myCarenet, community support network for people with dependency

myCarenet, community support network for people with dependency

Image from myCarenet.
App that allows the person with some kind of dependency or their reference relative to weave and co-create their own support network in their home and their usual environment.
This tool allows maintaining and increasing meaningful social relationships (family, friends, neighbours, etc.) from an inclusive and community point of view, and at the same time prevents an eventual feeling of unwanted loneliness.
The person can contact and contract professional social and health care services on demand, or contact and receive community support for activities of daily living. In this way, myCarenet makes it possible to share the burden of care, lightening the load of the main caregiver.
In addition, both people with dependency and their support (family, community or professional) can access continuous and personalized training that promotes self-care and enables support persons to carry out a quality social and care task.
On the other hand, within the values of the circular economy, myCarenet promotes dignified and regulated work for people with difficulties in finding work and who, with a correct training itinerary, can find employment stability in the social and healthcare sector.
Characteristics of innovation
Ajuntament de Terrassa, Antic Poble de Sant Pere, Alzheimer Catalunya, Salut Mental Catalunya, Prodis, Prou Barreres, Pyme Legal, Ubilibet, BrandChats, Caixa d’Enginyers, Baku, Ilimit, Glide, CodiTramuntana
In 2018, after a long career in the field of residential care, Albert Puig Tobella promoted myCarenet while researching a high-impact alternative model that meets the needs of people with dependency and their caregiving environment in an empowered, effective, flexible and sustainable way. Thus, myCarenet aims to be a lever for transformation and social cohesion, promoting equal opportunities, autonomy, quality of life and person-directed care.
Level of implementation
Since the birth of myCarenet, the project has been maturing little by little thanks to the complicity and collaboration of many people and entities that have rocked it. At this stage, it is still in a phase of growth.

Bank of innovations