TripApp, an application to reduce the risks of drug abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

TripApp, an application to reduce the risks of drug abuse


A mobile application that can reduce risks and harms related to drug abuse.

It is based on delivering reliable and objective information and engaging the community. On one hand, the application collects information from a large European network of drug analysis laboratories and alerts real-time to users about the presence in the market of adulterated, contaminated or dangerous drug products. On the other hand, it also offers to the users who use simple colorimetric methods to determine the purity of the drugs, the possibility of directly uploading their they got to the application. This second feature is particularly useful in countries that do not have a network of analysis laboratories.

The app also offers a map for locating drug analysis services, sexual health services, drug use rooms, opioid substitution therapy programs, health and party projects, and exchange  programs for syringes and needles.

To ensure total security and privacy of users, the application does not store any personal data, neither location, nor image metadata.

The application has been developed for Android in 15 different languages. The iOS operating system is expected to be available soon.


Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Publications Bank of innovations

Nelson Mandela, a program for reintegration to life in freedom

Xunta de Galicia

by whereslugo on Unsplash

Program for the social reintegration of ex-prisoners, which offers personalized itineraries tailored to the needs of each participant, with both technical and personal preparation, as well as training and support activities for work integration. The goal is for those who have been released from prison to expand their competencies and improve their personal and professional skills to help them on their path to full inclusion.

The program is part of the Social Inclusion Strategy of Galicia 2014-2020, designed and funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Social Fund. It has been developed so far in a single prison, Teixeiro, and has benefited more than 1,500 inmates.

Xunta de Galicia

Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

WeCare Wales, a campaign to attract professionals for Social Services

Publications Bank of innovations

WeCare Wales, a campaign to attract professionals for Social Services

Wales (UK)

WeCare Wales

Communication campaign to increase public awareness of Social Services and attract 20,000 new people to work in this sector in the coming years.

In March 2019, Wales Social Services launched the WeCare Wales campaign, as part of a long-term strategy to increase the number of social workers in the next decade and to guarantee the quality Social Services. The campaign demonstrates the variety of roles and diversity of career advancement opportunities available in the industry, explains the skills and values needed, and emphasizes what makes professional work in this field rewarding and valuable through numerous testimonies of citizens who enjoy the benefits of Social Services.

Glofal Cymdeithasol Cymru Social Care Wales

Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

Mirada Activa (Active Look), a preventive program for the elderly who do not have a supporting network

Publications Bank of innovations

Mirada Activa (Active Look), a preventive program for the elderly who do not have a supporting network

Bilbao City Council


Municipal preventive program that involves citizens and social and economic agents in the detection of situations of social fragility and loneliness among the elderly in the city, which my activate the intervention of Municipal Social Services.

The program is subject to continuous assessment and has been developed in four phases. The first three carried out between 2013 and 2017, were intended to create active networks between associations of the elderly, social entities and socio-economic agents of the city, and to identify people in a situation of vulnerability. The fourth phase, begun in 2018, is a pilot experience that offers to elder people identified as vulnerable, a social integration itinerary based on an active network of autonomous and friendly relationships, in which municipal social integration -services professionals and volunteers of social entities also participate.

Mirada Activa

Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

PACT, Big Data tool to predict the risk of chronic social exclusion

Publications Bank of innovations

PACT, Big Data tool to predict the risk of chronic social exclusion

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Foto: Mark Bende, Unsplash

Algoritme desenvolupat a partir de tècniques de Big data i Machine learning, que preveu el risc de les persones beneficiàries d’ajudes públiques de patir una situació d’exclusió social crònica.

L’algoritme s’ha creat a partir de l’anàlisi anonimitzada de més de 16.000 casos i de 60 factors predictius. Mitjançant l’aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning) s’han determinat els deu factors principals de risc, i s’ha desenvolupat una aplicació en línia, accessible per als professionals de Serveis Socials des de qualsevol dispositiu, ordinador, tauleta o telèfon mòbil, que permet que aquests professionals coneguin amb precisió el risc d’exclusió social d’una persona, per facilitar-los així les decisions o actuacions professionals a prendre.

A més, en el marc del projecte PACT també s’ha creat i implementat un programari per a la gestió activa de casos, basat en l’anàlisi de riscos personals. Aquesta anàlisi permet identificar millor les necessitats de formació de cada persona atesa per facilitar la seva inserció socio-laboral.

Pact Project

Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

Simplon, bringing out the technological talent of vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Simplon, bringing out the technological talent of vulnerable people


Simplon is a French, social, solidarity-based, innovative organization company that works to transform the digital sector into a more inclusive sector by discovering people with hidden talent among vulnerable social groups,  and forming them professionally  so that they can find a qualified occupation in the sector.

Since its creation in 2013, Simplon has trained in digital technologies, free of charge, more than 5,600 people with this profile, mainly refugees, adolescents at risk of exclusion and long-term unemployed people. These people with technological talent which remained hidden or which they had never had the opportunity to develop, have learned to develop their skills and abilities in this field to be able to work in the sector: programming mobile applications and web pages, management of digital projects, entrepreneurship of innovative projects, or technology training.

Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

Artificial Inteligence for identification of social vulnerability

Publications Bank of innovations

Artificial Inteligence for identification of social vulnerability

City of Espoo

Foto: City of Espoo

Big Data Analysis through Artificial Intelligence (IA) of multiple demographic databases to identify which people in a municipality need social help. This is a successful experiment carried out in 2017 by the City of Espoo (Finland), which has analyzed the social, health, and educational data of the entire population of the municipality, around 520,000 people, between the years 2002 and 2016.

Population data has been analyzed grouped according to various family environments, rather than by traditional methods of individual analysis. The results have allowed to identify, for example, 280 predictive factors in the field of childhood vulnerability and to show that, although none of these individual factors is a risk, the simultaneous occurrence of several factors can be a risk.

This pioneering experience of the Espoo City Council has shown that the analysis of a large volume of data from different origins through Artificial Intelligence techniques can play a very important role in the future of Social Services.


Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

The Opportunity Atlas, Big Data analysis to optimize the social support system

Publications Bank of innovations

The Opportunity Atlas, Big Data analysis to optimize the social support system

Seattle Housing Authority

Foto: Seattle Housing Authority

A tool for the analysis of anonymized census data in order to optimize the system of public subsidies to the vulnerable population based on the detailed knowledge of the characteristics and social differences between disadvantaged neighborhoods.

The tool has allowed detecting in several US big cities that nearby neighborhoods with very low incomes offer many different opportunities to leave poverty to the children who live there. Seattle Housing Authority has pioneered the analysis of the “Opportunity Atlas” data and concluded that, unlike other American cities, the differences between neighborhoods that offer high social mobility and those that do not, are invisible to the naked eye and only by means of this data analysis it is possible to identify them.

Among other results, the city of Seattle has discovered that most of the subsidies were allocated to neighborhoods with low social mobility and this has led to a rethinking of the social assistance system to promote the residence of vulnerable families in the neighborhoods with a higher social mobility rate.

Seattle Housing Authority

Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

B·MINCOME, looking for the best way out of poverty

Publications Bank of innovations

B·MINCOME, looking for the best way out of poverty

Barcelona City Council

Foto: Barcelona City Council

B·MINCOME is a pilot project for the establishment of a municipal inclusion salary in the city of Barcelona, which is testing with one thousand vulnerable families in the ten most deprived Barcelona neighborhoods, the efficacy and efficiency of combining a stable financial help with active social-employment policies.

B·MINCOME is a project pilot to fight against poverty and inequality based in the development of an integral policy which combines a public passive policy (a Municipal Inclusive Support, a financial help that supplements the income of the selected people and families) with four active social-employment policies: a combined education and employment plan; actions for the encouragement of the socio-collaborative economy; grants for the rehabilitation of homes which may allow room rentals; and a program for participation in community networks.


Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.

AFTS, An algorithm for risk of children neglect or abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

AFTS, An algorithm for risk of children neglect or abuse

Department of Human Services (DHS) Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

Photo: DHS Allegheny County

A Big Data System that provides social services professionals with an objective assessment of the situations of risk of child helplessness and helps them in the detection of cases and in the decision process of activation of the protocols for social intervention.

The Allegheny Family Screening Tool (AFST) is a tool based on specially designed algorithms that analyzes a large number of data from different sources of information. When social services receive information about a possible situation of helplessness or mistreatment, the algorithm calculates the risk index of the case by analyzing more than a hundred parameters such as criminal history, drug use, mental illness or History of child abuse of parents, guardians or people who live in the child’s home

The algorithm provides great accuracy in case detection and as a recent article in the New York Times concluded, “the Allegheny experience suggests that its screening tool is less bad at weighing biases than human screeners have been”.

Allegheny County

Banc d’innovacions

Imatges Posts Web 6 min 1

Barnahus, care service for child victims of sexual abuse

Barnahus is an integrated unit formed by a specialized multidisciplinary team, whose objective is to prevent the re-victimization of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse.

Access4you, accessibility certification for people with disabilities

Access4You is an Innovative initiative based on the certification of accessibility of the built environment for people with special needs
Help to care

Help to care, support for people who care for others

Help to Care is an innovative mobile application created to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway, England.
Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.