AFTS, An algorithm for risk of children neglect or abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

AFTS, An algorithm for risk of children neglect or abuse

Department of Human Services (DHS) Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

Photo: DHS Allegheny County

A Big Data System that provides social services professionals with an objective assessment of the situations of risk of child helplessness and helps them in the detection of cases and in the decision process of activation of the protocols for social intervention.

The Allegheny Family Screening Tool (AFST) is a tool based on specially designed algorithms that analyzes a large number of data from different sources of information. When social services receive information about a possible situation of helplessness or mistreatment, the algorithm calculates the risk index of the case by analyzing more than a hundred parameters such as criminal history, drug use, mental illness or History of child abuse of parents, guardians or people who live in the child’s home

The algorithm provides great accuracy in case detection and as a recent article in the New York Times concluded, “the Allegheny experience suggests that its screening tool is less bad at weighing biases than human screeners have been”.

Allegheny County

Kolumba, accessible email for people with disability

Publications Bank of innovations

Kolumba, accessible email for people with disability

Fundación Prodis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, KU Leuven, Ariadna SL


Accessible email with basic functions that make it easy to use

Simplified email interface that operates on Gmail accounts and contains only four basic functions: new messages, inbox, sent messages, and contacts.

It also uses three basic functionalities that facilitate its use: SIMPLEXT, which simplifies complex texts and makes them easily understandable; TEXT2PICTO, which transforms texts into pictograms; and TEXT2SPEECH, which reads the text aloud. The interface is available in Spanish and English.

Fundación Prodis

La Mosqueta, web page with multimedia activities for children with disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

La Mosqueta, web page with multimedia activities for children with disabilities

El Maresme Foundation, L’Arboç School

Foto: La Mosqueta

Learning web page for children 0-4 years with motor, sensory, cognitive and emotional disabilities or with serious behavioral, social or cultural disorders. The web page offers a broad catalog of multimedia activities aimed at developing the motor skills, cognitive and communicative skills of children. Children can access four types of learning activities: cause-effect, basic skills, stories and painting.

The differentiating feature of the web page is the form of access to the activities which allows that people with serious motor or relationship problems are able use all of them.

Children access the computer by Scanning, a simplified form of access to the computer or tablet using two unique buttons, one that is used to do the search and the other to perform the action. These buttons can be the two mouse clicks, the space and enter keys on the keyboard, or switches that emulate them.

La Mosqueta

Vincles BCN, service to strengthen social ties of the lonesome elderly

Publications Bank of innovations

Vincles BCN, service to strengthen social ties of the lonesome elderly

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Foto: Ajuntament de Barcelona

In Barcelona, more than 300.000 people aged 65 or older live alone, of which 100.000 are over 80. Vincles BCN is a social innovation project that wants to strengthen the social relationships of older people who feel lonely and improve their well-being through new technologies.

The project has the following main objectives:

  1. Reduce the feeling of loneliness of the elderly,
  2. Maintain and strengthen existing social relationships,
  3. Expand the social relationships of people and create new spaces for the relationship,
  4. Use of IT (Information Technologies) as a communication tool to relate to their environment their environment.

The service uses an app installed on a tablet as a communication tool, which will serve to put people in contact and strengthen their relationships, while creating new ones. Online communication is promoted through the app, while face-to-face meetings are organized. The app allows the user to communicate with his/her family and friends, and with the people who form app-specific user groups.

Vincles BCN

Self Sufficiency Matrix, matrix for evaluation independent-living capability

Publications Bank of innovations

Self Sufficiency Matrix, matrix for evaluation independent-living capability

Amsterdam Town Hall

Computer application that allows measuring a person’s ability to be self-sufficient, that is, to carry out daily activities independently

Until now, the assessment of an individual’s self-sufficiency was subjective, as it depended on the evaluator’s opinion. The Self Sufficiency Matrix (SSM) is based on eleven parameters that affect the effectiveness, productivity, and quality of life of the person. Income, housing, social network, and mental health are some examples. The tool allows the evaluator to obtain a relatively simple and comprehensive view of a complex concept.

The SSM captures “a snapshot” of a person’s specific moment. For this reason, generally, information older than 30 days is discarded. Additionally, the person’s background or future predictions about their state are not included. The program is divided into five levels of self-sufficiency, from less to more.

ELDCARE, prevention of loneliness and the social and health risks associated with aging

Publications Bank of innovations

ELDCARE, prevention of loneliness and the social and health risks associated with aging

ABD Associació Benestar Desenvolupament


Personalized reminder tool for people living alone who need support to improve their independence

Eldcare is a personalized reminder tool equipped with a screen and a speaker, developed for people living alone in their homes and need support to improve their autonomy. It is a smart device developed and enhanced by ABD, an innovative technological tool to prevent unwanted loneliness and the social and health risks associated with aging.

The device offers personalized daily reminders in audiovisual format, with the aim of improving safety, preventing accidents at home, reducing the feeling of loneliness in the elderly and improving digital literacy. Without Wi-Fi, Eldcare launches short videos recorded by professionals and / or people close to the user, such as: “remember you have an appointment with your doctor today at 10 a.m.” or “remember to turn off heating before going to bed ”or“ remember to drink water and use the walker’s help at home ”, or the steps to follow to use your smartphone and make a video call.

This tool is not invasive or intrusive with the privacy of people and is very intuitive to use, respecting the preferences and needs of older people, because they always agree with them the type of message and the time when videos are playing. Also, it doesn’t play a random robot voice, but the image and voice of someone they know and trust.

Therefore, it is a person-centered care solution, based and developed on the verbal needs of the person, following the path to e-health and integrating new avenues of collaboration between social and health services. , preventing risky situations that could have a major social and economic impact in the field of health and social services.

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, in which the digital divide has become even more visible, the use of Eldcare has been rethought, bringing it to the homes of people with a very low level of digital literacy in order to accompany them in the learning process about using their smartphone from a distance.

ADB Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament

App&Town Compagnon, people with disability can travel independently on public transport

Publications Bank of innovations

App&Town Compagnon, people with disability can travel independently on public transport

AMPANS and Mass Factory

Foto: Unsplash

The technological company Mass Factory in collaboration with the Foundation AMPANS and the Foundation Saint Pere Claver has developed App&Town Compagnon, a transport-assisted system for people with intellectual disability, mental illness, or memory dysfunctions, that allows them to safely use public transportation, with precise guidance provided by a mobile app, and continuous monitoring by means of a Web App in the cloud. App&Town Compagnon conforms to the Smart City Concept, improvement citizens’ quality of life through use of technology.

App&Town Compagnon is a customized transport assisted system which is adaptable to the abilities of each user. The system includes: route-planning, guidance, and remote monitoring. App&Town Compagnon is a tool that improves social inclusion, mobility, and self-esteem of its users.

In 2018 Apps&Town Compagnon won the Technology Innovation Red Cross Humanitarian Award.


MyGov Social, Big Data Analysis Applied to Social Services

Publications Bank of innovations

MyGov Social, Big Data Analysis Applied to Social Services

AOC and County Council of Vallès Oriental

MyGov Social

Personalized and Proactive Recommendation Service for Citizens with Social Needs

MyGov Social uses advanced analysis of personal data and the behavior of anonymous users with the same sociodemographic profile to offer citizens a personalized, proactive, and trustworthy relationship with the administration from an inter-administrative perspective.

Big Data and predictive tools are useful for analyzing data sources to proactively identify different situations and thus anticipate needs in the field of home care.

The service is offered with strict compliance with personal data regulations, always upon citizen request, with the goal of advancing citizen trust in the administration.


SmartNav4, mouse for using the computer with complete autonomy

Publications Bank of innovations

SmartNav4, mouse for using the computer with complete autonomy


SmartNav 4

Mouse that allows autonomous navigation for people with ALS

SmartNav4 is the fourth generation of a mouse that facilitates computer use for people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and other conditions that reduce mobility.

With the integrated Dwell Clicking software and a free on-screen keyboard created by Lake Software, SmartNav4 works using a small sticker made of reflective material that can be placed anywhere on the face and a sensor located above the screen. By moving the head, the computer pointer can be controlled without the need to use hands. To click, simply stop on a specific target for a configurable amount of time.

This way, the movement required to operate the mouse is minimal compared to other accessories that place a heavy load on different parts of the body, such as the wrist. People with ALS can thus write emails, respond to WhatsApp messages, and perform any action on the computer completely autonomously.

HIGEA Community, smart management of social and health organisations

Publications Bank of innovations

HIGEA Community, smart management of social and health organisations

AREP, Fundació Joia, FETB, Open TIC

Foto: Unsplash

Comprehensive cloud solution designed for the intelligent management of organizations with health, social and labor insertion intervention, which integrates the management of these three areas and exponentially improves the quality of care for the user through the SITT system (Sustainable, Integral and Transversal Technology).

While the current offer of software aimed at health and social management focuses on serving large corporations, this application is adapted to the management model of social, health and labor insertion organizations in the Third Sector through an econòmic investment sustainable.

The program has from the beginning the level of interoperability required by the Catalan Health Service (HC3) and the maximum security of the data. Sustainability comes from cloud data and secure access from anywhere (services, housing, etc.).

Community Higea