iSocial and nine other institutions promote BALL, the first Living Lab focused on ageing

Publications News

iSocial and nine other institutions promote BALL, the first Living Lab focused on ageing

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The Barcelona Aging coLLaboratory (BALL) aims to create innovative solutions, involving end-users, to improve the quality of life and health and social care of older people. The first project of the BALL, presented today in the Pere Virgili Sanitari Park, is a humanized robot that will help patients who cannot feed themselves, offering them a solution adapted to their needs.

Barcelona, September 26th, 2022.- Aging with the highest quality of life and the best health and social care. This is the main objective of the Barcelona Aging coLLaboratory (BALL), the first Living Lab focused on providing innovative solutions for the elderly that are launched in Catalonia and that has been driven by a wide representation of the estates of civil society.

Today there has been a presentation to the media, in the Pere Virgili Sanitari Park, of the physical headquarters of the DANCE and of its first project: a humanized robot that will help those who cannot feed themselves. This robot is co-creating with end-users, who are instrumental in knowing what they need and thus being able to offer them a solution that fits their characteristics.

In addition to providing patients with a custom tool and greater autonomy, the robot will allow to automate one of the most complex tasks of hospital and residential care logistics, thereby reducing the overload of healthcare personnel, optimising the time and quality of service.

The DANCE, a platform of innovation around aging

The ageing of the Catalan population continues to grow at an accelerated rate and it is estimated that by 2050 one in three people will be over 65. Likewise, according to data from the Institute of Statistics of Catalonia, if the current care model does not change, the dependency rate of the elderly will also increase, from 28.9 % in 2021 to 44.3 % in 2040.

The Living Lab has been driven by ten renowned entities that represent the main areas of Catalan society: Health (Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili and Vall d’Hebron Research Institute), robotics (Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics), university (Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), social (Fundación iSocial), private company (Group Efebé, Qida and UniversalDoctor) and associations of the elderly (Fatec – Federation of Associations of the Great People of Catalonia).

This project operates under the innovation model known as the quadruple helix, where different entities and members of a community (city, business, knowledge centers and administration) join together to build together solutions that are capable of promoting the socio-economic growth of the territory.

“The DANCE is a space or methodology of co-creation involving older people, from the outset, in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of products and services intended to promote their autonomy, integrate them into the community and reduce dependencies and chronicities”, explained by Dr. Marco Inzitari, director of Integrated Atention and Research of the Sanitari Park Pere Virgili and professor of the UOC.

Dr. Inzitari, who is one of the project’s ideologists and promoters, states that “at a time when life expectancy is increasing more and more, but not quality, the ultimate goal of the Living Lab is to put people in the centre and to take control of their health and their life”.

A robot that improves the relational autonomy of patients during meals

The first robot prototype to be presented today has been adapted to software and hardware level to assist people with difficulties in feeding themselves. Designed by professionals from the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Computer Science and the Pere and Virgili Sanitari Park, it has involved all the institutions signed by the Living Lab collaboration agreement. In February, participatory sessions were held with professionals and patients from the Pere Virgili Sanitari Park, where they set out the needs to which they believed the robot should respond to make it more human. His contributions served to build this prototype.

Soon, patients in the Sanitari Park with different difficulties preventing them from eating autonomously will participate in the first pilot test of this humanized robot prototype that is done in a real environment, the hospital, which is where the robot will initially apply.

In this test phase, a group of professionals will conduct interviews with patients to check their degree of satisfaction, as well as closely observe nonverbal reactions during the test. Your responses will be very much taken into account in the final development of the project. Now, the robot is very simple, but in the future, among other functions, it will be able to recognize the patient’s facial gestures and even verbally interact with them.

According to its creators, the robot must contribute to improving the relational autonomy of patients during meals, providing greater choice (in rhythm, type and amount of food), a better image of oneself (increasing self-confidence during eating time), and a larger margin in the dialogic sphere (favoring forms of negotiation about how and what is eaten). Another advantage that the use of the robot will have is that care professionals will be able to obtain much more data concerning the patient’s current nutritional state, which will allow health care to be more personalised, adapting it to each person’s needs and characteristics.

It should also be borne in mind that the administration of meals generates a high-pressure environment because of the burden of dependency on older people, and even more so at such a sensitive time as a result of the increase in the number of people in hospital with a higher degree of dependency and the shortage of professionals in the centres. Our goal with the robot is to be able to dispense more careful and personalized treatment to patients, and reduce the stress of health personnel,” said director of Integrated care and Research at the Pere Virgili Sanitari Park. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the project’s goal is for the robot to be a support rather than a substitute for care personnel, so the robot will never be left alone with the patient.

Josep Carné, president of the Federation of Associations of the Great People of Catalonia, a non-profit entity, made up of volunteers and grouping the associations of the elderly of our country, explains that “although the idea of a robot that feeds the elderly initially pushed us back, we cannot turn our backs on technological advances and more, if they are intended to be a help”. Also, Carné considers that the fact that users play a key role in defining the characteristics that the robot must have is very positive.

The physical seat of the DANCE: a House of Thought

Living Lab is located in the same area of the Pere Virgili Sanitari Park and is where several participatory dynamics will be performed. Thus, from brainstorming meetings with all ageing-related actors (patient, professionals, research institutions, public administration, private companies, etc.) challenges will be identified in this area. Sessions will also be held to find innovative solutions to these participatory challenges and dynamics in order to develop them with the end



22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

For four days they visited innovative services and projects in the fields of disability, youth care, access to housing, mental health and community work.
We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

It has been dedicated to technological innovation in social services, and we have introduced our Nidus app for the homeless people.
An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

25 human resources managers from 14 member organisations and 12 municipalities are looking for solutions to the difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating professionals in the social services sector.
First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

DigitaliSSB is led by iSocial, in partnership with the URV, the Grífols Foundation and 19 local councils and county councils.
We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

DISS Alt Pirineu-Aran will implement the Basque Tecnoadineko system developed by iSocial member Agintzari in the 6 counties of the Pyrenees.
INTRESS, new member of iSocial

INTRESS, new member of iSocial

It is a social entity with 2,000 professionals and services in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. It has become the 15th member of iSocial.

The Access Hub, a multi-institutional support center for homeless people

Publications Bank of innovations

The Access Hub, a multi-institutional support center for homeless people

Simon Community

An innovative multi-institutional counseling and support center for homeless people. It is a space designed to ensure that users feel that their well-being is a priority and to make it easier for them to obtain the accompaniment and support they need.

The key to the center is the participation of more than 20 organizations, all of which offer their services under one roof. This removes many bureaucratic barriers that often hinder access to critical services. In addition, the organizations’ partners are in contact and work more efficiently, offering solutions with multiple viewpoints, even in the most difficult circumstances. Users can access more than 40 supports provided by a wide range of experts, from financial and legal support, to digital, health or wellness advice.

Just walking into the building, the user meets a person instead of a reception desk. The goal is to offer a space of connection and tranquility, giving a welcoming and comfortable feeling to ensure a safe and comfortable place. To achieve this feeling, the space has high quality furniture and finishes. Colors are chosen in a way that is not over the top, but with originality and awareness.

The center hopes to break the mold of the usual service delivery by offering a space that is easily accessible, modern and adapted to the needs of the users.

Banc d’innovacions

Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

Konekta2, intelligent sensorization of homes for the elderly

Publications Bank of innovations

Konekta2, intelligent sensorization of homes for the elderly

Fuenlabrada City Council

A virtual assistant for the elderly that is able to detect changes in movements and routines at home to alert in the event of an incident.

The program is aimed at elderly people with cognitive impairment who live alone. It is a pilot project for which 30 people have been selected, with the intention of being extended to other users once the pilot phase is completed.

Through sensors placed on doors, household appliances or corridors, changes in these can be detected. First, an analysis of each person’s routines is carried out to detect anomalies and check the elderly person’s condition. By this way, if a door is opened at dawn, or the front door is not opened all day (indicating that the person has not left the house), it can be detected and the people nearby can be alerted (every time there is a change, a message is sent to the next contact person). The tool has a voice-controlled virtual assistant, a sensor for opening the front door and the refrigerator, and motion sensors that can be placed in different areas of the house.

The assistant also alerts the emergency services in the event of an accident, since it works as a complement to the help button or tele-alarm that users have at home. In addition, users can call for help using only their voice.

The pilot project makes it possible to anticipate cases of risk, avoiding emergency situations thanks to preventive work. It is a tool that helps the elderly to spend more of their lives at home safely.

Banc d’innovacions

Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

Presentation in Barcelona of the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

Campus Conferences and public events

Presentation in Barcelona of the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials

On the occasion of the presentation of the 1st Report on innovation trends in social services, prepared by the iSocial Foundation, the 22nd Novembre 2022 we held a a public event in which, in addition to presenting the report, the 2 we had interventions of recognized experts, the vision of companies that stand out for their innovative capacity and the participation of the Secretary of Social Affairs and Families of the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya, that will close the event.

Program of the event held:

18h00 – Welcome:

  • Ms. Montse Cervera, president of the iSocial Foundation.

18h10 – Presentation of the report “Technological innovation and social services”:

  • Mr. Toni Codina, director of the iSocial Foundation

18h30 – How to build smarter social services organizations today:

  • Mr. Miquel Estapé, Director of Strategy and Innovation of the Open Administration of Catalonia (AOC)

18h50 – Learning from the bold:

  • Mr. Albert Giralt, General Manager of Avinent company
  • Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, Responsable Social Care Area of NTT Data

19h30 – Conclusion:

  • Mr. Lluís Torrens, Secretary of Social Affairs and Families of the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Organised by:

With the support of:

In collaboration with:

Professionals of Ampans, Maresme Found., Joia Found., ATRA Group and Support-Girona participate in an exchange in Ireland

Publications News

Professionals of Ampans, Maresme Found., Joia Found., ATRA Group and Support-Girona participate in an exchange in Ireland

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In the week from 4 to 8 October, professionals from 5 iSocial member entities took part in a meeting in Dublin, Ireland, with other European bodies specialising in the care of youth mental health, within the framework of the StepForME project, an Erasmus+ project that began ten months ago and is led by the iSocial Foundation.

StepForME aims to exchange best practices in the use of new technologies in the field of mental health for young people. It aims to learn ways to bring about a more community-based approach to the care of young people with mental and emotional health problems, to find out the role new technologies can play, and to provide training and methodological tools to the professionals that attend them.

For five days the participants of the Joia Foundation, Atra Group, Support Girona, Maresme Foundation and Ampans Foundation were able to share good practices and knowledge with other professionals from ChanceB (Austria), Tenenet (Slovakia), and Aunua (Ireland). In addition to meeting some other Irish entities working in the field of mental health of young people. The meeting was also attended by a researcher from the UAB’s CERSIN- Center for Studies and Research for an inclusive society, who is also part of the project consortium supporting the creation of formative content and managing project research.

Beyond the formal meeting times, the participating professionals were able to enjoy activities related to the mental health and disability world in Ireland, such as attendance at the “No Magic Pill” play, a plea for the right to independent life by actors and actresses with a physical disability; or the presentation of the Jigsaw organization, a pioneer in mental health in Ireland; as well as cultural activities and visits.




22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

For four days they visited innovative services and projects in the fields of disability, youth care, access to housing, mental health and community work.
We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

It has been dedicated to technological innovation in social services, and we have introduced our Nidus app for the homeless people.
An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

25 human resources managers from 14 member organisations and 12 municipalities are looking for solutions to the difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating professionals in the social services sector.
First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

DigitaliSSB is led by iSocial, in partnership with the URV, the Grífols Foundation and 19 local councils and county councils.
We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

DISS Alt Pirineu-Aran will implement the Basque Tecnoadineko system developed by iSocial member Agintzari in the 6 counties of the Pyrenees.
INTRESS, new member of iSocial

INTRESS, new member of iSocial

It is a social entity with 2,000 professionals and services in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. It has become the 15th member of iSocial.

Artificial Intelligence to manage municipal home care better

Publications Bank of innovations

Artificial Intelligence to manage municipal home care better

Helsingborg City Council

Artificial Intelligence tool that enables more preventive, proactive and efficient management of municipal home care services.

The algorithm uses the data history of each citizen and an assessment of their functional status by social services professionals according to the ICF index (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health). From patterns it identifies people at high risk of having extensive future needs, determines the potential for improvement with appropriate interventions, identifies which individuals and efforts are most likely to provide lasting improvement, and triggers concrete preventive measures to stop or delay the need for home care services.

At the same time, it is a support tool for municipal social professionals, as it helps them to better measure the efforts invested for each situation, to direct key resources where they can be most useful, to reduce time spent on unnecessary administrative tasks, or to reduce stress caused by the risk of making incorrect or too late decisions regarding the intervention or response needed by each person.

Banc d’innovacions

Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

Virtea, virtual reality to reduce stress for people with ASD

Publications Bank of innovations

Virtea, virtual reality to reduce stress for people with ASD


Virtual reality application that allows the recreation of different scenarios that are part of a specific activity to approach the situations in which people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will find themselves.

Virtea is focused on preparing children with ASD for stressful situations through the recreation of scenarios, which are part of the training that children will have to face different events. Everyday situations such as visiting a doctor, getting a haircut or waiting for the bus can generate a lot of nerves and anxiety. For this reason, virtual reality makes the journey from the waiting room to the doctor’s office, or to the hairdresser’s chair: Virtea makes it possible to work under conditions that in the future will be natural in a completely controlled context.

The recreation has been supervised by specialists, working as realistically as possible, and every detail is recreated, including the sunlight from the window. The recreation tries to be as warm as possible through the lighting, both interior and exterior, to lower the stress levels of the user.

The benefits of this tool are threefold: anticipation, stress reduction and improved quality of life. Firstly, anticipation helps to improve the attitude towards new situations that are out of the usual routine. In these moments of fear or discomfort, Virtea helps to reduce stress and this improves the quality of life of people with ASD and their families. The previous work allows to control anxious situations.

Banc d’innovacions

Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.

52 professionals from the Àuria Group and 5 ABSS from Girona in the course “From ACP to Self-directed Support”.

Publications News

52 professionals from the Àuria Group and 5 ABSS from Girona in the course “From ACP to Self-directed Support”.

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A total of 25 Social Services professionals from the Vegueria of Girona have been following a new edition of the training course “From Person-Centred Care to Self-directed Support” of the iSocial Foundation since 23rd September. The participants are social workers and social educators from the professional teams of the county councils of Alt Empordà, Garrotxa, Gironès and Baix Empordà.

The course consists of 8 workshops taught virtually, and is part of the training catalogue of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM). During this year 2022, 212 professionals from 27 Basic Areas of the vegueries of Central Catalonia, Terres de l’Ebre, Alt Pirineu-Aran, Ponent and Penedès have already taken the course.

In addition, this September, 27 professionals from the Àuria Group, an important group of social economy entities from Igualada that support people with intellectual disabilities, special difficulties, risk of exclusion or vulnerability, have also taken the course. They design specialised training programmes, itineraries for incorporation into the labour market, day care services, therapeutic occupation, residential care, home care services, leisure services and volunteering.

The course “From Person-Centred Care to Self-Directed Support” aims to raise awareness of the European model of Self-directed Support, which seeks to guarantee and preserve an approach of supporting and accompanying people who turn to basic Social Services in their decision making, so that they have the possibility at all times to make effective choice and control over how the action or support plan is organised to achieve the results agreed with the professionals, based on their wishes and their rights.

In recent years, the approach of person-centred professional interventions, known as PCA, has been consolidated in Social Services. But today we know that it is not so much a question of putting the person at the centre and having professionals make decisions with their interests and wishes in mind, but rather of offering them the support they need to be able to make their own decisions. And this is what the European model of Self-directed Support seeks to guarantee.



22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

For four days they visited innovative services and projects in the fields of disability, youth care, access to housing, mental health and community work.
We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

It has been dedicated to technological innovation in social services, and we have introduced our Nidus app for the homeless people.
An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

25 human resources managers from 14 member organisations and 12 municipalities are looking for solutions to the difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating professionals in the social services sector.
First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

DigitaliSSB is led by iSocial, in partnership with the URV, the Grífols Foundation and 19 local councils and county councils.
We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

DISS Alt Pirineu-Aran will implement the Basque Tecnoadineko system developed by iSocial member Agintzari in the 6 counties of the Pyrenees.
INTRESS, new member of iSocial

INTRESS, new member of iSocial

It is a social entity with 2,000 professionals and services in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. It has become the 15th member of iSocial.

The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

Publications News

The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

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This September, the Alba Group approved its membership of the iSocial Foundation as a partner-collaborating organisation. With this new incorporation, there are now fourteen third-sector organisations that are members of iSocial, and it is the first time that a social organisation from the Lleida region has joined.

The Alba Group is currently made up of six entities: the Alba Association, the Qualia Leisure Cooperative, the Alba Jussà Cooperative, the Alba Futur Foundation, the Alba Sports Club and the company Alba Inserció. Its origins date back to 1975 in the city of Tàrrega, where it still has its headquarters today. The group’s social services currently benefit 3,891 people, mainly in the regions of Urgell, La Segarra and Pallars Jussà. It has 585 professionals, 79 of whom are people with disabilities, 495 members and 341 volunteers. The group’s services are very diversified, with programmes and activities in the areas of education, day care, mental health, employment, training, guidance, educational leisure and housing.



22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

22 professionals from iSocial organisations participate in the 1st InnoTrip in the Netherlands

For four days they visited innovative services and projects in the fields of disability, youth care, access to housing, mental health and community work.
We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

We participated in the 31st European Social Services Congress in Malmö (Sweden).

It has been dedicated to technological innovation in social services, and we have introduced our Nidus app for the homeless people.
An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

An InnoLab looks at the transformation of professional roles in the social sector

25 human resources managers from 14 member organisations and 12 municipalities are looking for solutions to the difficulties in recruiting, retaining and motivating professionals in the social services sector.
First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

First steps of the project for the digitisation of the Basic Social Services in Catalonia

DigitaliSSB is led by iSocial, in partnership with the URV, the Grífols Foundation and 19 local councils and county councils.
We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

We are starting a new project to combat unwanted loneliness in the Catalan Pyrenees.

DISS Alt Pirineu-Aran will implement the Basque Tecnoadineko system developed by iSocial member Agintzari in the 6 counties of the Pyrenees.
INTRESS, new member of iSocial

INTRESS, new member of iSocial

It is a social entity with 2,000 professionals and services in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. It has become the 15th member of iSocial.

Soy Cappaz, support for the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Soy Cappaz, support for the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities

Fundació Mapfre i Fundació GMP

Mobile application that promotes the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities in their daily life and work environments. The tool increases the freedom and security of the person with a disability, and the peace of mind of their professional or family members, thanks to better coordination between the user and the support staff, who can follow the activity of the person with a disability with alerts and in real time.

Soy Cappaz has 4 main functionalities: calendar, where I am, my work and I need help. The first one, calendar, allows remembering important appointments and is synchronised with Google Calendar, so that it can be updated by a support person from any device. Secondly, the where I am function is useful for commuting and keeps support people informed of delays or detours. My Jobs has personalised videos on specific tasks (such as how to use the printer at work or how to put the washing machine on) and can be activated by scanning sticker barcodes. Finally, the I need help button allows you to communicate directly with support people in case of an emergency.

It is an easy-to-use tool adapted to the needs of the target group, including tutorials on how to use it. The aim is to reduce the employment gap suffered by people with intellectual disabilities through a practical and simple tool that facilitates their daily and working life.   

Banc d’innovacions

Audivers 360

Audivers 360º, immersive reality speech therapy for individuals with hearing impairment

Audivers 360º is a pioneering speech therapy project with immersive reality, aimed at children and adults with hearing loss.
Usuària utilitzant l'aplicació eRueca amb el mòbil

e-Rueca, a virtual support for citizens at risk of exclusion

e-Rueca is a virtual social center that provides information, guidance, and support to individuals in situations of social exclusion through a multi-channel online connection.
Projecte e-Fabrik - Joves col·laboren amb persones amb discapacitat per crear ajuts funcionals

E-Fabrik, innovative and solidarity solutions for people with disabilities

E-Fabrik is an innovative initiative that brings together young people and individuals with disabilities in a creative community with the aim of jointly conceiving solutions to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in their daily lives.
Imatge d'una habitant del projecte Llar Casa Bloc a l'entrada de l'edifici.

Llar Casa Bloc, Social Housing and Support for Empowering Individuals in Vulnerable Situations

“Llar casa bloc” is a social housing network project promoted by Hàbitat3, providing social support and technological resources to promote autonomy and empowerment among its residents.