coordinated by the iSocial Foundation aimed at enhancing, through digitalization, access to social services for vulnerable people in Catalonia, Andorra, and the south of France.

The Solidigital project stems from the collaboration between iSocial and the French associations Solinum and Reconnect, with the Andorra Research + Innovation Foundation (ARI), and with the member entities of iSocial Pere Claver Group, Resilis Foundation, and Alba Association, thanks to co-financing from the European Union through the Interreg POCTEFA program.

What is Solidigital about?

The central axis of Solidigital will involve the implementation in Catalonia, Andorra, and the border departments of France of Soliguia, a digital platform that will allow people in precarious situations to more easily find available support services in their geographic area through a search engine and a map containing geolocated resources.

To achieve this goal, during the three years of the project, a wide range of support services will be mapped in these regions, and nearly 8,000 social services and third sector professionals will be trained in the use of this tool to facilitate access to information for vulnerable people and, thereby, promote equal opportunities and empowerment.

Integration of Soliguia with Nidus and Reconnect

At the same time, and by virtue of cross-border collaboration between the various entities, the integration of Soliguia with Nidus (in Catalonia) and with Reconnect (in France) will be promoted. Nidus and Reconnect are two virtual strongboxes and digital support tools for people in situations of social exclusion. Through their connection with Soliguia, these applications will also be able to offer an updated and detailed map of the resources and services available to the user, facilitating their social inclusion.

The Soligital project builds on the successful experience of Soliguide in much of France. Developed by Solinum, a project partner, this application has proven to be a highly effective tool in combating poverty and social exclusion, with over 3.7 million visits in 2023 and has been recognized by the social sector and French institutions. With its arrival in Catalonia, Andorra, and the border regions of France, we not only address common challenges in a set of territories with a high incidence of poverty, but also create for the first time a common working tool on both sides of the border.

Solidigital in figures


Fundació iSocial


logo Solinum
Logo Pere Claver grup
logo resilis
logo associaci´po Alba
Logo Reconnect
Logo Andorra Recerca Innovacio ARI

The Solidigital project has been 65% co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The objective of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.


The Solidigital project kicks off with a dual opening session of partner organizations in Barcelona

Publications News

The Solidigital project kicks off with a dual opening session of partner organizations in Barcelona

Kick-off of the Solidigital project

The iSocial Foundation hosts partner entities of Solidigital, a cross-border project to be developed in Catalonia, France, and Andorra.

On February 7th and 8th, the inaugural sessions of Solidigital took place at the headquarters of the iSocial Foundation in Barcelona. This cross-border project aims to facilitate access to social and solidarity resources through digitalization for people in vulnerable situations. Led by iSocial and enrolled in the framework of the European Interreg POCTEFA program, the project involves collaboration among entities from Catalonia, France, and Andorra: Pere Claver Grup, Associació Alba, la Fundació Resilis from Catalonia, Solinum and Reconnect from France, and Andorra Research and Innovation (ARI).

Solidigital revolves around three technological tools: Soliguia, a geolocated resource finder already existing in France and now to be replicated in Catalonia; the virtual safe Nidus, developed by iSocial and Pere Claver Group; and Reconnect, another virtual safe for homeless people operating in France. Over the 3-year duration of the project, efforts will focus on the development and interconnection of the three tools, integrating Soliguia into Nidus and Reconnect, and making the latter two applications interoperable as well.

In Catalonia, the entities involved in the project will work with Solinum to jointly create Soliguia. The process will involve intensive mapping to geolocate all social resources in each area (food or clothing distribution points, vaccination, psychological care, accommodation for vulnerable people, etc.) and collect as detailed information as possible. During the initial stage of the project, more than 5,000 resources are expected to be mapped, but the ultimate goal is to include the totality or near totality of available resources in the territories where it will be deployed.

Moreover, thanks to the interconnection of the three apps, the resulting resource map can be accessed from Nidus and Reconnect. All three tools will form a comprehensive digital ecosystem, enabling easier and more efficient access to social services for users.

The project also envisages training nearly 8,000 professionals in the social sector in the use of the three tools to achieve better performance and ensure real impact on the people supported by these professionals.

El projecte també preveu formar prop de 8.000 professionals del sector social en l’ús dels tres útils, per tal de poder-ne aconseguir un millor rendiment i assegurar-ne un impacte real en les persones acompanyades per aquests professionals.

This inaugural session marks the start of a fruitful collaboration that will allow us to work towards favoring and providing tools for the empowerment of people in vulnerable situations.


Josep Maria Solé pren el relleu de Montse Cervera com a president

Change in Presidency: Josep Maria Solé Takes Over from Montse Cervera

Montse Cervera, President of iSocial since the foundation’s creation, steps down to make way for Josep Maria Solé.
Rehab-Lab meeting in Liège

iSocial and CIM-UPC Participate in the Annual Rehab-Lab Network Meeting in Belgium

A total of 55 entities from the Rehab-Lab network gathered in Liège to share their knowledge and experiences

iSocial participates in the kick-off meeting of the Care4Skills project in Brussels

Last Thursday, May 23rd, we attended the kick-off meeting of the Care4Skills project in Brussels, organized by the EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities), the entity leading the initiative.
Arranquen els tallers participatius de

The participatory workshops of the All By Myself project begin

This May, we inaugurated the first participatory workshops included in the research process of the All By Myself project, coordinated by the iSocial Foundation and supported by the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

23 social entities have been trained to use Flapp! and Nidus

Flapp! and Nidus, the two virtual safes created by the iSocial Foundation in collaboration with Pere Claver Group, are consolidating with the training offered so far to 23 entities.
I Jornada Serveis Socials

The iSocial Foundation participates in the First Social Services Conference

iSocial has presented Nidus, a digital tool to support people experiencing homelessness, promoted jointly with the Pere Claver Group

Guide to Digital Transformation: A Vision from the Children’s Social Sector

Knowledge Research projects

Guide to Digital Transformation: A Vision from the Children’s Social Sector

Preparation of a report for FICE Spain on the state of digital innovation in the field of social intervention and a collection of best practices (2023)


The digital revolution has brought about a process of change that has had – and is having – a significant impact on our society. Historically, technical advances have always led to new ways of thinking, working, and relating to the world and others. However, the acceleration in technological transformation experienced in the 21st century has made it evident the need to adapt quickly and constantly to these new ways of doing things. In this sense, we are facing a paradigm shift that permeates all aspects of our lives, from interpersonal relationships to consumption patterns, and from leisure activities to the way we work.

This transformation we are experiencing highlights the obsolescence of some procedures that we still use but are highly inefficient, and it sparks debates about the enormous possibilities of technology, its proper implementation in our daily lives, and its ethical limits. On the other hand, it reminds us that technology is not always necessarily synonymous with innovation, although, when used correctly, it is an invaluable tool for generating knowledge and optimizing processes.

What is clear, in any case, is that the digital transformation of organizations will be a key factor for their development in the coming years. And this is also true in the field of the third sector and social intervention, where technology can ensure better care, monitoring, management, and communication with the people served.

In this context, FICE Spain, a network of social organizations working to guarantee the rights of children and for the care of at-risk children, has commissioned the iSocial Foundation to develop a guide on technological innovation in the field of social intervention. The resulting document, which focuses especially (though not exclusively) on social organizations dedicated to children and adolescents, is titled “Guide to Digital Transformation: A Vision from the Children’s Social Sector” and aims to offer useful tools and clear guidelines to promote innovation in the third sector. This guide is part of the TIC Impulsa 3 proposal, a digital transformation project in the social field promoted by FICE Spain and financed by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and the European Union through Next Generation funds.


logo fice spain

Digitalizing Social Services: Apps Supporting Users and Professionals

Campus InnoBreaks

Digitalizing Social Services: Apps Supporting Users and Professionals

Innobreak - Digitalitzar els serveis socials

Reconnect (France) and Gàvius (Catalonia). Held on 6th February, 2024.

Digitization has transformed the world and relationships between people, affecting all aspects of our lives. The numerous tools offered by new technologies have become instruments that significantly facilitate our tasks and have become almost indispensable in daily life.

Gradually, this transformative trend is also reaching social services. In this field, where efficiency and speed in communications between professionals and the people supported are a key factor, digital media provide users with very useful resources and offer very effective monitoring tools for social services.

In this Innobreak, we will explore two initiatives and applications that put technology at the service of professionals and beneficiaries of social services:

  • Reconnect (France), through its Solution Pro tool, allows social services professionals to centrally monitor the social integration processes of the people supported, consulting their history, recording meeting reports, scheduling reminders, etc.
  • Gavius (Catalonia), a project promoted by the Catalan municipalities of Gavà and Mataró, together with other partners. Gavius consists in the implementation of an intelligent virtual assistant that helps citizens with assistance procedures. It recognizes users based on biometric factors and automates processes and aid collection.


  • Valentine de Dreuille, Reconnect (France)
  • Mònica Sagredo, Gàvius (Catalonia)