Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Publications Bank of innovations

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities



Free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

Leisure and sports are vital for the development, health, and well-being of children with disabilities, but families often struggle to find activity programs that meet their needs. Additionally, many recreational offerings are not accessible to this group.

Jooay is a free app that helps children with disabilities and their families find nearby, accessible, and suitable leisure opportunities that meet their needs and preferences. The platform also helps parents, professionals, and educators connect, exchange experiences, and learn from one another.

To reach as many families as possible, the team of researchers, developers, and collaborators participate in various research projects. The team of Dr. Keiko Shikako, co-creator of Jooay, has studied what makes communities inclusive and has published the Child Community Health Inclusive Index. They have also examined how the development and design of inclusive technologies can help young people with various disabilities improve their health outcomes.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

Publications Bank of innovations

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces



A code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments

Individuals with visual impairments face difficulties in performing everyday tasks, such as locating restrooms, recognizing which bus is in front of them, or reading a street sign. To address this issue, NaviLens has been created, a system of labels with codes, similar to barcodes or QR codes, that provides useful information to facilitate the mobility of people with visual impairments in public spaces.

To read the information contained in the signs, all that is needed is to download an application and move the mobile device around the area where the code is located. Without the need to approach closely, NaviLens labels can be read from a distance, while in motion, and with the camera unfocused. These are some of the main differences compared to QR codes, which are of little use to people with visual impairments as they require proximity to be interpreted with a mobile device. This implies that users must know beforehand where they are located.

Once the code is detected, a “click” is heard, and the application vocalizes the information. For example, the stop number where the user is located, the transportation schedule, the position relative to the space, etc. It can also be used in cultural events such as museums or exhibitions, with informative labels about the route or artistic works.

Additionally, some product brands are using NaviLens on the labels of their items to provide information about the components or usage. The application also allows for the identification of personal use objects, as the codes can be printed and stuck onto any surface.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Mapathon UPC, a web platform that gathers geolocated points on a map

Publications Bank of innovations

Mapathon UPC, a web platform that gathers geolocated points on a map


Mapathon UPC

An open web platform that allows for the collection of geolocated points on a map collaboratively

Mapathon UPC is a tool aimed at groups and collectives wishing to highlight and raise awareness of the impact of certain social issues or needs in specific locations through a map where they are geolocated. The information collection process is collaborative, involving social entities, public administration, and the UPC community, among others. Participants only need mobile phones or tablets with Android system, GPS, and Internet access to participate in the mapping.

Mapathon addresses various issues, from identifying architectural barriers hindering accessibility to points of risk for gender-based violence and areas of waste accumulation, among others. It also allows for a more positive focus by helping to identify resting places or safe spaces.

The duration of the data collection process typically ranges from one to two hours, although it can exceptionally last a week. Once the map is completed, it cannot be updated, serving as an «snapshot» of reality at a given time. Additionally, the platform generates a report that organizes the data and aids decision-making.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities



Innovative initiative based on a certification mark that provides reliable accessibility information of the built environment for people with disabilities

Access4you has a database and a mobile application, available for free, which indicate the degree of adaptation of spaces to the needs of people with disabilities and accessibility needs. It is based on a self-developed system of criteria based on a set of 1000 variables according to the usability aspects of 9 stakeholder groups: people with cognitive and visual disabilities; individuals with blindness, deafness, and hearing difficulties; people in wheelchairs, with baby strollers, and with assistance dogs; and the elderly.

Access4you classifies spaces using a qualification system divided into four categories according to the level of inclusivity of the location: Certified location, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Moreover, the database offers filterable and detailed data including measurements, as well as images of each location to help people with disabilities to plan their stay at an unknown location.

The certification, apart from benefiting these groups, also supports owners and businesses to obtain information about the accessibility of their buildings. In this way, organizations can commission an independent study to accredit the adaptation of their establishments, as well as acquire detailed proposal on how to improve it. Certified locations receive a designated datasheet in the Access4you database, which is available to everyone for free on the website and the application.

Thus, the initiative proposed by Access4you aims to promote the social integration of people with disabilities, improve the accessibility of the built environment, and serve as a center for the dissemination of knowledge and advice on the obstacles that these people encounter in their daily lives.

Access4you International is present in the CEE, SEE and India with the help of an expanding accredited partner network including Colliers, Bureau Veritas, TÜV, and CBRE. Both companies and individuals can join Access4you’s accreditation programme to acquire the skills and knowledge to join its mission and involve more locations to provide accessibility information.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Mixed Living, residents who live with and collaborate with highly vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Mixed Living, residents who live with and collaborate with highly vulnerable people


Mixed social housing blocks of flats where homeless and economically vulnerable people live together, which is beneficial for both groups. It facilitates access to housing more quickly for many people while the community activities carried out in the buildings promote social reintegration and break down the social isolation and stigmatisation of homeless people.

Mixed Living is a form of housing in which 70% of the people who live there are on low incomes and in need of social housing and the remaining 30% are people who are vulnerable, usually homeless people who are beneficiaries of the Housing First programme. Both parties must comply with the previously established conditions of commitment and rules, mainly regarding the care of the environment they share. Participating in this social accompaniment programme is advantageous for people in the first group, reducing their waiting time for access to social housing.

It is also clearly favourable for homeless people —and not only, because the programme is also aimed at people with a lack of social network or psychological problems— for whom the contact and cohabitation with other residents facilitates their social reintegration. In this sense, the shared housing enables proximity between the two groups with common meeting spaces that make it easier for them to have coffee, watch a football match or look after the courtyard. The project is supervised by professionals who visit the block of flats at least once a week and are responsible for assessing and managing the functioning of the cohabitation.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Résorption-bidonvilles, the digital platform to accelerate slum upgrading and integration in France

Publications Bank of innovations

Résorption-bidonvilles, the digital platform to accelerate slum upgrading and integration in France

Résorption-bidonvilles, Dihal (Interministerial Delegation of Acommodation and Access to Housing)

Information, exchange and management platform promoted by the French government to effectively accelerate the improvement and integration of slums, known in French as bidonvilles. Through this tool, citizens can report on the situation in these neighbourhoods, administrations can follow the progress of the actions being carried out and associations can collaborate in improving the living conditions of their inhabitants. 

This online platform –which is simple, agile and adaptable to the needs of each user– was born out of the realisation that in recent decades, in France, slums have reappeared, where precarious people live in housing that does not meet hygiene and sanitation standards and where basic services (access to water, access to sanitary facilities, waste disposal, etc.) are largely absent. There are currently more than 300 slums in the French Metropolitan Area, where more than 16,000 people live. The social marginalisation of the population living there is alarming: lack of schooling, non-participation in the labour market, neglect and discrimination of all kinds, among others.

The platform aims to transform public action and create a collaborative dynamic, connecting various actors –public administrations involved, landowners, associations that intervene with the inhabitants– that can help to improve precarious neighbourhoods, both at the level of decision-making and implementation. Access to the platform is open, but requests are validated by local administrators. Moreover, actors who have access to the platform can only consult information and report on interventions concerning the territory in which they are registered. Only users registered at the national level –ministries, central administrations or national associative partners– can consult all the data.

However, it is a tool with a global approach that combines social integration, respect for public order and the prevention of resettlement. In this sense, the platform makes the situation of the inhabitants of the bidonvilles visible –although no personal data is ever shared– and strengthens the power of action of each actor on the ground. It also makes it possible to draw up action plans and interventions, facilitate coordination between actors and measure and promote the results of the actions carried out.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Startblok, self-managed housing for local youth and young refugees

Publications Bank of innovations

Startblok, self-managed housing for local youth and young refugees

Woonstichting De Key, Ajuntament d’Amsterdam, Socius Wonen

An innovative model that addresses the housing needs of both young people and refugees. It promotes the integration of young people from different backgrounds who have the common goal of an affordable home. It offers them housing at an affordable price and with a secure rent, which allows young people, both locals and refugees, not to be expelled from the city and to be able to access a job or continue their studies.

Startblok Riekerhaven is aimed at Dutch people and refugees between 18 and 28 years of age who want to get actively involved socially. For a much lower price than the market price, Startblok offers self-contained temporary housing –with a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet– which is variable in size –around 20 m²– and common areas for each residential group, equipped with a kitchen and a balcony. This space allows for the sharing of life experiences and knowledge, thus contributing to the creation of a community respectful of diversity and reinforcing social cohesion. Residents are selected on the basis of their vulnerability and willingness to be involved in the social and cultural aspects of the project and to commit themselves as a long-term member of the community. The maximum tenancy is five years and, when someone moves on, they are replaced by a new resident of a similar profile –gender, age and educational level– to maintain the balance and diversity of the project.

At Startblok, equal and respectful treatment of all residents is key, as well as the coexistence of very different cultures, languages, customs and ways of doing things. The community functions through the self-management and self-organisation of the residents themselves, with spaces to elaborate and implement their initiatives, both for the formation of community and social cohesion and for the day-to-day maintenance of the model, such as the selection of new tenants and the management of applications. It is this way that a comfortable and pleasant living environment is created, where everyone feels welcome, valued and supported; in short, a home. This housing model thus makes it easier for refugees –who have just arrived in a new country– to build friendships and contacts and to rebuild their lives. It is thus an innovative example of how to address the needs of refugees in a positive way, while providing much-needed affordable housing for young people.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Concilia, a public service to support the reconciliation of work, family and personal life for people with limited resources

Publications Bank of innovations

Concilia, a public service to support the reconciliation of work, family and personal life for people with limited resources

Barcelona City Council

Free municipal babysitting service for single-parent families with few resources, women victims of gender violence and families with no community network, so that they can combine the care and education of children with work, family and personal obligations.

This service is currently extended to 12 neighborhoods in the city of Barcelona, and operates 7 days a week outside school hours. It has teams of educators, who can work with a maximum of 8 children, and are in charge of attending families, as well as programming and dynamizing the activities that are carried out. This public service can be requested from 2 weeks in advance up to 12 hours in advance, with the exception of emergency cases in which it can be requested up to 30 minutes in advance.

The service works with 2 main objectives: on the one hand, it is a support to the work and personal balance of families with difficulties, which facilitates the training of mothers and fathers, their incorporation into the working world, their involvement in the neighborhood, and even being able to enjoy occasional moments of rest. On the other hand, it is also aimed at offering children quality leisure time, with activities and pedagogical dynamics adapted to different ages and needs.

Children between 1 and 12 years old can enjoy the service on an occasional or more regular basis, and basic, ludicosocial and educational attention is guaranteed through values such as participation, environmental and emotional education, interculturality and art.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

Park4Dis, making it easier for people with reduced mobility to find a parking space

Publications Bank of innovations

Park4Dis, making it easier for people with reduced mobility to find a parking space


Digital platform for the management and access to parking spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility.

It is a free webapp that offers users the location of parking spaces for people with reduced mobility. Once the space is located it directs to the place through GoogleMaps. It also informs about the specific rules of each municipality that apply to people with disabilities, and shows the restricted traffic zones of each municipality. The application also allows offline use by downloading maps.

Park4Dis has registered more than 39,000 parking spaces in Spain for people with reduced mobility, located in 230 different municipalities. To obtain information on existing spaces, it relies on the collaboration of local social entities and volunteers who help to map them. The service also works with public institutions, vIt is an approach aimed at changing the paradigm from smart cities to smart human cities.

Park4Dis was born from the difficulty that people with reduced mobility often have in finding the location of reserved parking spaces, in addition to the lack of knowledge of the regulations by many municipalities. That is why its transversality allows to gather all the information in a single App, promoting accessible and interurban mobility.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

FIN(DA)WAY, an app for the reception and integration of refugees and asylum-seekers

Publications Bank of innovations

FIN(DA)WAY, an app for the reception and integration of refugees and asylum-seekers

Préfecture de Var

App aimed at guiding and facilitating the integration of refugees and asylum seekers, addressing their demands and needs and helping them to achieve a quick and autonomous adaptation in the host community.

FIN(DA)WAY provides access to information on the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, while helping them find resources related to training and employment. After co-creation and testing sessions with more than 60 people, the main contents and information included in the digital application are the following: help in finding places to stay or eat, information on transportation and documentation, facilities for learning French, the possibility of storing each person’s documentation within the application, and a contact book with their location. In addition, social professionals can also have access to communicate and interact with users.

The objective of FIN(DA)WAY is that refugees and asylum seekers can access the tool during the process of the first reception, in order to achieve autonomy from the first moment and speed up their integration into the country. In addition, it is an easy-to-use application, free of charge, with offline access and available in six languages (French, Pashto, English, Arabic, Russian and Spanish).

It is a service that offers immediate and personalized information and is subject to change, adapting to new demands, contents and services.

Banc d’innovacions

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

PrevenSI, prevention of child sexual abuse

Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse
Imatge d'una persona amb necessitats d'accessibilitat digital

Acctua, a technological solution promoting digital accessibility on the Internet

Acctua is a technological service that promotes digitial accessibility and digital inclusion.
Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal, a Digital Platform for Youth Mental Health

Soy yo literal is a digital platform promoting mental health among young people
Fokus PI

FOKUS PI, an application that facilitates digital social planning

FOKUS PI is a a decision-making support tool for professionals in the social, healthcare, and educational sectors

BCI, a device that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The BCI is a technological innovation that restores communication in patients with neurodegenerative diseases