Helpper, people with support needs connect with people willing to help them

Helpper, people with support needs connect with people willing to help them

Young helpper helping an elderly woman to do groceries. Retrieved from Helpper’s website.
Service that connects people who need some support for their daily life tasks (helppies), with people close to them, in the same neighbourhood or village, who are willing to help them (helppers).
Helppper is a model that seeks the comfort of both sides, because it allows helppers to specify what their availability is (schedule, types of service they can offer, if they offer it free or with remuneration, etc.); and the helppies to select the support to be received (what person, for which support needs, schedule, modality, price, etc.). Helpper offers three subscription modalities: Basic, Standard and Premium, to make it easier for each person to personify the level of assistance they want to receive.
People with disabilities, with chronic diseases, elderly people, parents and mothers who are very busy, and even carers who need help in caring for dependents, can access the service.
The types of assistance or possible tasks to offer/receive include: small home repairs; food aid; support with administrative processes; travel and transport support; company to mitigate unwanted loneliness; babysitting; etc.
The service is available in French and Dutch.
Characteristics of innovation
Mutua Partena, Wheelchairity, mobilant, VZW, onafhankelijk leven, alin vzw, absoluut, Start It, OZ, My Assist, thuiszorg vleminckveld, hoplr, Neutraal Ziekenfonds Vlaanderen, Vlaams & Neutraal Ziekendfonds, Blijf Actief
It was created in 2017 to connect people who need simple support for daily jobs, with people willing to help. Helpper provides a complementary service to the services of the Administrations or NGOs, and provides a relief at certain needs, either one time, frequently or permanently.
Level of implementation
Helpper is a service available in six provinces of Belgium. By 2020, their helppers had provided more than 350,000 hours of aid, and the platform received 100 new helppers each day. It currently has about 22,000 helppers (persons offering support) and 4,500 helppies (persons receiving support). Helpper has gained several international recognitions, including the “Startup of the Year 2020” awarded by The Big Squeeze.

Banc d’innovacions