WELCOME is a project for the development of intelligent tecnologies for supportint the reception and the integration of migrants and refugees.


Project for the development of a multilingual personal assistant that responds to the needs for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees from countries in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and at the same time assist the Public Authorities and NGOs specialized in decision-making and the management of reception policies.

WELCOME aims to offer personalized intelligent services in the languages of origin of these people in different European territories that have very intense migratory flows, one of which is Catalonia.

To alleviate the existing difficulties in the reception and integration of immigrants and refugees from countries in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, effective technologies are needed to provide personalized, psychologically and socially competent support. The general objective of WELCOME is to develop intelligent personalized services that act as personal assistants, interacting with users in a real-world or augmented environment, depending on the configuration, as well as to exchange information and negotiate the best strategy of assistance for the integration itinerary that each individual person needs, and for each decision that must be taken by the authorities and specialized entities of the recipient countries.

WELCOME will facilitate the communication with immigrants through agents of conversation and automatic translation, and will provide the public administrations with a platform for the implementation of inclusion policies in different dimensions of the reception and integration process: acquisition and delivery of information, support to decision, language and professional training and social inclusion.


Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Generalitat de Catalunya Secretaria d'Igualtat, Migracions i Ciutadania
Fundació iSocial
Sheffield Hallam University
Brno University of Technology
Information Technologies Institute
Caritas Hamm
Mind Refuge

Supported by

Horizon 2020


Flapp! is a project aimed to develop a remote support system for adolescents and youngsters with emancipation and inclusion needs


It is a remote digital support service for adolescents and young people 16 to 23 years old who are or have been in guardianship by public child protection systems, many of whom are or have been unaccompanied migrant minors. FLAPP! is accessible from smartphones and computers, offering to the adolescents and youngsters a kit of digital tools that facilitate their process of transition to adulthood, emancipation and inclusion in society.

At the same time FLAPP! facilitates the work of social workers, Public Authorities and NGO that give them support and accompaniment.

Taking into account that practically all adolescents and vulnerable youngsters between 16 and 23 that are attended by the childcare and protection systems or by other socio-educational organizations have a smartphone, FLAPP! takes advantage of the potential that digital technology offers today to innovate in the services and socio-educational resources made available to this group, providing a digital platform that contains a set of tools adapted to their reality and that of our society, which allow to offer solutions some of the difficulties experienced by these adolescents and young people in the various stages they go through, whether they have arrived from other countries or not, whether they are o have been un guardianship, or with other vulnerable profiles.

The FLAPP! digital toolkit has been codesigned in a participatory way with more than 120 adolescents and youngsters from different origins and situations, with educators and social workers from the public care and protection system, and with academic experts in the socio-educational, technological, ethical and legal aspects. Once the tools were developed, five in total, they have been experimented, evaluated and improved with the participation of these same adolescents and youngsters, with the accompaniment of educators and with the follow-up of external evaluators.

FLAPP! is in the process of being used by un increasing number of NGO and public services in Spain.

Lead by

Fundació iSocial


Fundació Idea
Sant Pere Claver
Universitat de Barcelona
Fundació R3silis
Punt de Referència

In collaboration with

Alba Jussà

Supported by

Obra Social la Caixa

The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.

Publications News

The book we recommend for this Saint George’s Day.


“Pensamiento creativo y acción social innovadora”, by Sílvia Navarro, is the book that has just come out and that we recommend for this Saint George Day. You can buy it now on the CCS publisher’s website with a 5% discount and they will also send it free of charge at home or at work. To get a first tasting, you can download the index and the introduction in our iSocial library.

The sociologist and social worker Sílvia Navarro, collaborator of the iSocial Foundation, analyzes in this ambitious 541-page book the need for the social action sector to rethink and innovate today, and at the same time offers us clues and tools practices how to do it. And also accompanied by magnificent illustrations by the cartoonist Laia Giné.

The book has been written based on the reflection and materials used by Silvia Navarro for years in her workshops and seminars on creativity and innovation in the field of social action. Navarro proposes to recover a critical, involved, creative, innovative, transformative social action, because many signals indicate that there are many challenges that no longer support waiting, that there is no alternative, because the alternatives are waiting to be created by us. According to her, “there are other avenues for social action, another way of understanding and doing it, of living it to fill it with life. We have not run out of paths, but we have to change them, we have to create them because the usual ones no longer lead us. “

Sílvia Navarro’s book is and will be a reference book for those who believe in the importance and need of innovation in the field of social action; an invitation to travel, to imagine, to dare, to try and to experiment, to let “things happen” in the social action sector.


The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

With this incorporation, the entities that make up the iSocial board are now eight: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Suport-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down, and now also the Resilis Foundation.
We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

Having reached 20,000 inhabitants, it must take on this new responsibility, which until now depended on the County Council.
A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The course is aimed at Social Services professionals from the 937 City Councils and County Councils that are members of the ACM (Catalan Association of Municipalities). It has resumed this September after an interruption of several months due to the Covid19 pandemic.
GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

The GrausTIC Association and the iSocial Foundation award this prize every year as part of the “ICT Day of Catalonia”.
Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

In the workshops, citizens answer a questionnaire to find out the impact of Covid19 on local Social Services. All 105 Basic Areas of Social Services in Catalonia, municipal and regional, participate in the study.
The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

With this incorporation, there are now seven social entities that make up the iSocial board: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Support-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, and now also the FCSD.

iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19

Publications News

iSocial agrees to a Declaration and a work plan in response to COVID-19


The Board of the iSocial Foundation, gathered on-line, have put together on April 14 the reflections of their members regarding the current crisis of COVID-19. The result of this first reflection has resulted in the adoption of a Declaration and a work plan in response to the pandemic and its consequences.

The adopted Declaration emphasizes the impact that current measures of confinement and the subsequent crisis situation will have on the most vulnerable citizens, due to the significant tensions that our economies will have to face, and the resources available for Social Policies and Services. And he recalls the need to foster, more than ever, the transformations in the sector that have been repeatedly diagnosed.

The founders, partners and collaborators of iSocial are experiencing, from the beginning of the pandemic, the difficulties of managing the collapse and the enormous shortcomings of the Social Services system in areas such as the residential, home care, guardianship, childhood protection, mental health or drugs. The crisis of COVID-19 has shown the low robustness of the system, its invisibility, planning deficits or the failure of social and health coordination.

iSocial is still working these days, despite its confinement, to carry out projects and activities that drive changes that are already essential to our Social Services system. Both keeping the projects that were already underway and pushing for new ones.


The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

With this incorporation, the entities that make up the iSocial board are now eight: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Suport-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down, and now also the Resilis Foundation.
We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

Having reached 20,000 inhabitants, it must take on this new responsibility, which until now depended on the County Council.
A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The course is aimed at Social Services professionals from the 937 City Councils and County Councils that are members of the ACM (Catalan Association of Municipalities). It has resumed this September after an interruption of several months due to the Covid19 pandemic.
GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

The GrausTIC Association and the iSocial Foundation award this prize every year as part of the “ICT Day of Catalonia”.
Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

In the workshops, citizens answer a questionnaire to find out the impact of Covid19 on local Social Services. All 105 Basic Areas of Social Services in Catalonia, municipal and regional, participate in the study.
The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

With this incorporation, there are now seven social entities that make up the iSocial board: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Support-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, and now also the FCSD.

Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize

Publications News

Fantova defends that Social Services need data intelligence to be able to universalize


On Tuesday March 10, 2020 the closing conference of the reflection cycle “Big data and Social Services” took place, organized by the iSocial Foundation, by Fernando Fantova, doctor in sociology expert in Social Services and former Deputy Minister of the Basque Government.

With a full capacity for many days before, the nearly 200 people gathered in the auditorium of the Palau Macaya in Barcelona had the opportunity to follow Mr. Fantova around the challenge that Big Data and artificial intelligence pose for the Social Services sector today. The conference was presented and moderated by Montse Cervera, president of the iSocial Foundation, who introduced the topic after a welcome by Mr. Josep Ollé, director of the Palau Macaya; Toni Codina, director of the iSocial Foundation; Marta Aymerich, vice-rector of the UOC; and Yolanda Lupiáñez, director of digital transformation at the TIC Salut Social Foundation.

With the title “Social services facing the intelligence of large amounts of data (big data)”, Fantova offered his vision, always sharp and clairvoyant, on the impact that this technological innovation can have on social welfare systems. First, according to Fantova, it will help to show that the activity of allocating resources to people with subsistence needs, which data analysis can make more objective and even automate, does not have to continue to be managed from Social Services. And on the other, it will allow Social Services to focus on the other activity that is more proper to it: ensuring care and support for people to develop and complement their autonomy for decisions and activities of daily life in family and community relationships. And not only that, but in this area it will make the evaluations of the various disciplines involved more intelligent.

According to Fantova, these advances, which data intelligence can boost, are essential since otherwise the current model of Social Services is unscalable: it will not be possible to universalize, if it does not incorporate more technology, while at the same time promoting community networks.

Next, Fantova explored in more detail in what aspects Big data can provide promising impacts for the improvement of the Social Services system: the provision of evidence that facilitates and improves the work of professionals in identifying results, factors and interventions effective; a better positioning, communication and capillarity of the public network in the territory; the vertical integration of the various Social Services, to facilitate people’s itineraries; horizontal integration with other systems depending on people’s needs; and the generation of an ecosystem of knowledge and evidence on successful practices that can be scalable.

Fantova exemplified in public home care services what data intelligence can contribute in the near future: proactive segmentation and geolocation based on indicators of functional and relational fragility, and contextual factors of housing, urban, economic and services; flexibility, territorialization and self-management in services; diversification and integration of home interventions, in the open environment, in equipment, advanced telecare or others; initiatives to integrate social and health services in homes and the community in different situations and life cycle transitions; walk towards a continuum between home and non-home social services in a context of more diversity of housing alternatives; and synergies between community care and community action.

In short, according to Fantova, it is about using technology, as other sectors have done, so that it acts as a lever for the improvements that the Social Services system needs today: advance in the personalization of interventions, in economic efficiency, in organizational integration, in collaborative dynamics, in preventive impact, in social legitimation, in ethical quality, in democratic governance and in the political universalization of Social Services.

The reflection cycle “Big Data and Social Services” will close with a final summary document of the entire cycle, which the iSocial Foundation will send to the more than 400 people who have participated in the various activities organized between September 2019 and March 2020. At the moment, the presentation used by Fernando Fantova in his conference can be downloaded now.


The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

With this incorporation, the entities that make up the iSocial board are now eight: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Suport-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down, and now also the Resilis Foundation.
We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

Having reached 20,000 inhabitants, it must take on this new responsibility, which until now depended on the County Council.
A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The course is aimed at Social Services professionals from the 937 City Councils and County Councils that are members of the ACM (Catalan Association of Municipalities). It has resumed this September after an interruption of several months due to the Covid19 pandemic.
GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

The GrausTIC Association and the iSocial Foundation award this prize every year as part of the “ICT Day of Catalonia”.
Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

In the workshops, citizens answer a questionnaire to find out the impact of Covid19 on local Social Services. All 105 Basic Areas of Social Services in Catalonia, municipal and regional, participate in the study.
The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

With this incorporation, there are now seven social entities that make up the iSocial board: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Support-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, and now also the FCSD.

Ankommen, an app that guides refugees during their first weeks in Germany

Publications Bank of innovations

Ankommen, an app that guides refugees during their first weeks in Germany

Federal Migration and Refugee Office and Federal Employment Agency, Germany Goethe Institut and ARD-Alpha Bildungskhannel

Ankommen app

Ankommen (arriving) is an application for mobile phones that guides the refugees during their first weeks of arrival in Germany, offering them basic information about the country of reception, on the legislation of refuge and asylum, on programs of professional training and employability, etc.

It also offers online German classes. The APP has versions in Arabic, Farsi, German, English and French. It’s free, does not contain advertising, works for Android and iOS platforms, and can also be used offline.

The development of the application has been possible thanks to a close collaboration between the Federal Bureau of Migration and Refugees, the Goethe Institute, the Federal Employment Agency, and ARD-Bayerischer Rundfunk, a public broadcaster of radio and television.


iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project

Publications News

iSocial participes in the 1st working meeting of the Welcome H2020 European project


The UPF campus in Poblenou will host the first working session of the European project from 11 to 13 February. The iSocial Foundation is attending the meeting, along with 14 other project partner organizations from Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece and the Czech Republic. From Catalonia, the Immigration Secretariat of the Generalitat, the technology company Everis, and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), which are leading the project, are also partners. The coordinator is Dr. Leo Wanner, ICREA professor and researcher at UPF.

Welcome is a Horizon 2020 project with a budget of more than 4 million euros from the European Union and lasting three years (2020-2022).

The Welcome project aims to research and develop smart technologies to support the reception and integration of newcomers to Europe. It will offer personalized solutions of a psychological and social nature, satisfactory to both migrants and public administrations.

The app application that will be created in the project will help newcomers at the time of their arrival, but also during the adaptation and inclusion process, responding to their most frequent demands.

The application will be developed in contexts of registration, orientation, language teaching, civic education and social inclusion, all of which are adapted to the profile of the partners and through immersive and augmented reality virtual technologies. The results of the project will be validated in order to show their portability in different European contexts. Within the project, the main task of the iSocial Foundation will be to manage the taste and experimentation of prototypes and the final technological instrument in Catalonia with newcomers from different origins.

Welcome is an example of the type of innovation projects that we promote or participate in from the iSocial Foundation, both for the goals it pursues, for its international dimension, and because it is the result of the collaboration of diverse agents, more beyond the social sector: universities, technology companies, public administrations, etc.


The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

With this incorporation, the entities that make up the iSocial board are now eight: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Suport-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down, and now also the Resilis Foundation.
We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

Having reached 20,000 inhabitants, it must take on this new responsibility, which until now depended on the County Council.
A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The course is aimed at Social Services professionals from the 937 City Councils and County Councils that are members of the ACM (Catalan Association of Municipalities). It has resumed this September after an interruption of several months due to the Covid19 pandemic.
GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

The GrausTIC Association and the iSocial Foundation award this prize every year as part of the “ICT Day of Catalonia”.
Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

In the workshops, citizens answer a questionnaire to find out the impact of Covid19 on local Social Services. All 105 Basic Areas of Social Services in Catalonia, municipal and regional, participate in the study.
The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

With this incorporation, there are now seven social entities that make up the iSocial board: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Support-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, and now also the FCSD.

Misty II, a robot for improving the quality of life of the elderly living alone

Publications Bank of innovations

Misty II, a robot for improving the quality of life of the elderly living alone

Saltó Group, Barcelona City Council

Foto: Barcelona City Council

A robot that moves and interacts with the elderly and offers them support, assistance, and surveillance  by asking them questions about their daily habits (medication, cleaning, eating, etc.) or how do they feel. It can also track or search for users, and it may enable videoconferences with medical services or other services as needed.

The city of Barcelona is carrying out a pilot test with this robot of the Lleida-based company Saltó Group, in some twenty homes for the elderly, in order to study how far the robot can improve the quality of life and the well-being of people  with some kind of dependency, as well as of the caregivers through the assistance of this social robot. It will study, among other things, whether the robot helps to reduce the isolation of the elderly, whether it is used to monitor their health, or if it is useful to improve  patient-adherence to medication medication or attendance to medical visits.

The project also seeks fairness in the care of the elderly so that not only those with a family network or those with higher purchasing power are receiving the right care.

Group Salto
Ajuntament de Barcelona

The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

Publications News

The Chief Executive of European Social Network opens the Postgraduate course about local Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial


On February 5, we have inaugurated the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM), the University of Barcelona and the iSocial Foundation, addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of the 937 city councils associated with the ACM.

The opening lecture of the course was given by Alfonso Lara Montero, director of the European Social Network (ESN), the European network that groups public institutions across Europe that manage Social Services.

“The Priorities Today in Innovation and Transformation of Social Services in Europe” was the title of the conference by the director of the ESN, who gave a brilliant presentation on this subject, based on a thorough knowledge of the situation of Social Services in the various territories and countries of the European environment. Current innovation and transformation trends and priorities are, according to Alfonso L. Montero, in topics such as integrated care, service digitalization, evidence-based practice, predictive analytics, co-production, and participation. of the users, the recruitment and training of professionals, the provision, contracting and public-private collaboration, etc.

This edition of the postgraduate course will be taught every Wednesday, from February 5 to December 16, 2020. You can find more information here and on the ACM website.


The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

The Resilis Foundation becomes part of the iSocial board

With this incorporation, the entities that make up the iSocial board are now eight: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Suport-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down, and now also the Resilis Foundation.
We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

Having reached 20,000 inhabitants, it must take on this new responsibility, which until now depended on the County Council.
A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

A lecture by Dr. Carles Alsinet from the UdL inaugurates the 2nd part of the Postgraduate Course in Social Services of ACM-UB-iSocial

The course is aimed at Social Services professionals from the 937 City Councils and County Councils that are members of the ACM (Catalan Association of Municipalities). It has resumed this September after an interruption of several months due to the Covid19 pandemic.
GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

The GrausTIC Association and the iSocial Foundation award this prize every year as part of the “ICT Day of Catalonia”.
Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

Start of the INSESS-COVID19 workshops cycle with a pilot in Platja d’Aro

In the workshops, citizens answer a questionnaire to find out the impact of Covid19 on local Social Services. All 105 Basic Areas of Social Services in Catalonia, municipal and regional, participate in the study.
The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation joins the board of iSocial

With this incorporation, there are now seven social entities that make up the iSocial board: Ampans, Associació Benestar Desenvolupament-ABD, Support-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Grup ATRA, Fundació Joia, and now also the FCSD.

TripApp, an application to reduce the risks of drug abuse

Publications Bank of innovations

TripApp, an application to reduce the risks of drug abuse


A mobile application that can reduce risks and harms related to drug abuse.

It is based on delivering reliable and objective information and engaging the community. On one hand, the application collects information from a large European network of drug analysis laboratories and alerts real-time to users about the presence in the market of adulterated, contaminated or dangerous drug products. On the other hand, it also offers to the users who use simple colorimetric methods to determine the purity of the drugs, the possibility of directly uploading their they got to the application. This second feature is particularly useful in countries that do not have a network of analysis laboratories.

The app also offers a map for locating drug analysis services, sexual health services, drug use rooms, opioid substitution therapy programs, health and party projects, and exchange  programs for syringes and needles.

To ensure total security and privacy of users, the application does not store any personal data, neither location, nor image metadata.

The application has been developed for Android in 15 different languages. The iOS operating system is expected to be available soon.
