PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse


Imatge PrevenSI

Specialised service in Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

Currently, it is estimated that 5% of men have thoughts, desires, fantasies, and behaviors related to child sexual abuse. This figure is alarming considering the percentage of the population that has been sexually abused during their childhood, which ranges from 10% to 25%. Furthermore, 44% of this total have been victims of repeated sexual violence. It is important to consider that the number of people who have been abused as children is higher, as it is estimated that only 15% of cases are reported. The above data reflects the magnitude of the problem and the urgent need for action.

PrevenSI is a specialized resource that facilitates access to information and services aimed at preventing child sexual abuse (CSA). The initiative was born in 2019 from the collaboration of the Institute of Forensic Psychology, the INTRESS Institute, and the IReS Foundation. Currently, the Association for the Prevention of Child Sexual Violence is formed by INTRESS, the IReS Foundation The Pericas Communication Agency. The project promotes different actions aimed at children who have suffered sexual violence, people who experience sexual desire towards minors, social professionals and people who detect or suspect that there may be a case of child sexual abuse in their environment.

On its website, PrevenSI raises doubts and answers about child sexual abuse with the aim of providing verified information on this issue. In this sense, it provides guidelines for identifying cases of sexual abuse, details the public and private services available to those who have suffered abuse, and explains the rights that protect them. In order to provide an accessible service, they offer several contact channels. They can be contacted via email, online chat or telephone.

In addition, PrevenSI includes a section aimed at individuals who feel attracted to minors. This section collects, in the form of questions and answers, thoughts related to child sexual abuse that could lead to acts of sexual violence towards children, explaining why these thoughts can be harmful. At the same time, it presents several solutions detailing the personal and social benefits of seeking help from professionals. In this way, they aim to encourage people who have pedophilia or paederastic behaviors to ask for help and avoid any form of child sexual violence. PrevenSI assesses each individual’s situation and refers them to the service that best suits their circumstances.

There are two types of therapies aimed at pedophiles and pederasts: one pharmacological, intended to reduce sexual desire towards minors through medication, and the other psychological, focused on preventing new risky situations and learning to manage one’s own behavior. The evidence shows that cognitive-behavioral-based programs have a greater impact on redirecting these individuals’ behaviors and ensure more effective long-term results. Both treatments must be administered by specialized professionals and adapted to each person’s situation. For this reason, PrevenSI also offers information, support, and training to professionals from various disciplines who work to prevent cases of child sexual violence.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

Publications Bank of innovations

Predictive Telecare Service in Home Care

Adinberri Foundation, Eusko Jaurlaritza (Basque Government)


Predictive telecare that allows for preventive and personalized action

The Adinberri Foundation has launched a telecare service that enables anticipation and action through a personalized intervention plan based on the 4P model: prediction, prevention, personalization, and participation. The initiative aims to address social issues such as loneliness, home safety, abuse, cognitive decline, and lack of socio-family support.

The predictive model operates through technological solutions such as speech processing, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things), and technologies that facilitate interoperability and standardization, such as open platforms.

The system will be integrated into the Public Telecare Service of Euskadi (betiON), a service that allows users to communicate with specialized professionals in emergency or risk situations. BetiON can be used by people over 75 years old who live alone, people over 65 years old in situations or at risk of dependency, people with various types of disabilities or mental illnesses, and people in situations of social isolation.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

Publications Bank of innovations

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia



Smart socks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

According to WHO data from 2023, more than 55 million people worldwide have dementia, with over 60% living in low- and middle-income countries. Annually, there are nearly ten million new cases. Additionally, dementia is the seventh leading cause of death globally and one of the main causes of dependency and disability among the elderly.

SmartSocks are intelligent socks that provide information about the condition of patients with dementia, but also with other conditions such as autism spectrum disorder and various intellectual disabilities. The sensor is embedded in discreet and comfortable socks that can be machine-washed, and it collects physiological data such as heart rate, movement, or anxiety. This way, caregivers receive alerts that allow them to intervene more quickly and prevent undesirable situations.

By scanning the QR code on the SmartSocks, the socks connect via Wi-Fi to the Milbotix app, which uses artificial intelligence to detect patterns and anomalies and alert caregivers before a risk situation occurs. These intelligent socks allow for the remote identification of cognitive changes in patients, a very useful feature for professionals in care homes and also allows extending the stay of people with dementia in their own homes before admitting them to a facility.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

Publications Bank of innovations

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide



Research project to prevent suicide through artificial intelligence applied to social networks

According to the latest data from the INE, 4,227 people died by suicide in Spain in 2022. It is the highest number ever recorded in the country. One of the most concerning issues is the increase in suicide among adolescents, as cases have significantly risen from 53 to 75 compared to 2021. According to the WHO, each suicide has a severe emotional impact, at least on six people in the victim’s environment.

STOP is a research project that studies mental health problems on social networks through Artificial Intelligence. The goal is to find patterns related to the high risk of suicide and other disorders that can lead to this issue, such as depression or eating disorders. When a user matching a risk profile is detected, a targeted prevention campaign is launched, including information like the Helpline, available 24 hours a day, and other suicide prevention hotlines.

Some indicators taken into account include the times at which the person publishes content, interactions received from other users, their interests, and the type of posts. The team, consisting of psychologists, engineers, and psychiatrists, has developed algorithms that detect suicidal behavior patterns with 85% accuracy through texts, images, and social activities on Twitter.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Mentegram, therapeutic monitoring of patients in mental health treatment

Publications Bank of innovations

Mentegram, therapeutic monitoring of patients in mental health treatment



Tool that allows evaluating and monitoring the daily behavior of individuals in therapeutic treatment

Mentegram is a platform that allows for daily monitoring of the state of patients in mental health consultations. The instruments and detection criteria can be customized according to the individual or, if preferred, pre-configured ones can be used. This way, therapists can adapt the treatment in each case more reliably.

This monitoring also allows for session optimization and time-saving, as professionals obtain a quick overview of how patients have been in the days leading up to the visit. The tool also enables the detection of risk situations to act preventively.

Additionally, the application offers the possibility of sharing educational materials, instructions, questionnaires, and reminders with users through their mobile devices. Furthermore, the platform collects information on patient evaluations, staff workload, and clinical effectiveness.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

By My Side, an app that offers support to drug-dependent women

Publications Bank of innovations

By My Side, an app that offers support to drug-dependent women

Simon Community Scotland, AND Digital

Application that offers support, advice and resources to women who consume drugs to facilitate access to information and proper decision making to improve their health and well-being.

drug addiction treatment

In order to address the misinformation and harms of drug use among women, which often leads to death, and in conjunction with technology consultancy AND Digital, who have volunteered their digital knowledge and expertise, Simon Community Scotland (SCS) has created By My Side. This app provides evidence-based harm reduction advice that is easily accessible to people who use the charity’s services.

It is designed by women for women. While primarily focused on advice on preventing drug-related harm, the app also has wider resources, such as guidance and guidelines on issues and mental health management and support for people affected by domestic or sexual violence. Thus, the app allows the most relevant advice and resources to be accessible and available to women without ever having to approach a service if they do not want it. The By My Side app enables them to access high quality information and make informed decisions about their health, wellbeing and safety.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Cut All Ties, a digital project for the reduction of male violence in adolescents and young people

Publications Bank of innovations

Cut All Ties, a digital project for the reduction of male violence in adolescents and young people

REC Programme, ABD (Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament), Fondazione Acra, Citibeats

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A training and education programme based on new technologies that contributes to reducing gender violence that women suffer in their youth, and specifically in their first sexual relations.

Given the alarming data on gender violence that women suffer from an early age, the Cut All Ties project aims to contribute to raising awareness, preventing and reducing male violence –sexual, physical, emotional or psychological– in the first sexual relationships between young people. The ultimate goal is to bring about changes in social norms and behaviour in the people who make up this group. The project will be carried out between January 2021 and January 2023 and is aimed at students aged between 15 and 17 and teachers from 6 secondary schools in Barcelona, Madrid and Milan, a total of 120 young people and 120 teachers.

The project has been mainly based on data extracted thanks to new technologies, as it has been implemented through the design, implementation and validation of a training programme that has allowed the participants to reflect and learn in order to identify and prevent gender violence in their first affective sexual relationships. Thus, in order to identify the issues and problems most present among this group, as well as the causes, prevalence and consequences of gender violence, 200,000 anonymous data have been collected through a transnational Artificial Intelligence text analysis platform.

Specifically, Citibeats’ algorithm, which analyses unstructured text data, identifies social trends, gender-based violence narratives and common concerns across countries. This information, as well as that extracted from the anonymous Typeform survey, has been key to developing the training programme which, in secondary schools, has emphasized good practices and tools to prevent gender-based violence. These actions have been led by groups of young feminists, close to the students.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Mixed Living, residents who live with and collaborate with highly vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Mixed Living, residents who live with and collaborate with highly vulnerable people


Mixed social housing blocks of flats where homeless and economically vulnerable people live together, which is beneficial for both groups. It facilitates access to housing more quickly for many people while the community activities carried out in the buildings promote social reintegration and break down the social isolation and stigmatisation of homeless people.

Mixed Living is a form of housing in which 70% of the people who live there are on low incomes and in need of social housing and the remaining 30% are people who are vulnerable, usually homeless people who are beneficiaries of the Housing First programme. Both parties must comply with the previously established conditions of commitment and rules, mainly regarding the care of the environment they share. Participating in this social accompaniment programme is advantageous for people in the first group, reducing their waiting time for access to social housing.

It is also clearly favourable for homeless people —and not only, because the programme is also aimed at people with a lack of social network or psychological problems— for whom the contact and cohabitation with other residents facilitates their social reintegration. In this sense, the shared housing enables proximity between the two groups with common meeting spaces that make it easier for them to have coffee, watch a football match or look after the courtyard. The project is supervised by professionals who visit the block of flats at least once a week and are responsible for assessing and managing the functioning of the cohabitation.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Fenix, a therapeutic garden and orchard for drug addicts

Publications Bank of innovations

Fenix, a therapeutic garden and orchard for drug addicts

Grup ABD

Through urban agro-ecology, the Fénix project in the city of Barcelona promotes the social and occupational inclusion of people undergoing treatment for drug addiction. The therapeutic garden and orchard, developed under the slogan “Cultivating new opportunities”, also contributes to destigmatising the group of people with addictions.

The project is located on the grounds of the Care and Monitoring Centre (CAS) in Sarrià (Barcelona), which has become a climatic refuge within the city. It has a total of 10 hectares and works by applying regenerative cultivation techniques, i.e. the approach to plant production is respectful, ecological and sustainable. The facility enables the personalisation of social insertion itineraries that improve the employability of the participants, who take part in the whole process, from the cultivation and maintenance of the plants to the organisation of the tasks and economic planning, in relation to the promotion and sale of the cultivated products. The participants receive basic training in agroecology and gain experience in social entrepreneurship and marketing of the products. The project also enables participants to be self-sufficient in food and promotes responsible consumption and a sustainable food system.

The project has a community aspect, with the garden being at the same time a space for exchange and use by organisations and people from the district who need to meet or carry out outdoor activities. In addition, the resulting food is destined to social services, so that people with addictions who participate in the Garden and Hort Fènix multiply the social impact they receive by helping other people.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Moods, promoting good screen use among teenagers and young people

Publications Bank of innovations

Moods, promoting good screen use among teenagers and young people

Nous Cims Foundation and Adsis Foundation

Community intervention project with a comprehensive approach to prevent risks in the use of new technologies among adolescents and young people and promote their proper use.

The Moods Project was born from the realisation that, in a modernity governed by social networks and mobile phones that change the way we live and relate to each other, new technologies pose new challenges and risks –such as addiction, pathological gambling, grooming, cyberbullying or social isolation– to be prevented. Specifically, it is aimed at adolescents and young people, as the name of the project indicates: mood is the English word that refers to the state of mind and is a colloquial expression widely used among young people.

The project is developed through a set of workshops and interventions that are carried out in secondary schools with the aim of promoting the good use of screens among students. It is well known that the use they make of social networks and new technologies is diverse and can have consequences on mental health. Through the workshops, participants reflect on and become aware of their use of screens. Thus, the project provides them with tools that allow them to identify risky and addictive behaviours. In addition, the workshops encourage critical thinking –allowing them to reflect on video games and online gambling, for example– and debate on the values that are transmitted through networks and on the need and importance of combining virtual leisure with live leisure. The project includes an impact evaluation plan that allows measuring and assessing the changes produced among participants through questionnaires.

The project has been implemented in the neighbourhood of Horta Guinardó, in Barcelona, and in Quatre Carreres, in Valencia, where a team of professionals has given workshops to young people aged between 12 and 16 in secondary schools in the neighbourhoods. Apart from workshops in secondary schools, the project also includes prevention workshops in leisure and free time organisations and training for families and teaching teams from the schools.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases