IPS Methodology for the employment insertion of young people with mental disorders

Publications Bank of innovations

IPS Methodology for the employment insertion of young people with mental disorders

Fundació Joia

Metodologia IPS

Pioneering methodology for employment insertion specialized in intervention with the mental health collective

The IPS methodology considers both training and job placement as part of the person’s recovery process from the very beginning. The traditional approach introduced this aspect at the end of clinical intervention with the youth. The new system prevents chronicity, facilitates recovery, and increases work motivation.

Weekly face-to-face contact between clinical professionals and job placement professionals allows for the creation of a climate of trust. In this way, workers from different fields work towards the same goal for the youth.

Fundació Joia IPS Methodology

Èpica i Singular, a new employment experience for at-risk youth

Publications Bank of innovations

Èpica i Singular, a new employment experience for at-risk youth

La Fura dels Baus, City Council of Badalona, FLC

Èpica i Singular

Program for accompanying young people seeking employment through scenic creation

The Épica y Singular initiative is aimed at individuals aged 18 to 29 enrolled in the Youth Guarantee Program. The program provides young people with professional skills and competencies through the creation of a scenic and artistic project, led by the theater company La Fura dels Baus and other professionals.

In this way, in a more attractive and different manner, they can acquire knowledge of audiovisual and construction techniques related to the show (vertical work, assembly of structures and scaffolding, etc.). Through this program, young people can obtain professional certificates and licenses.

The project also includes guidance and counseling in job search and agreements with companies for internships and hiring. Practical training is paid at €300. Additionally, it offers a range of resources to facilitate the launch of entrepreneurial projects and self-employment in various sectors.