A-Porta, a program to encourage neighbouring empowerment

Publications Bank of innovations

A-Porta, a program to encourage neighbouring empowerment

Confederació d’Associacions Veïnals de Catalunya (CONFAVC) and Cooperative “ser Barri”

“Picaportes” advising a neighbour. Retrieved from a-porta.cat

Social Project of neighbouring empowerment trough charismatic neighbours living in neighbourhoods where there are significant social needs. These neighbours are named “Picaportes” (in Catalan: those who knock on doors) and are hired, trained, and coordinated to make visits to all the people living in the neighbourhood. In these visits they give support, advice, information and resources on how to improve quality of life. They deal with issues such as access to social rights, job search, energy vulnerability, accompaniment to older people…

The project seeks to take over the neighbours, to break the mistrust that may exist, and to report on the resources, both public and self-managed, that are located in the neighbourhoods so that they can gradually develop a solid and supportive community. This social cohesion is achieved through the role of the “Picaportes”, who also live in the neighbourhood and can better empathise with the situation of neighbours than an outsider.


Misty II, a robot for improving the quality of life of the elderly living alone

Publications Bank of innovations

Misty II, a robot for improving the quality of life of the elderly living alone

Saltó Group, Barcelona City Council

Foto: Barcelona City Council

A robot that moves and interacts with the elderly and offers them support, assistance, and surveillance  by asking them questions about their daily habits (medication, cleaning, eating, etc.) or how do they feel. It can also track or search for users, and it may enable videoconferences with medical services or other services as needed.

The city of Barcelona is carrying out a pilot test with this robot of the Lleida-based company Saltó Group, in some twenty homes for the elderly, in order to study how far the robot can improve the quality of life and the well-being of people  with some kind of dependency, as well as of the caregivers through the assistance of this social robot. It will study, among other things, whether the robot helps to reduce the isolation of the elderly, whether it is used to monitor their health, or if it is useful to improve  patient-adherence to medication medication or attendance to medical visits.

The project also seeks fairness in the care of the elderly so that not only those with a family network or those with higher purchasing power are receiving the right care.

Group Salto
Ajuntament de Barcelona

Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Publications Bank of innovations

Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Xunta de Galicia

by whereslugo on Unsplash

Program for the social reintegration of ex-prisoners, which offers personalized itineraries tailored to the needs of each participant, with both technical and personal preparation, as well as training and support activities for work integration. The goal is for those who have been released from prison to expand their competencies and improve their personal and professional skills to help them on their path to full inclusion.

The program is part of the Social Inclusion Strategy of Galicia 2014-2020, designed and funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Social Fund. It has been developed so far in a single prison, Teixeiro, and has benefited more than 1,500 inmates.

Xunta de Galicia

Mirada Activa (Active Look), a preventive program for the elderly who do not have a supporting network

Publications Bank of innovations

Mirada Activa (Active Look), a preventive program for the elderly who do not have a supporting network

Bilbao City Council


Municipal preventive program that involves citizens and social and economic agents in the detection of situations of social fragility and loneliness among the elderly in the city, which my activate the intervention of Municipal Social Services.

The program is subject to continuous assessment and has been developed in four phases. The first three carried out between 2013 and 2017, were intended to create active networks between associations of the elderly, social entities and socio-economic agents of the city, and to identify people in a situation of vulnerability. The fourth phase, begun in 2018, is a pilot experience that offers to elder people identified as vulnerable, a social integration itinerary based on an active network of autonomous and friendly relationships, in which municipal social integration -services professionals and volunteers of social entities also participate.

Mirada Activa

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Pis Zero, night shelter for highly-vulnerable people

Arrels Fundació

Foto: Elisava

Housing that is offered as a safe and cozy night shelter for homeless people who can’t adapt to any other space. It tries to cover the most basic needs of the person, it is characterized by its low exigency, and seeks to strengthen the links with the people who use it.

The Zero Flat is conceived as an extension of the street, and for this reason, its regulations are more flexible, simple, and reduced than those that exist in shelters or other types of homes for the homeless. Thus, for example, people can access with dogs, drinks, and their luggage; smoking is allowed in a designated area, and length of stay is unlimited.

Fundació Arrels

ELPIDA, a learning community to improve the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

ELPIDA, a learning community to improve the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities

Foundation of Research and Technology, Greece

Foto: ELPIDA Project

Open e-learning platform to provide the necessary knowledge and skills on how better to support the needs of children of all ages with intellectual disabilities. It contains six interactive educational modules providing more training, awareness raising and/or attitude change on key areas that have been identified with the active engagement of family members of PWID. These topics / areas are: Human rights, Communication, Ageing, Stress management, Transition to adulthood, and Sexual health.

The main objective of ELPIDA project is to improve the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities by empowering family members and especially parents. Project partners believe that knowledge to be gained by parents of persons with intellectual disability through this educational platform will have a positive impact their children and will contribute to a better transition to adulthood, social inclusion, and better quality of life in general.

Also the project aims to create a large community of well informed and adequately equipped participants who will feel competent to support the needs of their family member with intellectual disabilities.


Buurtzorg, autonomous teams of community healthcare

Publications Bank of innovations

Buurtzorg, autonomous teams of community healthcare


Foto: Buurtzorg

Home care organization that works through teams that have professional freedom and are responsible for their own operation. Each team is made up of 12 people and works in a neighborhood taking care of people who need support and managing the team’s work. Each new team looks for their own office in the neighborhood, dedicates time to introduce themselves to the local community and to get to know the GPs, therapists and other social and health professionals. The team decides how to organize the work, share responsibilities and make decisions.

As a KMPG study states: “Essentially, the program allows nurses (rather than nursing assistants or caregivers) to provide all the care the patient needs. And while this has meant higher costs per hour, the total number of hours has been lower. In fact, by changing the care model, Buurtzorg achieved a 50 percent reduction in hours of care, improved the quality of care and increased employee job satisfaction. ”

An Ernst and Young study estimated that the new system allowed a 40% savings on home care in the Netherlands.


ELDCARE, prevention of loneliness and the social and health risks associated with aging

Publications Bank of innovations

ELDCARE, prevention of loneliness and the social and health risks associated with aging

ABD Associació Benestar Desenvolupament

Foto: ABD

Eldcare is a personalized reminder tool equipped with a screen and a speaker, developed for people living alone in their homes and need support to improve their autonomy. It is a smart device developed and enhanced by ABD, an innovative technological tool to prevent unwanted loneliness and the social and health risks associated with aging.

The device offers personalized daily reminders in audiovisual format, with the aim of improving safety, preventing accidents at home, reducing the feeling of loneliness in the elderly and improving digital literacy. Without Wi-Fi, Eldcare launches short videos recorded by professionals and / or people close to the user, such as: “remember you have an appointment with your doctor today at 10 a.m.” or “remember to turn off heating before going to bed ”or“ remember to drink water and use the walker’s help at home ”, or the steps to follow to use your smartphone and make a video call.

This tool is not invasive or intrusive with the privacy of people and is very intuitive to use, respecting the preferences and needs of older people, because they always agree with them the type of message and the time when videos are playing. Also, it doesn’t play a random robot voice, but the image and voice of someone they know and trust.

Therefore, it is a person-centered care solution, based and developed on the verbal needs of the person, following the path to e-health and integrating new avenues of collaboration between social and health services. , preventing risky situations that could have a major social and economic impact in the field of health and social services.

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, in which the digital divide has become even more visible, the use of Eldcare has been rethought, bringing it to the homes of people with a very low level of digital literacy in order to accompany them in the learning process about using their smartphone from a distance.

ADB Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament

Idecide, decision-making support tools for people with psychosocial difficulties

Publications Bank of innovations

Idecide, decision-making support tools for people with psychosocial difficulties

SUPPORT-Fundació Tutelar Girona

Project to enhance the autonomy of people with disabilities when making decisions

Despite the existence of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which promotes autonomy and equality of rights, guardianship procedures still prevail in the judicial sphere.

IDecide is an initiative aimed at empowering people with intellectual disabilities in making daily decisions. For example, in areas such as finances, consumption, or health.

On the other hand, the project aims to provide tools to overcome the legal and social barriers that limit the autonomy of these individuals. It also aims to become a reference space for international best practices in this field, with the creation of guides and materials for professionals.

Noves Oportunitats, educational center for training and job placement for youth

Publications Bank of innovations

Noves Oportunitats, educational center for training and job placement for youth

Fundació El Llindar

Model of accompaniment and guidance that combines quality and qualified training and work to combat educational dropout

The Educational Center Noves Oportunitats advocates for extended, comprehensive, and personalized training pathways. Thus, it guides and accompanies young people towards adulthood by promoting their return to the educational system and access to professional qualification. The program offers tailored itineraries for each individual. Youth can choose from various training offerings, ranging from a flexible adapted ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education) to a certified Level 2 Vocational Training.

The program consists of three phases. The first corresponds to Initial Qualified and Specialized Vocational Training (Levels 1 and 2). Secondly, young people have access to training grants for internships in different workplaces. Finally, the Noves Oportunitats Educational Center offers the Youth Services area. This last phase is designed to extend professional training while guaranteeing real work experience through companies with social economy models.

Beyond promoting education and work experience, the center guides and accompanies young people through personal meeting spaces where, jointly, their professional future is constructed. Students acquire transversal competencies such as learning ability, teamwork, and responsibility.