FIN(DA)WAY, an app for the reception and integration of refugees and asylum-seekers

Publications Bank of innovations

FIN(DA)WAY, an app for the reception and integration of refugees and asylum-seekers

Préfecture de Var

App aimed at guiding and facilitating the integration of refugees and asylum seekers, addressing their demands and needs and helping them to achieve a quick and autonomous adaptation in the host community.

FIN(DA)WAY provides access to information on the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, while helping them find resources related to training and employment. After co-creation and testing sessions with more than 60 people, the main contents and information included in the digital application are the following: help in finding places to stay or eat, information on transportation and documentation, facilities for learning French, the possibility of storing each person’s documentation within the application, and a contact book with their location. In addition, social professionals can also have access to communicate and interact with users.

The objective of FIN(DA)WAY is that refugees and asylum seekers can access the tool during the process of the first reception, in order to achieve autonomy from the first moment and speed up their integration into the country. In addition, it is an easy-to-use application, free of charge, with offline access and available in six languages (French, Pashto, English, Arabic, Russian and Spanish).

It is a service that offers immediate and personalized information and is subject to change, adapting to new demands, contents and services.

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