Cycling Without Age, voluntary rickshaws service for older people

Publications Bank of innovations

Cycling Without Age, voluntary rickshaws service for older people

Cycling Without Age

Ole Kassow, founder of Cycling Without Age, driving two users. Retrieved from the Cycling Without Age website

Voluntary service to promote active ageing and good treatment of older people, from the creation of new intergenerational relationships to combat unintended isolation and loneliness.

Cycling Without Age allows the elderly to feel emotion again and the freedom of a bicycle ride in which they can feel “the wind in their hair”. The service is made possible by voluntary people of all ages, who offer themselves to ride elderly people in two-seat rickshaws to recover a type of mobility that many of these people can no longer experience because of their old age.

It is a service that provides an improvement in the quality of life of both voluntaries and users. For the former it can be a way to exercise, connect with the community and other people and create unexpected relationships; and for the elderly it means to feel freer and avoid unwanted loneliness and isolation: during the rides they can tell personal stories while visiting the city or territory where they have lived all or part of their lives and rememorize episodes they can share with the volunteer and other participants.

There is no fixed timetable for rides or volunteers, but everyone decides how much time they can and want to contribute, making Cycling Without Age an activity that is done for the pleasure of doing it, not out of obligation.

It is an activity that began in Denmark, where bicycles are widely used, but has spread rapidly to 51 countries around the world, among which Catalonia, where it’s called “En bici sense edat”, making this experience available for more people. The Catalan initiative “En bici sense edad” is already present today in four Catalan cities and in April 2021 it received the prize of Social Innovation Maria Figueras i Mercè Bañeras from Plataforma Educativa.

Cycling Without Age

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

3D Community, social housing built with 3D printers

Publications Bank of innovations

3D Community, social housing built with 3D printers

New Story, ICON, Échale

Two kids in front of one of the houses built in Mexico. Retrieved from New Story’s website.

3D-built housing, which enables high-quality housing parks to be generated and in a much faster and more affordable way than with traditional construction options.

The first housing park with this technology has been built in Tabasco, Mexico, and consists of 50 houses. The houses are made with the collaboration of ICON, a construction technology company. Thanks to its 3D Vulcan printer, which uses a cement mix called Lavacrete, it can build secure and durable constructions with very little time, as 3D printers can work uninterruptedly for 24 hours, until completion of construction. End touches, such as roofs or windows, are added in the traditional way, employing local builders.

Families living in these early Mexican dwellings previously participated in the process of designing their home, bringing their vision of their own needs and what they thought important to have at home. These families were selected through interviews and surveys in the area, to identify those with the greatest need. The houses have a social mortgage of about 400 pesos per month, a mortgage that does not return to New Story, the sponsoring organization, but rather to a Community fund from which families will be able to dispose in the future to invest in this community. In this way, it not only innovates in the way it is built, but also creates a community of owners that empowers the people who are part of it.

New Story

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

Positive Sparks, platform to give voice to isolated or excluded young people

Publications Bank of innovations

Positive Sparks, platform to give voice to isolated or excluded young people

The Bytes Project

Youngsters participating in a face-to-face workshop from the project. Retrieved from Bytes’ website.

Youth participation platform which helps to give a voice to young people who are more isolated or excluded, to express their concerns, needs and opinion on the services offered by the community. The platform uses “Machine Learning” to analyse and interpret young people’s responses in a fast and automatic way.

In addition to empowering the most excluded young people and facilitating their participation, Positive Sparks allows social services and organisations working with young people with difficulties (mental health, drug abuse, school drop-out, etc.) to detect deficiencies in services, improve their interventions and identify new needs requiring new responses or services. The platform also offers the Public Administrations to use Positive Sparks for the development of youth-related public policies.

Within this initiative, more specific projects have emerged, such as Rural Sparks, which helps to give a voice to young people with difficulties in rural areas. On the other hand, Positive Sparks is not only a virtual platform, but also organizes workshops and presence activities to better meet young participants and to interact with them at first hand. Workshops are imparted by the Bytes organization in collaboration with other organizations, teaching centres, etc. It is currently a tool only available in English.

The Bytes Project

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

Kuvu, intergenerational rent to fight the loneliness and precariousness of elderly people and youngsters

Publications Bank of innovations

Kuvu, intergenerational rent to fight the loneliness and precariousness of elderly people and youngsters


Intergenerational cohabitation thanks to Kuvu

Platform that brings into contact people older than 55 who have a free room, with young people seeking rent at affordable prices. In this way, these elderly people earn an income and stop living alone; while young people who want to become independent and do not have the means to do so, or prefer to do so in a calm and familiar environment, can achieve it for an affordable price.

Unlike other European models, where accommodation is free for the young in exchange for care activities, the Kuvu model involves an economic transaction and places those involved in a relationship of equal conditions and responsibilities, since these are two self-employed people who simply seek company and share day-to-day. Kuvu seeks to generate cohabitation and accompanying relationships, as would two roommates. Both people may have an independent life, but share some moments of the day with the other person. There is no set number of hours for participants to spend together, because the relationship is hoped to occur naturally.

In order to ensure that coexistence will be viable, at the time of registering on the platform, a form must be filled with information about living habits, so that Kuvu can pair the people who are most compatible for living together. In addition, Kuvu makes a personal follow-up to the experiences it generates to try to make them as successful as possible.


Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments., world map of accessibility for wheelchair users

Publications Bank of innovations, world map of accessibility for wheelchair users


Volunteer adding information into the map. By Andi Weiland I

Virtual free access map that indicates the accessibility of public sites around the world for persons with reduced mobility or wheelchair users, parents with a stroller, etc. It works similarly to Wikipedia: everyone can contribute with their knowledge of public places to update, expand, and improve the information contained in the map, in a very simple way. The map can be used from both your computer and mobile phone or tablet, using the Apps for iPhone and Android. It works all around the world and has already been translated into 32 languages, including Catalan and Spanish.

The accessibility rating system for each space is very easy to understand because it follows the idea of the traffic light: green if the site is fully accessible to wheelchairs; orange if it is partially accessible; and red if it is not. Sites that still have to be marked have a grey colour label. At the same time, this colour rating follows two important criteria: the first is accessibility in general, meaning whether or not there are stairs at the entry or inside the place to mark. And the second is the accessibility of toilets for wheelchair users. This will provide essential information to these people and shows the level of universal accessibility of the villages and towns of the whole planet.

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

Soliguide, a digital guide of services for homeless people

Publications Bank of innovations

Soliguide, a digital guide of services for homeless people


Digital kiosk to access the interactive map of services

Online platform and touchscreens present in different large French cities, which allow homeless people, refugees or people with other serious vulnerabilities to contact specialized services that can meet their basic needs. This platform can be used from different electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets or computers, or also from digital kiosks installed in public spaces (touchscreens located in train stations, reception centres, etc.).

Soliguide is an initiative of the Solinum association, which answers questions such as: Where can I eat? Where can I maintain my personal hygiene? Where can I sleep safely? And not only this, but also reports on other services such as: support and advice on legal issues, advice on job search, language classes, etc.It is an easy way to find services grouped by category and geographical area, according to the needs of each person, and in different languages: French, English, Arabic and Spanish. The data is regularly updated by the team of the Solinum association and, through an App, social professionals can make themselves known on the Soliguide map.


Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

Biel Digital Glasses, 3D glasses to adapt the world to lower vision

Publications Bank of innovations

Biel Digital Glasses, 3D glasses to adapt the world to lower vision

Biel Digital Glasses

Biel using one of the prototypes of Biel Digital Glasses

Intelligent 3D glasses that facilitate mobility and personal autonomy for people with low vision. Low vision is a visual impairment that cannot be corrected with conventional glasses or surgery. It is a much more common disability than blindness (it affects 7 million people in Europe, and 70 million worldwide) and prevents daily tasks such as reading, moving in public spaces, avoiding obstacles or interpreting signals.

“Biel Digital Glasses” glasses use a combination of new technologies such as 3D vision, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality to adapt reality to the visual ability of people with low vision. In addition to improving images, they identify obstacles, and warn about possible dangers, such as steps or semaphores. In this way, these glasses allow these people to reduce their social isolation and improve their mobility and personal autonomy.

Biel Digital Glasses

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

A-Porta, a program to encourage neighbouring empowerment

Publications Bank of innovations

A-Porta, a program to encourage neighbouring empowerment

Confederació d’Associacions Veïnals de Catalunya (CONFAVC) and Cooperative “ser Barri”

“Picaportes” advising a neighbour. Retrieved from

Social Project of neighbouring empowerment trough charismatic neighbours living in neighbourhoods where there are significant social needs. These neighbours are named “Picaportes” (in Catalan: those who knock on doors) and are hired, trained, and coordinated to make visits to all the people living in the neighbourhood. In these visits they give support, advice, information and resources on how to improve quality of life. They deal with issues such as access to social rights, job search, energy vulnerability, accompaniment to older people…

The project seeks to take over the neighbours, to break the mistrust that may exist, and to report on the resources, both public and self-managed, that are located in the neighbourhoods so that they can gradually develop a solid and supportive community. This social cohesion is achieved through the role of the “Picaportes”, who also live in the neighbourhood and can better empathise with the situation of neighbours than an outsider.


Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

Ankommen, an app that guides refugees during their first weeks in Germany

Publications Bank of innovations

Ankommen, an app that guides refugees during their first weeks in Germany

Federal Migration and Refugee Office and Federal Employment Agency, Germany Goethe Institut and ARD-Alpha Bildungskhannel

Ankommen app

Ankommen (arriving) is an application for mobile phones that guides the refugees during their first weeks of arrival in Germany, offering them basic information about the country of reception, on the legislation of refuge and asylum, on programs of professional training and employability, etc.

It also offers online German classes. The APP has versions in Arabic, Farsi, German, English and French. It’s free, does not contain advertising, works for Android and iOS platforms, and can also be used offline.

The development of the application has been possible thanks to a close collaboration between the Federal Bureau of Migration and Refugees, the Goethe Institute, the Federal Employment Agency, and ARD-Bayerischer Rundfunk, a public broadcaster of radio and television.


Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.

Mirada Activa (Active Look), a preventive program for the elderly who do not have a supporting network

Publications Bank of innovations

Mirada Activa (Active Look), a preventive program for the elderly who do not have a supporting network

Bilbao City Council


Municipal preventive program that involves citizens and social and economic agents in the detection of situations of social fragility and loneliness among the elderly in the city, which my activate the intervention of Municipal Social Services.

The program is subject to continuous assessment and has been developed in four phases. The first three carried out between 2013 and 2017, were intended to create active networks between associations of the elderly, social entities and socio-economic agents of the city, and to identify people in a situation of vulnerability. The fourth phase, begun in 2018, is a pilot experience that offers to elder people identified as vulnerable, a social integration itinerary based on an active network of autonomous and friendly relationships, in which municipal social integration -services professionals and volunteers of social entities also participate.

Mirada Activa

Banc d’innovacions


V-TOOLS, Virtual Reality Applied to Social Innovation

V-TOOLS is a project that combines technology and social innovation through immersive experiences with the aim of improving the lives of people and communities

Jooay, an app that helps children with disabilities find leisure activities

Jooay is a free app that connects leisure activity offerings with families of children with disabilities

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

ShareAmi és un programa d’intercanvis lingüístics a través de videoconferències entre persones grans i persones joves que viuen fora del seu país

Kloosiv, technology and social intervention to ensure social inclusion in access to housing

Kloosiv is a web platform that promotes social inclusion in housing to combat speculation and unwanted loneliness.

STOP, artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

STOP és un projecte de recerca per prevenir el suïcidi a través d’intel·ligència artificial aplicada a les xarxes socials
Imatges Posts Web 64 min 2

NaviLens, a code system that guides individuals with visual impairments in public spaces

NaviLens is a code system with relevant information about public spaces to increase the autonomy of people with visual impairments.