PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse


Imatge PrevenSI

Specialised service in Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

Currently, it is estimated that 5% of men have thoughts, desires, fantasies, and behaviors related to child sexual abuse. This figure is alarming considering the percentage of the population that has been sexually abused during their childhood, which ranges from 10% to 25%. Furthermore, 44% of this total have been victims of repeated sexual violence. It is important to consider that the number of people who have been abused as children is higher, as it is estimated that only 15% of cases are reported. The above data reflects the magnitude of the problem and the urgent need for action.

PrevenSI is a specialized resource that facilitates access to information and services aimed at preventing child sexual abuse (CSA). The initiative was born in 2019 from the collaboration of the Institute of Forensic Psychology, the INTRESS Institute, and the IReS Foundation. Currently, the Association for the Prevention of Child Sexual Violence is formed by INTRESS, the IReS Foundation The Pericas Communication Agency. The project promotes different actions aimed at children who have suffered sexual violence, people who experience sexual desire towards minors, social professionals and people who detect or suspect that there may be a case of child sexual abuse in their environment.

On its website, PrevenSI raises doubts and answers about child sexual abuse with the aim of providing verified information on this issue. In this sense, it provides guidelines for identifying cases of sexual abuse, details the public and private services available to those who have suffered abuse, and explains the rights that protect them. In order to provide an accessible service, they offer several contact channels. They can be contacted via email, online chat or telephone.

In addition, PrevenSI includes a section aimed at individuals who feel attracted to minors. This section collects, in the form of questions and answers, thoughts related to child sexual abuse that could lead to acts of sexual violence towards children, explaining why these thoughts can be harmful. At the same time, it presents several solutions detailing the personal and social benefits of seeking help from professionals. In this way, they aim to encourage people who have pedophilia or paederastic behaviors to ask for help and avoid any form of child sexual violence. PrevenSI assesses each individual’s situation and refers them to the service that best suits their circumstances.

There are two types of therapies aimed at pedophiles and pederasts: one pharmacological, intended to reduce sexual desire towards minors through medication, and the other psychological, focused on preventing new risky situations and learning to manage one’s own behavior. The evidence shows that cognitive-behavioral-based programs have a greater impact on redirecting these individuals’ behaviors and ensure more effective long-term results. Both treatments must be administered by specialized professionals and adapted to each person’s situation. For this reason, PrevenSI also offers information, support, and training to professionals from various disciplines who work to prevent cases of child sexual violence.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

Publications Bank of innovations

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation



Project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Under the motto “If you don’t live it, you don’t feel it”, V-TOOLS uses virtual reality as a pedagogical tool to address social issues. The initiative mainly focuses on the prevention of cyberbullying and gender-based violence, with special attention to the dynamics generated among children, adolescents, and young people.

The organization conducts sessions in educational centers, targeting individuals aged 10 to 18 years old, where users put themselves in the shoes of people experiencing situations of violence, control, and discrimination. In the field of gender-based violence, for example, there are audiovisual capsules on topics such as jealousy, friendship, social networks, and sexual relationships. Regarding cyberbullying, the program addresses prejudice, diversity, and physical stereotypes, among other aspects.

V-TOOLS follows the quadruple helix model, a methodology based on close collaboration with key community actors: citizens, businesses, public administration, and knowledge centers, to generate synergies that favor economic and social development, promote social inclusion, and foster sustainability.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

Publications Bank of innovations

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences



Language exchange program through videoconferences between elderly people and young individuals living outside their country

During the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many elderly people found themselves isolated, while young refugees lost the opportunity to attend language meetings and classes that would facilitate their social integration and the learning of the host country’s language.

To address these two issues, the organization Oldyssey launched the ShareAmi project, a program that allows intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences. On one hand, it helps young refugees better integrate into the new territory, and on the other, it combats the feeling of unwanted loneliness experienced by many elderly people. Additionally, the use of this tool also allows elderly people to improve their relationship with technology and, at the same time, reinforce their sense of usefulness in society.

ShareAmi operates through a volunteer system, in which volunteers contact both parties interested in the exchange and act as intermediaries. The meetings last for three months and are held weekly. To ensure follow-up, the mediator receives monthly feedback on the sessions. Once the scheduled time has passed, participants can decide whether to continue the video calls or end the exchange.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Digital Streetwork, social workers who assist young people through the Internet

Publications Bank of innovations

Digital Streetwork, social workers who assist young people through the Internet

Bavarian Youth Council

Digital Streetwork

Initiative that moves street work with youth to the Internet

Digital Streetwork is a project aimed at individuals between 14 and 27 years old, in which a team of specialists work with youth through chats, social networks, platforms, and phone calls. Some of these spaces include Instagram, Discord, and Reddit. The main objective is to support them in areas such as mental health, school, work, and interpersonal relationships.

Social workers are actively present online and reach out to young people who show a need for support through messages and posts. If they do not wish to establish communication, the conversation stops. Similarly, the workers can be contacted by users who require their help. The program consists of fourteen professionals, two for each local government in Bavaria.

The platform is free and anonymous. Digital workers maintain the confidentiality of conversations and receive training in online counseling and crisis management. In case they cannot address an issue, the professionals connect the youth with specialized organizations.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

BRUS, accompaniment to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction

Publications Bank of innovations

BRUS, accompaniment to young people who live in families with situations of drug addiction

Center for Digital Paedagogik (CfDP)


Program that seeks to break the taboo of addictions in families

BRUS is an initiative aimed at young people up to 24 years old who live in families affected by alcohol and drug addiction. The primary objective is to break the taboo surrounding these issues through in-person meetings and an anonymous chat service. Additionally, the program encourages young individuals to focus on their own needs rather than taking responsibility for situations they cannot control.

The online chat provides access to individuals who may initially be hesitant about seeking face-to-face treatment or are unable to physically attend a center. This virtual format allows vulnerable individuals to express their experiences, regardless of their location. Furthermore, the online platform enables safer and more confident self-expression, allowing them to articulate their feelings more effectively.

Users can choose whether they want to maintain continuity with the same therapist across multiple sessions or start anew each time and switch therapists. BRUS also facilitates communication for young people who have completed the therapeutic process but wish to stay connected with the center.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Catalan Government, Save The Children

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

A pioneering integrated unit in Catalonia and Spain, made up of a specialised multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to avoid the re-victimisation of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse and to provide all the necessary care in a single space.

Barnahus (children’s house in icelandic) is a project to help children and young people –from 0 to 18 years of age– who have suffered sexual abuse and to prevent aggression against minors. It puts the victim of sexual abuse at the centre, working in a single space with all the care services they need and minimising the traumatic experience of reliving the aggression. This avoids victims having to go through courts, police stations, hospitals and children’s services. It is promoted by Save the Children and is supported by five Catalan government departments, mainly the Social Rights department, but in coordination with the Health, Education, Justice and Interior departments.

Barnahus has a welcoming and friendly appearance to provide security, comfort and confidence to children and their families. There are separate rooms to preserve privacy, a kitchen-dining room, offices and a medical examination room. The psychosocial team –consisting of psychologists and social workers with a coordinator– works full time, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and also offers translation services.

Catalonia already has centers in Tarragona, Manresa, and Lleida. In 2024, Intress, a partner entity of the iSocial Foundation, has promoted the opening of a Barnahus facility in Terrassa and in La Seu d’Urgell. On February 27th, the Idea Foundation, also a member of iSocial, will inaugurate a center in Granollers.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

Publications Bank of innovations

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

La Rueca Asociación

User using the eRueca application with the mobile phone

A virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals facing social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.

e-Rueca is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is a completely free service. The application is designed as a physical care center, a building with multiple floors and service rooms where users can find and interact with teams of professionals ready to help them, provide support, and offer information. The more than 10 technicians involved in this project provide user support in various intervention fields. Of the eight rooms that e-Rueca makes available to the user, five are dedicated to direct social and psychological care: the Psychology Room, the Work Room, the Legal and Immigration Room, the Social Care Room, and the Youth Room; in these rooms, they offer everything from legal advice for foreigners to mediation. They also provide answers to frequently asked questions related to each intervention area and a section of resources in text and video format. With these five rooms, the different needs for accompaniment and support of people in situations of social exclusion are covered, always taking into account their specific circumstances.

The remaining three rooms are: the Reception, which provides information about the project and its goals; the Exhibition Room, where tools and resources (hobbies, games, tests, infographics, etc.) are collected with the aim of raising awareness about situations and groups in social vulnerability; and the auditorium, a meeting space for third-sector professionals that includes updates related to online training, webinars, or events that the organization makes available to professionals.

Communication between users and professionals is possible through various channels. The most direct is instant chat, but it is also possible to make inquiries via SMS, WhatsApp, email, or video calls. If the user requests it, the possibility of face-to-face assistance with a hybrid option is also considered. The team of professionals responds within a maximum of 48 hours. Thus, in a simple way and through mobile devices, tablets, and computers, vulnerable individuals can contact and receive the attention they need quickly and efficiently.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities


Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

An innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving and manufacturing tangible solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

Through the E-Fabrik program, which is free for all participants, young people and individuals with disabilities learn to use digital fabrication tools, such as 3D printers and laser cutters, and become familiar with the spaces where they can find them. The goal is for them to acquire new skills in the use of emerging digital technologies. Using the FabLab concept, pairs or teams are formed consisting of young people and individuals with disabilities who work together to find solutions to everyday problems and create practical solutions to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Participants receive a budget of approximately €150 to develop and produce their specific solution.

The project unfolds through courses, educational programs of 20 half-days, and a 5-month vocational training course. In all of them, active solidarity among project participants is encouraged, allowing them to reclaim technology and use it for specific and meaningful purposes.

On the other hand, the program actively works to connect spaces and platforms of technological and digital creativity with structures dedicated to young people and individuals with disabilities. Thus, E-Fabrik not only offers the opportunity to create concrete solutions but also seeks to create bonds and partnerships with local structures.

Bank of innovations

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Cut All Ties, a digital project for the reduction of male violence in adolescents and young people

Publications Bank of innovations

Cut All Ties, a digital project for the reduction of male violence in adolescents and young people

REC Programme, ABD (Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament), Fondazione Acra, Citibeats

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A training and education programme based on new technologies that contributes to reducing gender violence that women suffer in their youth, and specifically in their first sexual relations.

Given the alarming data on gender violence that women suffer from an early age, the Cut All Ties project aims to contribute to raising awareness, preventing and reducing male violence –sexual, physical, emotional or psychological– in the first sexual relationships between young people. The ultimate goal is to bring about changes in social norms and behaviour in the people who make up this group. The project will be carried out between January 2021 and January 2023 and is aimed at students aged between 15 and 17 and teachers from 6 secondary schools in Barcelona, Madrid and Milan, a total of 120 young people and 120 teachers.

The project has been mainly based on data extracted thanks to new technologies, as it has been implemented through the design, implementation and validation of a training programme that has allowed the participants to reflect and learn in order to identify and prevent gender violence in their first affective sexual relationships. Thus, in order to identify the issues and problems most present among this group, as well as the causes, prevalence and consequences of gender violence, 200,000 anonymous data have been collected through a transnational Artificial Intelligence text analysis platform.

Specifically, Citibeats’ algorithm, which analyses unstructured text data, identifies social trends, gender-based violence narratives and common concerns across countries. This information, as well as that extracted from the anonymous Typeform survey, has been key to developing the training programme which, in secondary schools, has emphasized good practices and tools to prevent gender-based violence. These actions have been led by groups of young feminists, close to the students.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

SällBo, intergenerational and multicultural housing to combat loneliness

Publications Bank of innovations

SällBo, intergenerational and multicultural housing to combat loneliness


SallBo Canasta 2 1

Multicultural and multigenerational residential space to combat loneliness and promote social cohesion between generations and cultures. The social housing and integration project provides incentives and areas for residents to interact socially and in company.

The SällBo building, designed by the municipal housing company Helsinborgshem, is intended for people over 70 and under 25. It aims to create a new way of living where the generations can meet within the social life of the center. Beyond that, it is also designed to bring cultures together and promote social cohesion: some of the young people living there are refugees who arrived in the country as unaccompanied minors. The primary objective of the project is none other than to break the involuntary loneliness in which these groups find themselves, especially the elderly and young people who are beginning their process of integration into the host society.

In order to access housing in this building, which is made up of 51 flats for rent, the cost of which is around €400, it is compulsory –and signed by contract– to socialise with other residents for at least two hours each week. Tenants are selected individually through interviews, always prioritising the diversity of profiles and origins.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases