REHAB-LAB, virtual community for the manufacture of technical aids with 3D printing

Publications Bank of innovations

REHAB-LAB, virtual community for the manufacture of technical aids with 3D printing


Image from REHAB-LAB.

A virtual community for the manufacture of technical aids using 3D printing, which allows users to design and build their own aids in collaboration with technologists and socio-health professionals.

In this service, which is unique in France because of its integration within a rehabilitation centre, engineers are dedicated to innovation and the development of technological assistance for people with disabilities. The REHAB-LAB enables users to actively participate in the manufacture of their technical aids, thanks to 3D printing technology.

3D printing offers many advantages over conventional manufacturing techniques used to date in occupational therapy: adaptation, reproduction, aesthetics, weight, distribution, time, cost, accessibility, appropriation, mediation/occupation…

Accessibility is the main interest of 3D printing for users, who can be more involved in the rehabilitation process. Since the design of an object is digital, the possibility of creating one’s own technical aids is no longer due to the physical manipulation of materials but to the accessibility of the computer tool.


Bank of innovations


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

Woebot, self-help chat for dealing with mental and emotional discomfort

Publications Bank of innovations

Woebot, self-help chat for dealing with mental and emotional discomfort

Woebot Health

Image from Woebot

A chatbot that helps to manage moods, learn about oneself and cope with mental and emotional distress.

In a cognitive behavioural therapy framework, Woebot asks the user how they are feeling and what is going on in their life in a short conversation format. Woebot also talks about mental health and emotional well-being, and shares videos and other useful tools to address the user’s mood and other needs related to their mental and emotional well-being. Woebot is like a self-help book that adapts to each person’s different needs and concerns.

Woebot uses a combination of natural language processing, psychological expertise, excellent writing and a sense of humour to create an informative and friendly conversational experience.

In a study conducted by Stanford University, Woebot use was shown to generate significant reductions in anxiety and depression, primarily in people aged 18-28 who had spoken to Woebot on a near-daily basis.

Woeboth Health

Bank of innovations


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

myCarenet, community support network for people with dependency

Publications Bank of innovations

myCarenet, community support network for people with dependency


Image from myCarenet.

App that allows the person with some kind of dependency or their reference relative to weave and co-create their own support network in their home and their usual environment.

This tool allows maintaining and increasing meaningful social relationships (family, friends, neighbours, etc.) from an inclusive and community point of view, and at the same time prevents an eventual feeling of unwanted loneliness.

The person can contact and contract professional social and health care services on demand, or contact and receive community support for activities of daily living. In this way, myCarenet makes it possible to share the burden of care, lightening the load of the main caregiver.

In addition, both people with dependency and their support (family, community or professional) can access continuous and personalized training that promotes self-care and enables support persons to carry out a quality social and care task.

On the other hand, within the values of the circular economy, myCarenet promotes dignified and regulated work for people with difficulties in finding work and who, with a correct training itinerary, can find employment stability in the social and healthcare sector.


Bank of innovations


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

VioGén, comprehensive monitoring system for cases of male violence against women

Publications Bank of innovations

VioGén, comprehensive monitoring system for cases of male violence against women

Ministry of Home Affairs


Big data system for the comprehensive monitoring of cases of gender-based violence that brings together and coordinates the different public institutions in Spain with competencies in the area of gender-based violence. In this way, the system integrates all the information of interest deemed necessary to be able to assess the existing risk and, depending on the danger involved in each case, the monitoring and protection mechanisms best suited to the needs of each victim are activated.

VioGén provides women victims of male violence with a “Personalized Safety Plan”, with self-protection measures. Likewise, preventive work is carried out by issuing “Automated Notifications” when an incident is detected that could endanger the integrity of the victim.

The aim of all this is to establish a network that allows for better monitoring and protection of the victims, in a rapid, comprehensive and effective manner, whether they are battered women or minors who depend on them.


Bank of innovations


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

La Inclusivadora, centre for the promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship for people with intellectual disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

La Inclusivadora, centre for the promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship for people with intellectual disabilities


Image from Pexels.

Centre for the promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship for people with intellectual disabilities, which offers different inclusive workspaces, such as a Coworking (shared workspace for people who want to develop their personal and professional projects) and a Fablab (digital creation space with the latest technology, such as 3D printers, which is ideal for promoting the manufacture of small-scale prototypes), designed for training and digital experimentation, both for people with and without disabilities.

The Catalan Down’s Syndrome Foundation (FCSD) launched this project with the intention of creating a work and training space to promote self-employment for people with Down’s syndrome or other intellectual disabilities who want to start entrepreneurial projects. These spaces are also open to all those people who want to carry out entrepreneurial projects that share the values of the FCSD.

From these spaces, the Inclusivadora aims to provide courses and workshops to learn basic knowledge about the use of Fablab technology, as well as social activities open to everyone, but also to teach basic knowledge about how to carry out a business and/or personal project, thanks to individualized advice and mentoring in entrepreneurship.

La Inclusivadora was created with the aim of encouraging interaction between people with and without disabilities and creating a more diverse and enriching work environment. The key to these spaces is the exchange of knowledge between the different agents.

FCSD Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down

Banc d’innovacions


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

Auzosare, technology and community action against the social isolation of elderly people living alone

Publications Bank of innovations

Auzosare, technology and community action against the social isolation of elderly people living alone


Image from Freepik.

Intelligent technological platform that allows for the detection and knowledge of situations of solitude and social isolation among the ageing sections of the population, and for effective responses from the community and social services.

Auzosare has developed a Big Data Risk Assessment system, which allows the organization, storage, manipulation, analysis and modelling of large amounts of data from the real world and linked to a spatial reference. It identifies people older than 65 who live alone and catalogues them at different levels of vulnerability or risk based on physical and health indicators, relational, economic, housing, basic resource distance and aid, etc. It feeds on information from the sponsor, the cadastral and municipal social services; as well as information identified by agents of the person’s community network (Beharis), previously trained in social gaze.

The smart tool is targeted at three different profiles of people: fragile elderly people who are in a solitude situation that negatively impacts on maintaining their autonomy; community volunteers who, through simple training, participate in identifying situations of vulnerability; and municipal professionals who incorporate new technology tools and exploit the community’s potential for social intervention.

The platform is based on knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the community networks and key agents of each municipality or territory, and is being implemented experimentally in both urban and rural municipalities of Euskadi. It includes a technological tool that allows the situations of social isolation to be detected; a community activation program and key actors from each territory; and an app that allows connecting to municipal social services.


Banc d’innovacions


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

Alella Poble Cuidador, a community support network in loneliness, illness and the end of life

Publications Bank of innovations

Alella Poble Cuidador, a community support network in loneliness, illness and the end of life

Ajuntament d’Alella, Fundació Sant Francesc d’Assís and Fundació La Caixa

Picture taken from Alella Poble Cuidador’s web.

Community network that promotes the articulation of collective action to care for people in the municipality who suffer from loneliness, a chronic illness or are at the end of life, and their families, so that they feel cared for and accompanied , whether they live in their private home or live in any of the health and social entities in the village. The goal is to create a safe, friendly, and caring community environment for these people.

Alella Poble Cuidador acts in three areas of intervention: care and support, training, and education and awareness. In each area of ​​intervention it has structured a set of resources (families, social and health centers, schools, companies, etc.) to promote the development and use of personal and community skills and resources for the care and the accompaniment, and to assert, throughout the life cycle, the values, beliefs and practices for good living and good dying.

At the same time, it carries out activities such as care and support; group meetings of bereaved people and caregivers; training of professionals and caregivers; support for the preparation of the advance directives document; exchange of orthopedic and sanitary equipment; support for the organization of farewell ceremonies; intergenerational musical encounters; and theatrical lectures.

Emotional and professional support available to everyone.

Citizens of the municipality can participate in the network by registering, at no cost, to benefit from the services offered; becoming network partners and participating in working groups; becoming network volunteers; collaborating financially; or following current affairs and network news.

A consultancy has externally evaluated the results of the program, which can be consulted on the web. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. The network has, in addition to volunteers, a team of specialized professionals.

Alella, poble cuidador

Banc d’innovacions


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

Village Landais Alzheimer, village that allows autonomy of people with Alzheimer

Publications Bank of innovations

Village Landais Alzheimer, village that allows autonomy of people with Alzheimer

Village Landais Alzheimer Public Interest Group

Imatge from Ehpadia website.

Residential complex with 105 people suffering from Alzheimer’s with a high degree of independence.

It is a small village designed exclusively to allow people with this disease to live autonomously, away from socio-sanitary centres and without the constant support of their relatives. Each inhabitant pays 24,000 euros per year and lives in a family-like house, despite sharing with other residents common spaces such as shops and a theater room. Sociosanitary care, on the other hand, is guaranteed by a group of professionals working there, as well as volunteers working in activities to promote the socialization of the residents.

The village is also a resource center for medical and therapeutic research, as studies are conducted there to assess the results and impacts of this innovative residential model.

Village Landais Alzheimer

Banc d’innovacions


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

Mentoria Social, mentoring for vulnerable young people to promote social inclusion

Publications Bank of innovations

Mentoria Social, mentoring for vulnerable young people to promote social inclusion

Coordinadora Mentoria Social

Picture from “Projecte Rossinyol”, a study that analyzes the impact of mentoring on migrant teenagers. / APPlying Mentoring

Platform of organizations that develop mentoring projects for young people and other vulnerable groups.

Coordinadora Mentoria Social, comprised of 11 partner entities and 8 member entities, brings into contact mentors with people at risk of social exclusion, mainly young people. With the aim of ensuring social cohesion and equal opportunities, the mentor is a voluntary person who is assigned a person to offer him or her their knowledge and experience.

In this way, both people share a few hours a week that enable mentoring to overcome labor, social, academic, etc. due to mentoring support and guidance.

Coordinadora Mentoria Social, through the formations it offers, also works to promote a quality mentoring model in the field of social action.

Coordinadora Mentoria Social

Banc d’innovacions


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials

TippyTalk, a solution for people with a verbal disability to communicate

Publications Bank of innovations

TippyTalk, a solution for people with a verbal disability to communicate


Kids using TippyTalk on a tablet. Picture taken from TippyTalk website.

Application that allows people with nonverbal autism to express themselves through images representing elements of everyday life. By choosing different icons, they can decide who they want to talk with – their mother or father, for example – and tell them what they need, how they feel or what draws their attention. Parents, or the caregiver, receive a text message that allows them to understand what the person with autism cannot explain by words.

The person who takes care of someone with autism can download the app from the App Store or Play Store, and create several items that will be chosen by the person who uses it. These can be your own photos, drawings or any image, and anyone doing this will also be able to write the text that you will receive via SMS according to the selected items. For example, when a fridge is pressed, it means that the person is hungry. In addition, you can also typeset a sound or a word that sounds each time an item is selected.

Currently, the application is only available in English, although you can change settings to put the words in any language. In terms of subscription, TippyTalk is a paid application, but they offer 14 days of free trial.


Banc d’innovacions


Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials