DPR, a smart tool to facilitate the work of primary care social service professionals

Publications Bank of innovations

DPR, a smart tool to facilitate the work of primary care social service professionals

Institut Municipal de Serveis Socials de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona City Council Municipal Institute of Social Services)

Picture by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels

Artificial Intelligence tool to support primary care professionals for social services. Analyzes cases and advises the professional workers to respond to the attended people. The primary care worker who serves a visit, after transcribing on the computer his notes about the most important person in the interview, pressing a button obtains in a few seconds from the DPR system (Requires, Problems, Resources in catalan) a recommendation on the response to give or the action to be undertaken.

DPR processes the annotations of the social worker, classifies the problem and the person’s request, and suggests to the professional the answer to give, according to the resources and services the institution can offer or advise. This “intelligent” system allows social professionals to respond more quickly, more safely and objectively to the user, and users to receive a clear diagnosis with high accuracy reliability.

This tool that automatizes the process of typifying the demands received by social service centers has been trained using machine learning techniques from the data of 300,000 interviews conducted by the social services of Barcelona City Council in previous years.

The DPR system is thus a tool of “collective intelligence”, which does not replace the decisions of social professionals, but provides them with guidance based on the collective experience of previous years and leaves the final decision on the response to each case or situation in their hands.

It is a pioneer tool in Spain which, in addition to supporting decision-making and providing guidance to professionals, makes it possible to improve the planning of resources and services of the administration.

Ajuntament de Barcelona Àrea de drets socials

Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

Gillie.AI, artificial intelligence that monitors patients at home

Publications Bank of innovations

Gillie.AI, artificial intelligence that monitors patients at home


Image taken from Gillie.AI’s website

Cloud service that, thanks to Gillie.AI technology, analyzes the medical and welfare data of people with long-term care needs, to turn them into practical information and personalize their attention.

Artificial intelligence allows those who take care of patients at home to constantly monitor their physical and mental wellbeing through a platform that monitors the condition of patients remotely.

Gillie.AI’s software analyzes the reports that workers produce when visiting patients and draws conclusions: if there has been an improvement, if the patient’s situation has worsened in a particular aspect… By doing this, risk patterns can be easily identified and urgent needs can be anticipated.

In addition, professionals can organise patients’ visits according to how critical their state is and receive direct notifications to their smartphones in case of emergency.

GILLIE Healthcare

Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

Protection People app (PPa), biometric recognition to assist undocumented vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Protection People app (PPa), biometric recognition to assist undocumented vulnerable people

It Will Be

Worker of an NGO creating a profile in the App

App that uses biometric technology to reliably identify and record vulnerable people without papers, especially children, and at the same time share this information between various NGOs to coordinate and improve the care of the registered people. Protection People app (PPa) is primarily intended to register users of services that are outside the system or have no identification documents, are homeless, had to suffer humanitarian disasters or other difficult situations.

The information collected in the App has a high level of encryption to ensure its protection. In addition, PPa is easy to use and maintain and is multilingual (English, French, and Spanish). Another advantage is its accessibility from different mobile devices allows to register people on the street, on the open field and anywhere, and at the same time it makes the app available to NGOs of any size and capacity.

PPa uses multifactorial biometric recognition software (palmar, facial and fingerprint) to register users. Its reliability is very high because it does not read the palmar print but the vein pattern, which does not change with age. Once the person is identified, a profile can be created that briefly describes their situation, history, and needs.

PPA Protection People App

Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

Soliguide, a digital guide of services for homeless people

Publications Bank of innovations

Soliguide, a digital guide of services for homeless people


Digital kiosk to access the interactive map of services

Online platform and touchscreens present in different large French cities, which allow homeless people, refugees or people with other serious vulnerabilities to contact specialized services that can meet their basic needs. This platform can be used from different electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets or computers, or also from digital kiosks installed in public spaces (touchscreens located in train stations, reception centres, etc.).

Soliguide is an initiative of the Solinum association, which answers questions such as: Where can I eat? Where can I maintain my personal hygiene? Where can I sleep safely? And not only this, but also reports on other services such as: support and advice on legal issues, advice on job search, language classes, etc.It is an easy way to find services grouped by category and geographical area, according to the needs of each person, and in different languages: French, English, Arabic and Spanish. The data is regularly updated by the team of the Solinum association and, through an App, social professionals can make themselves known on the Soliguide map.


Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

PACT, Big Data tool to predict the risk of chronic social exclusion

Publications Bank of innovations

PACT, Big Data tool to predict the risk of chronic social exclusion

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Foto: Mark Bende, Unsplash

Algoritme desenvolupat a partir de tècniques de Big data i Machine learning, que preveu el risc de les persones beneficiàries d’ajudes públiques de patir una situació d’exclusió social crònica.

L’algoritme s’ha creat a partir de l’anàlisi anonimitzada de més de 16.000 casos i de 60 factors predictius. Mitjançant l’aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning) s’han determinat els deu factors principals de risc, i s’ha desenvolupat una aplicació en línia, accessible per als professionals de Serveis Socials des de qualsevol dispositiu, ordinador, tauleta o telèfon mòbil, que permet que aquests professionals coneguin amb precisió el risc d’exclusió social d’una persona, per facilitar-los així les decisions o actuacions professionals a prendre.

A més, en el marc del projecte PACT també s’ha creat i implementat un programari per a la gestió activa de casos, basat en l’anàlisi de riscos personals. Aquesta anàlisi permet identificar millor les necessitats de formació de cada persona atesa per facilitar la seva inserció socio-laboral.

Pact Project

Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

Artificial Inteligence for identification of social vulnerability

Publications Bank of innovations

Artificial Inteligence for identification of social vulnerability

City of Espoo

Foto: City of Espoo

Big Data Analysis through Artificial Intelligence (IA) of multiple demographic databases to identify which people in a municipality need social help. This is a successful experiment carried out in 2017 by the City of Espoo (Finland), which has analyzed the social, health, and educational data of the entire population of the municipality, around 520,000 people, between the years 2002 and 2016.

Population data has been analyzed grouped according to various family environments, rather than by traditional methods of individual analysis. The results have allowed to identify, for example, 280 predictive factors in the field of childhood vulnerability and to show that, although none of these individual factors is a risk, the simultaneous occurrence of several factors can be a risk.

This pioneering experience of the Espoo City Council has shown that the analysis of a large volume of data from different origins through Artificial Intelligence techniques can play a very important role in the future of Social Services.


Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

Les meves ajudes, an on-line tool to facilitate access to social assistance

Publications Bank of innovations

Les meves ajudes, an on-line tool to facilitate access to social assistance

Barcelona’s City Council

Foto: Ajuntament de Barcelona

A simulator called “Les meves ajudes”, allows on line consultation of the social aids a person is entitled to regardless of the Administration that manages them.

The simulator works anonymously and, based on the input, indicates which social aids may be requested, estimates the amount, and links to the procedures to be followed to request them.

Les meves ajudes

Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

B·MINCOME, looking for the best way out of poverty

Publications Bank of innovations

B·MINCOME, looking for the best way out of poverty

Barcelona City Council

Foto: Barcelona City Council

B·MINCOME is a pilot project for the establishment of a municipal inclusion salary in the city of Barcelona, which is testing with one thousand vulnerable families in the ten most deprived Barcelona neighborhoods, the efficacy and efficiency of combining a stable financial help with active social-employment policies.

B·MINCOME is a project pilot to fight against poverty and inequality based in the development of an integral policy which combines a public passive policy (a Municipal Inclusive Support, a financial help that supplements the income of the selected people and families) with four active social-employment policies: a combined education and employment plan; actions for the encouragement of the socio-collaborative economy; grants for the rehabilitation of homes which may allow room rentals; and a program for participation in community networks.


Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

MyGov Social, Big Data Analysis Applied to Social Services

Publications Bank of innovations

MyGov Social, Big Data Analysis Applied to Social Services

AOC and County Council of Vallès Oriental

MyGov Social

Personalized and Proactive Recommendation Service for Citizens with Social Needs

MyGov Social uses advanced analysis of personal data and the behavior of anonymous users with the same sociodemographic profile to offer citizens a personalized, proactive, and trustworthy relationship with the administration from an inter-administrative perspective.

Big Data and predictive tools are useful for analyzing data sources to proactively identify different situations and thus anticipate needs in the field of home care.

The service is offered with strict compliance with personal data regulations, always upon citizen request, with the goal of advancing citizen trust in the administration.


Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities

HIGEA Community, smart management of social and health organisations

Publications Bank of innovations

HIGEA Community, smart management of social and health organisations

AREP, Fundació Joia, FETB, Open TIC

Foto: Unsplash

Comprehensive cloud solution designed for the intelligent management of organizations with health, social and labor insertion intervention, which integrates the management of these three areas and exponentially improves the quality of care for the user through the SITT system (Sustainable, Integral and Transversal Technology).

While the current offer of software aimed at health and social management focuses on serving large corporations, this application is adapted to the management model of social, health and labor insertion organizations in the Third Sector through an econòmic investment sustainable.

The program has from the beginning the level of interoperability required by the Catalan Health Service (HC3) and the maximum security of the data. Sustainability comes from cloud data and secure access from anywhere (services, housing, etc.).

Community Higea

Banc d’innovacions

From Your Eyes

From your eyes, AI technological tools for visually impaired people

From Your Eyes promotes AI-based solutions to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people.

Reviu, a platform that promotes transparency in housing access

Reviu is an online platform for sharing and searching for apartment reviews, with the primary goal of providing transparent and real information about the real estate market.

I·ROC, a tool that evaluates the recovery process of mental health service users

I·ROC is a tool that measures the recovery process of people using mental health services

SmartSocks, socks that detect distress in people with dementia

SmartSocks that enable the detection of risk situations in people with dementia

Manawanui, Self-Directed Support for people with disabilities

Manawanui is a project aimed at enhancing the autonomy and freedom of choice for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic is an application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities