Nextcare, integrated care for chronic patients

Publications Bank of innovations

Nextcare, integrated care for chronic patients


Foto: Nextcare

This project is linked to the Ris3Cat social and healthcare community that promotes the integration of social and health services for chronic patients in Catalonia through individualised assessments of health risk, welfare and pre-surgery prehabilitation programs, smart and adaptable case management, early diagnosis of diseases and conditions and the promotion of digital solutions.

Banc d’innovacions


Mapathon UPC, a web platform that gathers geolocated points on a map

Mapathon UPC is an open web platform that allows for the collection of geolocated points on a map collaboratively.

AutisMIND, an application to stimulate the social cognition of children with ASD

AutisMIND is a mobile application that enhances the ability to empathize with others in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Digital Streetwork

Digital Streetwork, social workers who assist young people through the Internet

Digital Streetwork is an initiative that moves street work with youth to the Internet

BRUS, accompaniment to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction

BRUS is an accompaniment program to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction
App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.

IPS Methodology for the employment insertion of young people with mental disorders

Publications Bank of innovations

IPS Methodology for the employment insertion of young people with mental disorders

Fundació Joia

Metodologia IPS

Pioneering methodology for employment insertion specialized in intervention with the mental health collective

The IPS methodology considers both training and job placement as part of the person’s recovery process from the very beginning. The traditional approach introduced this aspect at the end of clinical intervention with the youth. The new system prevents chronicity, facilitates recovery, and increases work motivation.

Weekly face-to-face contact between clinical professionals and job placement professionals allows for the creation of a climate of trust. In this way, workers from different fields work towards the same goal for the youth.

Fundació Joia IPS Methodology

Banc d’innovacions


Mapathon UPC, a web platform that gathers geolocated points on a map

Mapathon UPC is an open web platform that allows for the collection of geolocated points on a map collaboratively.

AutisMIND, an application to stimulate the social cognition of children with ASD

AutisMIND is a mobile application that enhances the ability to empathize with others in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Digital Streetwork

Digital Streetwork, social workers who assist young people through the Internet

Digital Streetwork is an initiative that moves street work with youth to the Internet

BRUS, accompaniment to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction

BRUS is an accompaniment program to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction
App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.

The relational-linking model, an innovative model of social action

Publications Bank of innovations

The relational-linking model, an innovative model of social action

Castell-Platja d’Aro Town Council

Foto: Ajuntament de Castell-Platja d’Aro

For several years the Castell-Platja d’Aro Town Council has applied a model, the so called relational-linking model, in its all social education programs. The model, the theoretical basis of it have been defined in recent decades, fosters a relationship between educator and student, between professional and user, and between professionals, which favors proximity and creation of links, and increases the confidence capital created by the fact of “being” rather than “doing” with the person who requests services from the municipality. The model focuses the professionals’ attention on the person and on his/her trajectory of inclusion and prioritizes the creation of l networks among professionals.

The model has been recently validated though a research project called Human Value whose results, published in March 2018, demonstrated that the model helps to improve people’s quality of life and also serves as a basis to consolidate all supporting services offered by the organization to the citizens.

Banc d’innovacions


Mapathon UPC, a web platform that gathers geolocated points on a map

Mapathon UPC is an open web platform that allows for the collection of geolocated points on a map collaboratively.

AutisMIND, an application to stimulate the social cognition of children with ASD

AutisMIND is a mobile application that enhances the ability to empathize with others in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Digital Streetwork

Digital Streetwork, social workers who assist young people through the Internet

Digital Streetwork is an initiative that moves street work with youth to the Internet

BRUS, accompaniment to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction

BRUS is an accompaniment program to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction
App Morada

App Morada, support against gender-based violence for women with disability

App Morada is an application that helps and guides women with disability and victims of gender-based violence
Nagaya Tower

Nagaya Tower, an intergenerational building to combat unwanted loneliness

Nagaya Tower is a building that connects people of different generations to combat the feeling of loneliness.