Simplon, bringing out the technological talent of vulnerable people

Publications Bank of innovations

Simplon, bringing out the technological talent of vulnerable people


Simplon is a French, social, solidarity-based, innovative organization company that works to transform the digital sector into a more inclusive sector by discovering people with hidden talent among vulnerable social groups,  and forming them professionally  so that they can find a qualified occupation in the sector.

Since its creation in 2013, Simplon has trained in digital technologies, free of charge, more than 5,600 people with this profile, mainly refugees, adolescents at risk of exclusion and long-term unemployed people. These people with technological talent which remained hidden or which they had never had the opportunity to develop, have learned to develop their skills and abilities in this field to be able to work in the sector: programming mobile applications and web pages, management of digital projects, entrepreneurship of innovative projects, or technology training.

New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone

Publications News

New project: We promote an App to innovate in the care of adolescents and young people migrated alone


On October 15 in Barcelona, the iSocial Foundation and other 8 other organizations have taken the kick-off meeting of the project “App for adolescents and young people migrated alone”. The project will develop and experience a package of digital tools, which will be accessible through an App for mobile phones, that may be useful in the future to about 4,000 adolescents and young people migrated alone who are in Catalonia and who receive a socio-educational support by the Catalan’s care and protection system, both under-guardianship, and over 18 years of age; both boys, and girls.

The objective of the project is to contribute to the innovation in the existing care model, in line with line 4 of the “Catalan Strategy for the welcome and inclusion of Children and Young people migrated alone”, in January of 2019. This Strategy aims to “create tools and conditions to welcome and include in society and empower children and young people migrated alone, from a community perspective”. And the project will contribute to this aim through the experimentation of a technological tools that facilitates the development of a non-contact socio-educational intervention model that complements the current model, considering that all adolescents and young migrants they have today an smartphone.

The growing arrival in Catalonia of these teenagers and young people in recent years has raised a challenge of enormous magnitude and extreme difficulty for the care and protection system, because the difficulties that they experience from their arrival to their full emancipation and inclusion are only partially attended and satisfied with current resources. That is why there is consensus among professionals and experts, that innovation in this area of social action is now urgent and necessary to find solutions to the limitations and difficulties of the existing model. The App and the digital tools that will include will be intended to become a new socio-educational resource of the care and protection system, in order to help solve the needs of reception, network support, empowerment, emancipation and inclusion in the society of these adolescents and young people.

In addition to the iSocial Foundation that leads the project, the other 8 organizations involved are the following:

  • University of Barcelona (UB) / School of Social Work
  • Open University of Catalonia (UOC) / Degree in Computing, Multimedia and Telecommunications
  • Idea Foundation
  • Punt of Referencia Association
  • Sant Pere Claver Group
  • Unió de Joves Extutelats de Catalunya
  • Save The Children Foundation
  • Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation

The project has the initial funding of the Fèlix Llobet Nicolau Foundation, and the support of the Secretariat of Children, Adolescents and Youth of the Catalan Government.


iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

We attended the Meeting at UPF with 14 other project partner organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece, Czech Republic and Spain. Welcome’s goal is to research and develop smart technologies to support the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.
The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

Alfonso L. Montero gave a brilliant opening conference on “Priorities today in innovation and transformation of Social Services in Europe”. The course began on February 5 and will end on December 16.
iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

Classes will begin on February 5. The course is addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of the 937 city councils members of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM). The course will be managed by the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona and the iSocial Foundation. It is a university program of 30 credits and 256 hours of classes.
A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

On November 19, Palau Macaya de Barcelona hosted the 3rd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services” of the iSocial Foundation, in which four experts discussed the opportunities and limits of introducing predictive systems and automation processes in the Social Services sector. The debate was led by the data science professor of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Conesa.
The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

On Tuesday, October 29th, at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona, the 2nd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”, organized by iSocial Foundation, has received 72 participants, mainly from city councils, academics and Third sector entities.
1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

Have participated the 60 professionals of the Social Action Service of the municipality. The course consists of 9 workshops, which until February will deal with how to apply Person-centered Care and the European model of Self-directed Support in primary attention of Social Services. A manual of intervention guidelines will also be developed.

Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system

Publications News

Experts ask for communication strategies to prestige the Social Services system


In a debate organized by the iSocial Foundation, the invited experts agreed on the importance of developing and promoting national and local communication strategies to explain and value Social Services, mainly primary care from the world local The lack of a clear identity, invisibility, or even a distorted and stigmatized image, are now a burden for responsible administrations and for professionals working in Social Services.

This was the main conclusion of the debate, held at the Pati Manning in Barcelona on October 10 with the title “Communicate better to change the image of Social Services.” Led by Víctor Puig, professor of communication at Pompeu Fabra University and expert in reputation management, the debate was attended by the Director General of Social Services of the Generalitat, Meritxell Benedí; the Basque expert in Social Services, Fernando Fantova; and the journalist responsible for social issues of the ARA Newspaper, Natàlia Vila. Among the public, there were mainly Social Services professionals from city councils and county councils.

The speakers spoke of the lack of definition of the Social Services system itself; of its lack of prestige, even inward doors, which causes professionals or some areas of the system to not feel it as their own; or a distorted social image that reduces it to charity or action against poverty. An image that is very far from the robust and universal system that it intends to be, designed to ensure that no one is left behind. The low economic value and the little social prestige of healing tasks, strongly feminized, are surely the origin of this collective imaginary. At the same time, communication deficiencies may also have to do with wanting to go unnoticed because an increase in demand is not sought.

The solution is to develop and implement communication plans for Social Services, both aimed at the professionals of the system, as well as to the general public, to explain what the system does and to provide prestige. The new Strategic Plan of Social Services of Catalonia is an opportunity to advance in this objective. The Social Services do very positive things and impels important advances (the example of the “social supercases” of Barcelona is put) that are not enough to know, the media do not speak to them, and society does not put them in value

This should allow social services to be seen by society as assets to preserve, at the same level as the health system or the educational system, and that it was so attractive for a political leader to photograph himself before a New Social Services equipment, as it is done in front of a new school or a magnetic resonance device of a hospital.

In the course of the event, some examples of communicative campaigns that were made in other places were shown to highlight the Social Services. Fernando Fantova provided three examples: a 2018 campaign of the Generalitat Valenciana; a video by Sara Buesa, Councilor of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz, explaining what Social Services are; and a spot for the dissemination of the Social Services of Bilbao. On the other hand, Swedish-Catalan social worker Astrid Linström, a contributor to iSocial, contributed some examples of Sweden, as a campaign to prestige among young people the professions linked to Social Services; or a video to explain to the schoolchildren what Social Services do.


iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

We attended the Meeting at UPF with 14 other project partner organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece, Czech Republic and Spain. Welcome’s goal is to research and develop smart technologies to support the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.
The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

Alfonso L. Montero gave a brilliant opening conference on “Priorities today in innovation and transformation of Social Services in Europe”. The course began on February 5 and will end on December 16.
iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

Classes will begin on February 5. The course is addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of the 937 city councils members of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM). The course will be managed by the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona and the iSocial Foundation. It is a university program of 30 credits and 256 hours of classes.
A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

On November 19, Palau Macaya de Barcelona hosted the 3rd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services” of the iSocial Foundation, in which four experts discussed the opportunities and limits of introducing predictive systems and automation processes in the Social Services sector. The debate was led by the data science professor of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Conesa.
The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

On Tuesday, October 29th, at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona, the 2nd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”, organized by iSocial Foundation, has received 72 participants, mainly from city councils, academics and Third sector entities.
1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

Have participated the 60 professionals of the Social Action Service of the municipality. The course consists of 9 workshops, which until February will deal with how to apply Person-centered Care and the European model of Self-directed Support in primary attention of Social Services. A manual of intervention guidelines will also be developed.

Debate “Communicate better to change the image of social services”

Campus Conferences and public events

Debate “Communicate better to change the image of social services”

Dialogue with Fernando Fantova, Mertixell Benedí and Natàlia Vila, moderated by Víctor Puig.

While the budgets dedicated to Social Services have not stopped growing in recent years, this investment effort is not always perceived and valued by society, the strengths of its work are scarcely known to the public and, even, Ancient stereotypes and visions survive that have little to do with what Social Services are today.

Other sectors of our society have managed to reverse similar situations. Innovation in Social Services is also to change the way of explaining and communicating to make its potential visible as an agent that contributes in a decisive way to social cohesion and the quality of life of people.

Open debate with:

  • Meritxell Benedí, General Director of Social Services of the Catalan Government
  • Natàlia Vila, especialist in social welfare issues at ARA newsletter
  • Fernando Fantova, basque expert in Social Services

Present and moderate: Víctor Puig, UPF communication professor, reputation management expert, director of Zinkdo Digital.

Supported by

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies
Diputació de Barcelona
Diari ARA

We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees

Publications News

We start the international project of a voice assistant for immigrants and refugees


In partnership with the Pompeu Fabra University, which is leading the project, the Secretary of Immigration of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the technology company Everis in Catalonia, and with 10 other organizations and companies from Galicia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece and the Czech Republic, the iSocial Foundation we have started an European Horizon2020 project aimed at developing a multilingual personal assistant who will help immigrants and refugees through the smartphone, at the time of arrival in Catalonia and during their adaptation process towards inclusion in our country. The project, which is called Welcome, has been selected by the Horizon program of the European Commission, will last for three years and it has a budget of four million euros.

The personal assistant that will develop Welcome will be experimented and implemented in the 5 participating countries and will be a voice system that will have language versions in the languages of the Mediterranean area and the Middle East where the main migratory flows now affects these five countries, in addition to Catalan and other European languages. The smartphone assistant should serve the immigrants and refugees to improve the knowledge of Catalan society and the processes of labor insertion, based on information appropriate to the profile of each person, and is expected to also respond to the most frequent demands of immigrants and refugees on many other issues. At the same time, the anonymised data that is collected will be used so that the administrations can develop policies more in accordance with the profiles of the people who finish arriving. Within the project, the main task of the iSocial Foundation will be to make the taste and experimentation of prototypes and the final technological instrument with immigrants and refugees from different origins.

Welcome is an example of the type of innovation projects that we promote from the iSocial Foundation, for its objectives, for its international dimension, and because it is the result of the collaboration of diverse agents, beyond the social sector: universities, technology companies, public administrations, etc.

Currently, and in parallel to Welcome, from the iSocial Foundation we are promoting other innovation projects for the social action sector of Catalonia, in collaboration with universities, administrations, social entities and diverse companies, in fields such as the improvement of local Social Services, the attention to adolescents and young people migrating alone, elderly people in a situation of unwanted loneliness, homeless people, young people with mental disorders, or people with intellectual disabilities.

You will soon have more information about the Welcome project in the project web portal and we will inform you about the developments and the progress of the project.


iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

We attended the Meeting at UPF with 14 other project partner organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece, Czech Republic and Spain. Welcome’s goal is to research and develop smart technologies to support the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.
The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

Alfonso L. Montero gave a brilliant opening conference on “Priorities today in innovation and transformation of Social Services in Europe”. The course began on February 5 and will end on December 16.
iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

Classes will begin on February 5. The course is addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of the 937 city councils members of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM). The course will be managed by the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona and the iSocial Foundation. It is a university program of 30 credits and 256 hours of classes.
A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

On November 19, Palau Macaya de Barcelona hosted the 3rd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services” of the iSocial Foundation, in which four experts discussed the opportunities and limits of introducing predictive systems and automation processes in the Social Services sector. The debate was led by the data science professor of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Conesa.
The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

On Tuesday, October 29th, at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona, the 2nd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”, organized by iSocial Foundation, has received 72 participants, mainly from city councils, academics and Third sector entities.
1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

Have participated the 60 professionals of the Social Action Service of the municipality. The course consists of 9 workshops, which until February will deal with how to apply Person-centered Care and the European model of Self-directed Support in primary attention of Social Services. A manual of intervention guidelines will also be developed.

Cycle of reflection “Big Data and Social Services”

Campus Conferences and public events

Cycle of reflection “Big Data and Social Services”

Cycle of reflection composed of 2 conferences, 2 debates and 3 work seminars, with national and international experts.

The evolution of the structure of risks and social vulnerabilities of the territories, as a consequence of demographic changes, population aging, migratory flows or transformations in the labor and housing markets, generates frequent decompensations in the scope of Social Services intervention, and often people with social care needs are not identified as a population at risk or do not receive adequate social care due to reactive, unplanned and fragmented intervention.

Big Data technology today allows analyzing data from multiple sources with predictive models to look for patterns that are too complex to detect them manually, and identify current and future situations of social vulnerability with total reliability.

Exploring the possibilities offered by the Big Data is now unavoidable for the Social Services sector to have knowledge for planning and decision-making; to advance in efficiency and efficiency; develop more proactive and preventative strategies; And promote the personalization of services.

Activities performed:

  • Inaugural conference: “How Big Data is helping us to improve the response to citizen’s needs ” (Activity carried out on September 25th., 2019. See a summary of the conference here.)
  • Debate: “How can we improve Social Services today through the Big Data” (Activity carried out on October 29, 2019. See a summary of the debate here)
  • Debate: “Predictive models and automation in Social Services. Opportunities and critical factors“(Activity carried out on November 19, 2019. See a summary of the debate here)
  • 3 Working seminars: “How to use predictive models in local Social Services” (Activities carried out on November 14 and December 17, 2019, and March 10, 2020)
  • Closing conference and final document presentation: “Limits and opportunities for the contribution of Big Data to the improvement of social services” (Activity carried out on March 10, 2020)
  • Final Document of the cycle and an article in spanish of F. Fantova with the contents of this conference.

Supported by

Obra Social la Caixa
TIC Salut Social
Projecte Seleccionat Convocatòria Palau Macaya

An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”

Publications News

An excellent conference by Rebecca Richmond (UK) opens the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”


On Wednesday September 25, the iSocial Foundation opened the “Big Data and Social Services” reflection cycle, with a lecture by Rebecca Richmond, managing director of International Research and Insights at The Advisory Board Company (London), in the auditorium Palau Macaya in Barcelona. This company played a leading role in American healthcare reform, “Obamacare”, and became the international reference consultant for the improvement of the efficiency of socio-health systems, the financing of social services, and the coordination and integration of services based on a more scientific knowledge of the needs of the population.

In this inaugural conference, Mrs. Richmond answered the question of why with Big Data can we respond better to the needs of the citizens?. According to Richmond, in the first place because the Big Data allows us to know social needs that are not covered by the current welfare systems and to segment their social risk. But this implies, at the same time, overcoming the deficiencies of current systems to respond to these needs, due to compartmentalized attention between social, health and educational systems, and the inadequate use of existing data to better understand these needs. Richmond has proposed moving from the use of data to describe situations to the analysis of data to generate comprehensive valuable services based on evidence.

Richmond has remarked that the goal of introducing the Big Data in Social Services must be to allow citizens to participate in the improvement of their life project, placing them at the center of planning and management of services , making them involved in the decision making in the use of their data, and by graduating the services based on the segmentation in order to achieve self-management of the person.

Using Big Data, according to Richmond, allows to know aspects that are not clear or evident in the social care process that may be essential for the citizen. In this sense, she has put the example of the PAM scale, which in some places of the USA allows social and health professionals to know the degree of activation of the patients or users of the services and, therefore, to understand at what point they should start the conversation with him / her. She also explained the cases of the Voluntary Action Rotherham Funds of the United Kingdom and the Black Dog Institute of Australia, which use the Big Data and measurement and participation instruments to help professionals to diagnose.

Faced with the difficulties and barriers to using Big Data in Social Services, Richmond has put the example of the Montefiore Health System in New York, which is a worldwide referent in integrated care and use of the Big Data, which stated based on their firm belief and without waiting to receive any government commission. Although at the same time Montefiore achieved much more efficiency and resource savings, Rebecca Richmond remarked that it is a mistake to think that integrated attention and the development of more integrated and intelligent systems will ultimately lead to a saving of resources, although it will lead to rebalancing the cost between systems and flattening the curve of future growth of spending.

Finally, Rebecca Richmond recommended that the development of knowledge linked to the Big Data be used not so much to know the segment of high risk population that is already attended by Social Services, but that we focus efforts on the population segment (between 60% and 65% according to her) that is in a situation of “rising risk” and, within this, to the people (between 15% and 18%) that every year migrate to the group of higher risk, to try to reduce this percentage thanks to a more effective preventive and proactive work.

The cycle “Big Data and Social Services” will continue on October 29, with the debate How can we improve social services today thanks to Big Data, which will be carried out by Meritxell Benedí, Director General of Social Services, of the Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families, of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and Tomas Lehtinen, expert in Data Analytics of the public sector of Finland, among others. On November 19 will be the turn of the Dissertation on Predictive Models and automation in Social Services, opportunities and critical factors, with experts such as Albert Isern, CEO of Momentum Analytics and Josué Sallent, director of the TIC Social Health Foundation.

Also, on January 31, 2020, the workshop How to develop and use predictive models in local social services, where representatives of basic areas of social services will analyze the previous learning of some administrations in order to develop predictive models and apply -they in municipal and county social services. The cycle will close on March 10 with the presentation of a final document of conclusions and recommendations that will collect the contributions of the activities from the beginning of the cycle, and the conference: Limits and opportunities of the Big Data to improve social services, by the expert consultant in social services of the Basque Country Fernando Fantova.

This series of the iSocial Foundation has been organized with the support of Obra Social La Caixa, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the TIC Social Health Foundation.


iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

We attended the Meeting at UPF with 14 other project partner organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece, Czech Republic and Spain. Welcome’s goal is to research and develop smart technologies to support the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.
The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

Alfonso L. Montero gave a brilliant opening conference on “Priorities today in innovation and transformation of Social Services in Europe”. The course began on February 5 and will end on December 16.
iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

Classes will begin on February 5. The course is addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of the 937 city councils members of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM). The course will be managed by the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona and the iSocial Foundation. It is a university program of 30 credits and 256 hours of classes.
A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

On November 19, Palau Macaya de Barcelona hosted the 3rd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services” of the iSocial Foundation, in which four experts discussed the opportunities and limits of introducing predictive systems and automation processes in the Social Services sector. The debate was led by the data science professor of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Conesa.
The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

On Tuesday, October 29th, at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona, the 2nd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”, organized by iSocial Foundation, has received 72 participants, mainly from city councils, academics and Third sector entities.
1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

Have participated the 60 professionals of the Social Action Service of the municipality. The course consists of 9 workshops, which until February will deal with how to apply Person-centered Care and the European model of Self-directed Support in primary attention of Social Services. A manual of intervention guidelines will also be developed.

The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation

Publications News

The new Strategic Plan for Social Services wants to promote research and innovation


The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Catalan Government, Chakir el Homrani, presented the base document for the Strategic Social Services 2020-2024 Plan, which aims to become a key instrument for reorganizing and updating the Catalan social services system and adapting it to sociodemographic, economic and technological changes. The Plan seeks to cohesion, streamline and universalize the system, which is more effective and that guarantees personalized attention and family and community interaction. To achieve this, the Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families promotes a participatory process to incorporate contributions of social agents involved in the base document.

The Plan must become the road map of social care for the period 2020-2024 and must respond to the current challenges. He wants to achieve a universal offer and direct social services to the general public, and at the same time articulate and organize to overcome current fragmentation and deploy an information, innovation, knowledge and research system.

In this area of ​​research and innovation, these will be their priority lines of action:

  • Promotion of strategic alliances for the promotion and coordination of research, knowledge and innovation in social services with universities, research centers, third sector, industry, professional colleges and other agents.
  • Promotion of collaboration networks to increase the capacity to carry out shared research and innovation projects.
  • Agreement with the universities for the incorporation of competitions in research and innovation in the training curricula.
  • Definition of the bases and publication of a public call for research in social services oriented to the priorities set by the PESS.
  • Launching in conjunction with the social initiative of projects of technological and social innovation.
  • Preparation of a map of technological solutions that improve the response to needs, access to the population and results.
  • Start-up of innovative public procurement experiences.
  • Creation of a system for collecting, recognizing, managing and disseminating knowledge and best practices based on the evidence of social services.
  • Implementation of an observatory for innovation and good practices in social services.


iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

We attended the Meeting at UPF with 14 other project partner organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece, Czech Republic and Spain. Welcome’s goal is to research and develop smart technologies to support the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.
The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

Alfonso L. Montero gave a brilliant opening conference on “Priorities today in innovation and transformation of Social Services in Europe”. The course began on February 5 and will end on December 16.
iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

Classes will begin on February 5. The course is addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of the 937 city councils members of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM). The course will be managed by the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona and the iSocial Foundation. It is a university program of 30 credits and 256 hours of classes.
A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

A new debate explores the opportunities and limits of predictive systems and automation in Social Services

On November 19, Palau Macaya de Barcelona hosted the 3rd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services” of the iSocial Foundation, in which four experts discussed the opportunities and limits of introducing predictive systems and automation processes in the Social Services sector. The debate was led by the data science professor of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Conesa.
The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

The 2nd debate on Big Data analyzes benefits for Social Services: prevention, personalization, planning and efficiency

On Tuesday, October 29th, at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona, the 2nd debate of the cycle “Big Data and Social Services”, organized by iSocial Foundation, has received 72 participants, mainly from city councils, academics and Third sector entities.
1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

1st session in El Prat of “New trends in intervention in the Basic Social Services”

Have participated the 60 professionals of the Social Action Service of the municipality. The course consists of 9 workshops, which until February will deal with how to apply Person-centered Care and the European model of Self-directed Support in primary attention of Social Services. A manual of intervention guidelines will also be developed.

Artificial Inteligence for identification of social vulnerability

Publications Bank of innovations

Artificial Inteligence for identification of social vulnerability

City of Espoo

Foto: City of Espoo

Big Data Analysis through Artificial Intelligence (IA) of multiple demographic databases to identify which people in a municipality need social help. This is a successful experiment carried out in 2017 by the City of Espoo (Finland), which has analyzed the social, health, and educational data of the entire population of the municipality, around 520,000 people, between the years 2002 and 2016.

Population data has been analyzed grouped according to various family environments, rather than by traditional methods of individual analysis. The results have allowed to identify, for example, 280 predictive factors in the field of childhood vulnerability and to show that, although none of these individual factors is a risk, the simultaneous occurrence of several factors can be a risk.

This pioneering experience of the Espoo City Council has shown that the analysis of a large volume of data from different origins through Artificial Intelligence techniques can play a very important role in the future of Social Services.


The Opportunity Atlas, Big Data analysis to optimize the social support system

Publications Bank of innovations

The Opportunity Atlas, Big Data analysis to optimize the social support system

Seattle Housing Authority

Foto: Seattle Housing Authority

A tool for the analysis of anonymized census data in order to optimize the system of public subsidies to the vulnerable population based on the detailed knowledge of the characteristics and social differences between disadvantaged neighborhoods.

The tool has allowed detecting in several US big cities that nearby neighborhoods with very low incomes offer many different opportunities to leave poverty to the children who live there. Seattle Housing Authority has pioneered the analysis of the “Opportunity Atlas” data and concluded that, unlike other American cities, the differences between neighborhoods that offer high social mobility and those that do not, are invisible to the naked eye and only by means of this data analysis it is possible to identify them.

Among other results, the city of Seattle has discovered that most of the subsidies were allocated to neighborhoods with low social mobility and this has led to a rethinking of the social assistance system to promote the residence of vulnerable families in the neighborhoods with a higher social mobility rate.

Seattle Housing Authority