Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

Publications Bank of innovations

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

Adinberri Foundation, Eusko Jaurlaritza (Basque Government)


Predictive telecare that allows for preventive and personalized action

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation. The initiative aims to address social issues such as loneliness, home safety, abuse, cognitive decline, and lack of socio-family support.

The predictive model operates through technological solutions such as speech processing, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things), and technologies that facilitate interoperability and standardization, such as open platforms.

The system will be integrated into the Public Telecare Service of Euskadi (betiON), a service that allows users to communicate with specialized professionals in emergency or risk situations. BetiON can be used by people over 75 years old who live alone, people over 65 years old in situations or at risk of dependency, people with various types of disabilities or mental illnesses, and people in situations of social isolation.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Publications Bank of innovations

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv Housing SCCL


Web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness

Kloosiv is a cooperative web platform that combines technology and social intervention to facilitate access to housing for vulnerable groups struggling to pay rent. Its audience ranges from young people to single-parent families or elderly individuals living alone. The tool includes real information on the supply and demand of real estate in participating municipalities and offers more affordable rental prices compared to the market. The goal is to create a network that connects different stakeholders and, through artificial intelligence, optimizes resources and data to better meet their needs.

The initiative focuses on social and healthcare attention, well-being, home security, and conflict mediation. Kloosiv diagnoses the situation and specificities of both tenants and landlords. Professionals accompany individuals throughout the process and supervise each case personally.

Users’ circumstances vary. A common profile among Kloosiv users is elderly individuals experiencing unwanted loneliness who are looking for someone to safely share their apartment. There are also cases of young people who cannot afford to rent an apartment alone and are interested in accompanying someone living alone. In this sense, Kloosiv includes different types of cohabitation and provides professionals with regular monitoring to ensure residents’ comfort.

Additionally, the technological platform allows processing data and combining it with indicators of health, physical well-being, and emotional well-being to evaluate the program’s impact on users’ lives. Kloosiv also pays special attention to the homeless population and aligns with the Housing First methodology, prioritizing access to housing for these individuals.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

Publications Bank of innovations

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

La Rueca Asociación

User using the eRueca application with the mobile phone

A virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals facing social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.

e-Rueca is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is a completely free service. The application is designed as a physical care center, a building with multiple floors and service rooms where users can find and interact with teams of professionals ready to help them, provide support, and offer information. The more than 10 technicians involved in this project provide user support in various intervention fields. Of the eight rooms that e-Rueca makes available to the user, five are dedicated to direct social and psychological care: the Psychology Room, the Work Room, the Legal and Immigration Room, the Social Care Room, and the Youth Room; in these rooms, they offer everything from legal advice for foreigners to mediation. They also provide answers to frequently asked questions related to each intervention area and a section of resources in text and video format. With these five rooms, the different needs for accompaniment and support of people in situations of social exclusion are covered, always taking into account their specific circumstances.

The remaining three rooms are: the Reception, which provides information about the project and its goals; the Exhibition Room, where tools and resources (hobbies, games, tests, infographics, etc.) are collected with the aim of raising awareness about situations and groups in social vulnerability; and the auditorium, a meeting space for third-sector professionals that includes updates related to online training, webinars, or events that the organization makes available to professionals.

Communication between users and professionals is possible through various channels. The most direct is instant chat, but it is also possible to make inquiries via SMS, WhatsApp, email, or video calls. If the user requests it, the possibility of face-to-face assistance with a hybrid option is also considered. The team of professionals responds within a maximum of 48 hours. Thus, in a simple way and through mobile devices, tablets, and computers, vulnerable individuals can contact and receive the attention they need quickly and efficiently.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Vangin, integration of social services into a single citizen portal 

Publications Bank of innovations

Vangin, integration of social services into a single citizen portal 

Talgildu Føroya

samleikin taenastuveitarar 730x365 2x

Portal that brings together in one place all the digital services of the various public institutions of the Faroe Islands (Denmark), including social services, to provide citizens access to information and management of all types of procedures. 

Vangin has become an example of digitalization in the public sector worldwide, placing the Faroe Islands in a leading position. Vangin centralizes all services in this Danish territory and is available to everyone over 15 years of age with a Faroese personal identification number. The previous and key step to use this tool is the registration through Samleikin, which is the electronic authentication used in the Faroe Islands. 

Vangin offers a wide range of self-service services from various providers, and social and welfare services are included in them. Thus, citizens can easily carry out often complex online procedures, such as applying for official documents, registering for social programs or submitting applications for public services, without having to physically travel to the institutions. It also offers a personal calendar that allows to keep track of appointments, facilitating the organization of citizenship from reminders of relevant deadlines. Furthermore, Vangin provides a secure mailbox called Mínboks, which allows receiving and sending messages related to the issues that are of interest to each individual, guaranteeing at all times the confidentiality and security of communication.  

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

LifeCompanion, a customisable assistant for people who have difficulty communicating orally

Publications Bank of innovations

LifeCompanion, a customisable assistant for people who have difficulty communicating orally

Centre Mutualiste de Kerpape

Assistive Technology 1

Personalised digital assistant that provides communication assistance and access to information technologies. It is free and open source and facilitates oral communication for people with difficulties.

LifeCompanion is a highly customisable and flexible assistant, so it can be used in different contexts, but it is mainly intended to facilitate computer access and communication. In fact, one of the outstanding features of LifeCompanion is its integrated speech synthesis, which allows users to communicate using speech. LifeCompanion thus aims to promote the social participation and autonomy of its users in areas such as communication, access to information technologies, education and employment. It also contributes to establishing social links, especially with caregivers and professionals close to them.

LifeCompanion works in such a way that it adjusts to the individual’s motor, visual, auditory or cognitive abilities and development. For example, it enables pictographic and phonetic communication, as it includes a vocabulary tree with pictograms and pictures and a customised phoneme communication keyboard. Digital keyboards can also be customised and typing can be accelerated with advanced word prediction. Among other functions, LifeCompanion also facilitates motor accessibility, anticipating movement and with advanced configurations in this area. In this regard, it is important to note that it has been co-designed by and in close collaboration with end users.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Résorption-bidonvilles, the digital platform to accelerate slum upgrading and integration in France

Publications Bank of innovations

Résorption-bidonvilles, the digital platform to accelerate slum upgrading and integration in France

Résorption-bidonvilles, Dihal (Interministerial Delegation of Acommodation and Access to Housing)

Information, exchange and management platform promoted by the French government to effectively accelerate the improvement and integration of slums, known in French as bidonvilles. Through this tool, citizens can report on the situation in these neighbourhoods, administrations can follow the progress of the actions being carried out and associations can collaborate in improving the living conditions of their inhabitants. 

This online platform –which is simple, agile and adaptable to the needs of each user– was born out of the realisation that in recent decades, in France, slums have reappeared, where precarious people live in housing that does not meet hygiene and sanitation standards and where basic services (access to water, access to sanitary facilities, waste disposal, etc.) are largely absent. There are currently more than 300 slums in the French Metropolitan Area, where more than 16,000 people live. The social marginalisation of the population living there is alarming: lack of schooling, non-participation in the labour market, neglect and discrimination of all kinds, among others.

The platform aims to transform public action and create a collaborative dynamic, connecting various actors –public administrations involved, landowners, associations that intervene with the inhabitants– that can help to improve precarious neighbourhoods, both at the level of decision-making and implementation. Access to the platform is open, but requests are validated by local administrators. Moreover, actors who have access to the platform can only consult information and report on interventions concerning the territory in which they are registered. Only users registered at the national level –ministries, central administrations or national associative partners– can consult all the data.

However, it is a tool with a global approach that combines social integration, respect for public order and the prevention of resettlement. In this sense, the platform makes the situation of the inhabitants of the bidonvilles visible –although no personal data is ever shared– and strengthens the power of action of each actor on the ground. It also makes it possible to draw up action plans and interventions, facilitate coordination between actors and measure and promote the results of the actions carried out.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Gavius, a virtual assistant for the processing of social assistance applications

Publications Bank of innovations

Gavius, a virtual assistant for the processing of social assistance applications

Gavà City Council

Intelligent assistant that provides information to citizens about the social assistances available to them, and at the same time facilitates its processing in a convenient, fast and simple way. It is based on a user-friendly application, which allows digital identification through biometric recognition, and automates the process of applying for aid and subsequent collection.

The Gavius project aims to contribute to moving towards more proactive and innovative social services, adapting technologies to the needs of individuals and social professionals. The assistant is accessible both to potential beneficiaries who identify themselves in the application, as well as to social services and citizen care professionals, for whom it provides support when granting and processing social assistance.

Gavius is an example of joint work between companies, citizens, administration and research centers. Thanks to a model based on machine learning, the application is able to adapt to the casuistry of each person and simplify and streamline the bureaucratic processes of the social services of local administrations.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

JUS-APP, portable technology solution for municipal social workers

Publications Bank of innovations

JUS-APP, portable technology solution for municipal social workers

Hamburg City Council

Mobile application for municipal social workers of the Hamburg City Council (Germany) that allows them to automatically perform administrative tasks and access data of the persons served while they are at the person’s home, fulfilling all legal requirements of the municipal administration, including forms and checklists.

The application is connected to the municipal system JUS-IT in real time, which has different functionalities to simplify daily administrative tasks and make your work more attractive. Among others, it includes the automated management of alimony and social benefits, saving time for social workers and making their work more efficient. In addition, it is connected to other specialized procedures, such as police reports, providing fast, networked, results-oriented management.

The application, based on Cúram Software, also allows capturing details of meetings, such as audio or video recording of user interviews or home visits, and automated pre-filling of forms.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Konekta2, intelligent sensorization of homes for the elderly

Publications Bank of innovations

Konekta2, intelligent sensorization of homes for the elderly

Fuenlabrada City Council

A virtual assistant for the elderly that is able to detect changes in movements and routines at home to alert in the event of an incident.

The program is aimed at elderly people with cognitive impairment who live alone. It is a pilot project for which 30 people have been selected, with the intention of being extended to other users once the pilot phase is completed.

Through sensors placed on doors, household appliances or corridors, changes in these can be detected. First, an analysis of each person’s routines is carried out to detect anomalies and check the elderly person’s condition. By this way, if a door is opened at dawn, or the front door is not opened all day (indicating that the person has not left the house), it can be detected and the people nearby can be alerted (every time there is a change, a message is sent to the next contact person). The tool has a voice-controlled virtual assistant, a sensor for opening the front door and the refrigerator, and motion sensors that can be placed in different areas of the house.

The assistant also alerts the emergency services in the event of an accident, since it works as a complement to the help button or tele-alarm that users have at home. In addition, users can call for help using only their voice.

The pilot project makes it possible to anticipate cases of risk, avoiding emergency situations thanks to preventive work. It is a tool that helps the elderly to spend more of their lives at home safely.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Crisis text line, suicide prevention through artificial intelligence

Publications Bank of innovations

Crisis text line, suicide prevention through artificial intelligence

Crisis Text Line

Suicide prevention hotline which, in addition to offering accompaniment, emotional support and home interventions to thousands of people going through difficult situations, has an algorithm that allows the service’s volunteers to identify which people are at high risk of suicide and therefore need more urgent intervention.

The service works in such a way that the person in crisis sends a message saying “HOME” to the number 741741, and a specialised volunteer responds quickly and in real time. The service goes out of its way to help people in times of distress or crisis by listening to them, reassuring them, and offering suggestions for overcoming their difficulties.

As a service that receives thousands of requests, deciding who to help first in times of floods of messages can be a life-or-death decision. That’s why Crisis Text Line uses an algorithm to identify people at high risk of suicide and to be able to intervene as quickly as possible in these cases.

Using machine learning, the artificial intelligence algorithm analyses the words and emojis that may indicate that a person is at high risk of suicidal ideation or self-harm. The system developed is based on the analysis of 30 million messages that the service has exchanged with users in recent years, and is thus able to position as an emergency those conversations with high-risk patterns that need to be attended to more urgently. As a result, 94% of people at serious and imminent risk of suicide receive an intervention in less than 5 minutes.

In addition, the data collected provides the service with very relevant information about the mental health of the clients. For example, it has concluded that Wednesday is the most anxiety provoking day of the week, and that self-harm crises occur mainly in the early hours of the morning.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases